> how is that different from just plugging straight into a JCM800 (or Fender, or...)
Good question.
Another good question: "steel guitar" is NOT the same as piezo.
I don't think piezos have ANY musical purpose. Yes, I know a lot of folks use them and make music, but somehow I always think a wound magnetic pickup would sound better.
Yet a mbira does not seem to be simple to mag-pickup. It could be done same as a Rhodes, except your thumbs have to be where the coils go.
Wound mag-pickups are sensitive to capacitance. A long (capacitive) cable radically affects the high end. You can minimize this with a hi-Z input right AT the pickup (within a foot or three) with a short cable.
Steel Guitar has an added twist. A volume pedal is a standard playing tool. If you put this between pickup and big-amp, it weakens the weak signal and complicates the frequency response. If you tap it into an FX loop on a modern amp there are other issues. The SGBB presumably goes on/near the instrument, buffers the pickup, adds modest gain so that after volume-pedal you still have decent signal level for the main amp.
For all their other sins, Piezos don't mind capacitive loads. A mile of cable will drop response overall, but will not droop or bump the treble. The usual trouble is that resistive impedance loads choke the bass. Gus is correct that a condenser mike capsule amp is a good model, at least if you wanna drive mike-inputs or know how to adapt to Fender/Marshall inputs.
The dynamic range of guitar is not as high as percussion generally. The guitar's range from loud to LOUD can nicely fit a tube's range from "colored" to "fuZZZZ"; percussion's dynamic range may be too wide for easy player control of tube colorations. The mbira is of course not a stick-beaten instrument so I may be off-track.
A Steel Guitar is a large instrument, and a tube-box is a small accessory. Most mbiras are small, such that an onboard tube-box is just awkward. There is however the performance deze which might (like acoustic versus solid guitar) be adapted from a passive resonator to an electric interface/handle.
"Als je luistert naar een stukje mbira muziek zal je opmerken dat de vingers in een hels tempo over de lamellen bewegen en dat elk register een eigen melodie en ritme volgt."
I didn't realize "our" Scott Robinson had gone on to be a leading mbira (and other world percussion) scholar. 20 years back he was a fixture on campus.