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It's nice that Musk thinks of himself that way--it must be true then.

From my vantage point, Musk, an overly impulsive, egotistical, and very rich man, committed to something he shouldn't have. Faced with humiliation (which is probably the most significant issue for him) and the prospect of losing a billion dollars due to his rash decision-making, he seems to be choosing to go ahead with the deal.
I'm sure you understand what Musk is doing "from your vantage point." He was a hero of the left until he called out the recent idiocy after having his eyes opened to what's really happening. Funny how that works. He's far sharper than you can fathom and he earned his wealth. How many successful large tech companies have you started or run?

The man is no free speech advocate--just another rich, arrogant jackass. But rich, arrogant jackasses seem to be rather popular in certain circles these days.......
Like Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, Al Gore, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and nearly all of Hollywood? Those arrogant rich jackasses and "supporters of free speech?"
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I'm not a Republican. I'm anti-authoritarian and anti-leftist. Joe Biden has been corrupt for quite some time. He's also a pathological liar and was not mentally fit for office when he ran in 2020. The influence peddling via his brother and son were suppressed by the FBI. Own it. This is your administration as was, presumably, the Obama administration where this latest corruption began.
It’s astonishing how quickly, a grounded, level-headed lifetime centrist politician, relatively quietly working pretty-darn bipartisaly, becomes a crazy far-left, right-eating monster when he hits the national stage. It’s like the opposing party has a collective tactic. Hook. Line. Sinker. Amazing how that works.
Theres an American guy who relocated to the wilds of north county Cork(pure rebel territory) , he wrote a book about the malfeasances of Hoover , theres no way I could stomach reading it cover to cover without projectile vomiting, a quick random scan through was enough for me , 'The Nonce Master' might have been a more appropriate title . United Fruit were upto the same game off shore , ie control of closet homosexuals and paedophiles to advance the cause of 'Nation building' and before you jump up to bash me over the head for being anti American , same shit went on here ,state and anti state were in stale mate for decades because both sides were harbouring paedophiles in a catch 22 style Mexican stand off ,
The IRA ran brothels in London for years to catch out unwary high ranking members of the armed forces ,politicians and their big business men pals who had sexually deviant predelictions . Its about the most highly effective control methodology there is . Ive heard it said the IRA was only a front for the IRB ,with plausible deniabillity built in , I seriously thought when Gerry Adams admitted that his entire family were victims of his fathers sexual abuse we had reached a fork in the road ,but he was told by the party faithful to keep his cake hole shut .
House of Windsor same game , who needs enemies when you have friends like Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris ffs
The rot gets worse the higher you climb the ladder ,thats universal .
Which part of the laptop story was real? Seriously, there was so much BS around it, I can’t remember what part was real. The part that the FBI asked them to kill the Russia-origin laptop story? If so, that’s a far-cry from the theory for political narrative. Something else? I truly don’t remember. Is there an official Hunter investigation now? I can’t even remember that. I know the right say they will if they take majority, but that’s politics for you.
Do some research. Do you think Tony Bobulinski is a liar? That the evidence he provided to the FBI was all faked? Pretty amazing how it dovetails with evidence on Hunter's laptop. You're willfully blind.

Regardless, I wait for the Hunter’s indictment and his plea deal or trail before I care and decide if it all was not just political narrative BS; as so far, that’s what it’s been.
Again with the apathy and unwillingness to be an informed voter.

Why so concerned with only one side? They meet their match with FOX.
Warped perspective. Have you watched the Bobulinski interviews? The laptop repairman interview? Anything that hasn't been pregurgitated for you by talking heads?

All the same, just a different election cycle.
Not the same. Far worse. Are you happy with FBI interference in our elections? Big tech?
It’s astonishing how quickly, a grounded, level-headed lifetime centrist politician, relatively quietly working pretty-darn bipartisaly, becomes a crazy far-left, right-eating monster when he hits the national stage. It’s like the opposing party has a collective tactic. Hook. Line. Sinker. Amazing how that works.
That's the polished turd view you see on TV. Try harder to see beyond the smiling manufactured facade. His lying about his past accomplishments and activities goes back decades. His recent corrupt activities go back at least to the Obama administration. Since he's no longer mentally fit, he's just a figurehead for whomever is actually running "his" administration which is an abject failure.
It’s astonishing how quickly, a grounded, level-headed lifetime centrist politician, relatively quietly working pretty-darn bipartisaly, becomes a crazy far-left, right-eating monster when he hits the national stage. It’s like the opposing party has a collective tactic. Hook. Line. Sinker. Amazing how that works.
Remember, they're watching a different movie. :ROFLMAO:
Have you watched the Bobulinski interviews? The laptop repairman interview? Anything that hasn't been pregurgitated for you by talking heads?
Ah. All the empirical evidence right out in the open… So much so, law enforcement came-a-knockin’. Oh wait, they didn’t. You must know more than them. Oh wait, they’re all in on it. Ok. Now what?

On the other hand, a read of everything here says a lot more:
The most interesting part is the Forensic analysis section.
I'm a little sore but I don't appreciate being called a loser. Be nicer.
Loser in the sense that your side lost an election and still can't accept defeat. And yes, your side lost. Bigly.

Suppressing vote changing news is "cheating" not a fair election.'s only cheating when the other side does it. Let's see....Kissinger screwed up LBJ's negotiations to end the war in Vietnam to help Nixon win. Bush made sure hostages were held in Iran until after the election to help Reagan. McConnell threatened Obama if he went public with info on the Trump campaign's collusion with Russia. By comparison, the supposed "suppression" of the news of a laptop of dubious origins (which, after all, was reported on at the time) looks fairly minor--if it was even anything more than the typical jockeying that all campaigns do with the press.
Are we? Watching a
it's a metaphor for our different personal filters that we use to interpret our world around us. As evidenced by these discussions we can interpret events differently.


I find it interesting how some in media are melting down about losing control over twitter.

"For those of you asking: Yes, I do think this site can and will change pretty dramatically if Musk gets full control over it. No, there is no immediate replacement. If it gets done early enough, based on the people he's aligned with, yes, it could actually affect midterms," Ben Collins wrote..

It sounds like Ben Collins believes that managing twitter information flow is useful politically.

Loser in the sense that your side lost an election and still can't accept defeat. And yes, your side lost. Bigly.
I have accepted that ex-President Trump lost but not "bigly". It was a close enough vote that blocking unfavorable news about Hunter and Jim Biden's business dealings could have easily changed the outcome. The lessons to be learned here is that news flow should not be censored. It is already illegal to use government assets for political ends, I suspect the FBI will have to answer some questions.'s only cheating when the other side does it.
never said that
Let's see....Kissinger screwed up LBJ's negotiations to end the war in Vietnam to help Nixon win. Bush made sure hostages were held in Iran until after the election to help Reagan. McConnell threatened Obama if he went public with info on the Trump campaign's collusion with Russia.
By comparison, the supposed "suppression" of the news of a laptop of dubious origins (which, after all, was reported on at the time) looks fairly minor--if it was even anything more than the typical jockeying that all campaigns do with the press.
The laptop was not widely reported at the time... The NY Post was blocked from Twitter. Facebook blocked the laptop news because the FBI told them it could be russian disinformation.

We should never allow this to happen again.

Ah. All the empirical evidence right out in the open… So much so, law enforcement came-a-knockin’. Oh wait, they didn’t. You must know more than them. Oh wait, they’re all in on it. Ok. Now what?

On the other hand, a read of everything here says a lot more:
The most interesting part is the Forensic analysis section.
If a tree falls in the woods and social media doesn't report it, did it fall?

I read the wiki apologia and it doesn't hold water IMO. I can see how some would find it convincing.

This is curious how otherwise sensible people can hold such different views about the same set of events.

I guess that's life... if only we could tell them what to think with twitter. ;) (joking).

They’ll be a big investigation when the House goes R. Tons of noise. Like the Steel dossier. That suit almost got thrown out by a skeptical judge yesterday. Benghazi anyone? Nothing will come of it.
Ah. All the empirical evidence right out in the open… So much so, law enforcement came-a-knockin’. Oh wait, they didn’t. You must know more than them. Oh wait, they’re all in on it. Ok. Now what?

On the other hand, a read of everything here says a lot more:
The most interesting part is the Forensic analysis section.
Who wrote the Wikipedia article? Who made the hundreds of edits? Right. You don't know because Wikipedia allows anonymity. What makes you think that the article is accurate/correct given these "standards?" Put another way, isn't Wikipedia the kind of resource that propagandists would want to infiltrate to sway opinion on certain key topics at critical times? Just a glance at the recent edit history is troubling.
Please explain why it doesn’t hold water for you?
Maybe later, there is a lot.

Hunter and family have not denied that the lap top is his.

President Biden has been running the family business for decades and like fight club you don't talk about fight club. The Chinese strategy of "elite capture" is not to make direct gifts to the high ranking target, but to shower his family and close relatives with riches.

The wiki apologia is well written, but not convincing to those paying attention.

I don't watch the red meat fox opinion shows but tuned into the recent Bobulinski interview where he leveled new charges against Hunter (for defrauding him and his business partners). This is basically a he said-he said so not a smoking gun, while Bobulinski has full evidence for his claims, but nobody seems to care.

This is what passes for politics these days.

Clearly, a one-sided brain… Get the double-meaning? Nudge. Nudge.
Sure. Whatever. I used to only watch the movie you apparently watch. That was a mistake. Maybe one day you'll reach the same conclusion and update your firmware, too. But first you'll have to discard your apathetic attitude.

I’m just joking. I’m sorry. You just set it up too well. Ha!
I'm a grown man. Your bad jokes don't hurt me. Having weathered some real difficulty, the small stuff has no effect on my outlook.
Who wrote the Wikipedia article? Who made the hundreds of edits? Right. You don't know because Wikipedia allows anonymity. What makes you think that the article is accurate/correct given these "standards?" Put another way, isn't Wikipedia the kind of resource that propagandists would want to infiltrate to sway opinion on certain key topics at critical times? Just a glance at the recent edit history is troubling.
You are absolutely correct. I agree!

Your point is exactly my point. There has so been SO MUCH BS and bizarreness swirling in and around this story, from the beginning, from every which way, including people I would never trust! How can one tell which way is up or down other than through your own political leaning lens? You can’t! So, in cases like these, the best direction for truth is through the law. I wait patiently. The whole “law enforcement is in on it” or “people don’t seem to care” are key words that anyone can use at anytime as an excuse. And they do! It means absolutely nothing.
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