[quote author="NewYorkDave"]The power xfmr I'm planning to use can spare another 400mA or so on the heater winding, so maybe I'll give 6AL5 a try. After all, they're cheap and it means mooorre tooobs, maan... :wink:[/quote]
Gotta love mo' tooobs man.
Artifartifacts: Don't know your T.C. arrangement but how about a little series R after your S-S diodes? Doesn't have to be much and, in power supplies, I usually end up chucking in about 10R after a "Fred & Barney' bridge. Seems to slow them down - meaning 'shut them up' - enough to be on a par with valve rectifiers. TV dampers excluded.
Schottkys are pretty decent performers too but most are limited to 35V max I believe.