Before adjusting the output trimmers adjust RV1 on both sidechain boards according to the instructions here.
Variable Mutual Contuctance Compressor
"* Measure the voltage and then turn the trimmer RV1 on sidechain board counter clockwise until the voltage is approximately 0.1V greater than the original value. If the voltage originally measures 3.9V then turn the trimmer RV1 on sidechain board counter clockwise until it is 4.0V. Do this measurement and adjustment for both channels!"
If you used the coarse gain rotary turn the gain rotaries to position 7. Feed some signal to CH1 input, monitor the output and adjust RT1 until gain is unity. Then feed signal to CH2 and adjust RT2 until gain is at unity.
Threshold at fully clockwise position is OFF = MAX = or whatever marked on the front panel.