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Twitter, reddit and others were fine when populated with only geeks in the very beginning.
<sarcasm>Right. The elite "geeks" are all fine.</sarcasm>

Some of us are old enough to remember Usenet and newsgroups which service was only widely available on University campuses and research facilities (Bell Labs, Xerox PARC, etc.) in the 80s. The majority of newsgroups were completely unmoderated and, despite being utilized by those fine upstanding geeks, were no different in character than what you observe on modern services. Note that this predates AOL access to Usenet and the WWW in general. Ergo, the world didn't end because of unrestrained online free speech and geeks behave just as badly when communicating online.

Once the general population discovered them, it turned into the same landscape most of the classic media have become in the 20th century.
See above. This is not a new or dangerous phenomenon. What is new and dangerous is the attempt to control speech and push propaganda online in a very organized and concerted manner.

The only difference is your newspaper or TV don't talk back. You can swear as much as you like, it doesn't do anything.

Yet there are letters to the editor and such.
Yet there are letters to the editor and such.
coincidentally I wrote a letter to the editor of my local newspaper years ago defending the teaching of evolution in local schools. I got a phone call from one reader confused because his church told him evolution wasn't true. Like many of the discussions here it was pretty obvious we weren't headed toward consensus. I told him to disregard me. :rolleyes:

@crazydoc...I also gave up wasting time with Twitter, Facebook, etc. a long time ago. After all, the Brewery is "plenty noisy". <g>

However, from 3rd-party reports I've seen from friends who follow that crapola, it seems the "Twitterverse" or whatever it's called is already blaming Damar's collapse because he had his Covid shots.


I have a retired RN, retired nursing home admin aunt that says Mom's unexpected natural death last August was due to the 4 covid shots she received while in assisted living. I find that is rather astonishing coming from someone with a medical background, but has been out of medicine for some time. Aunt has not had the shots.
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Ive never signed up to myspace , bebo, facebook ,twitter or any other window licking sites ,
I could see well what they were upto here in Ireland all along ,
Douchebag politicians cosied up , passed laws in favour of opperations like FB , and used the lime
light to their own advantage .
its a blatant conflict of interest ,
look at how the Cambridge Analytica /Brexit/Borris scenario turned out ,
Look at the house of representatives in the US now , like a rudderless ship in a storm .
Why? because we've allowed ourselves be manipulated into a political stale mate /civil war scenario by the AI .

remember the original Terminator movie?

Kyle: There were these special defense computers. They got into everything and were expected to run everything. It became too smart and too intelligent. Suddenly it was under the impression that people were threats. They weren’t just talking about the people from the other side. They decided that it was time to destroy civilization.

Sarah: Did you end up watching the war?

Kyle: I didn’t see it. I was too young to see the war. I was living in ruins. I was starving and hiding from the H-K’s.

Sarah: What are H-K’s?

Kyle: They are hunter killers. They are patrol machines built in warehouses. They divided us up in camps so they could get rid of us. They allowed some of us to live to work. We had to work all day and night. They thought they were going to be finished forever until someone taught them to fight. The man trained us to get off the camps and smash the cyborgs into junk. He changed everything for us. He kept our civilization from being destroyed. The man who helped us was your son John.”
Some REAL trouble: Police asked for data, but misspelled the username in the case of a youth being groomed by a sexual predator. When they corrected their mistake, the youth had already been kidnapped.
The parents obviously want answers.

I'm curious how Musk will wriggle his way out of this case, since he fired most of the people in the abuse response department. And the media will probably be allover this case.
To make matters potentially a lot worse, redditors discovered Musk's alternate account, where he pretends to be a child:


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