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Sure. Whatever. I used to only watch the movie you apparently watch. That was a mistake. Maybe one day you'll reach the same conclusion and update your firmware, too. But first you'll have to discard your apathetic attitude.

Obviously, you’ve decided which box to put me in. Maybe, if you looked from another point of view, you wouldn’t have chosen that box. I don’t embrace either side and it seems you loath such an idea.
Back to musk, and his 'Everything App', I soooo want it to be a Rube Goldberg machine that makes stakeholders wish they let him back out of the deal.

Also fairly certain money makes one care less about what other people think, not more.
He's more intrested in knowing people get his flavor of irony and marvel at his risk-taking.
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Back to musk, and his 'Everything App', I soooo want it to be a Rube Goldberg machine that makes stakeholders wish they let him back out of the deal.
His everything app "X" is another one of his big ideas that seems like wishful thinking. Possible yes, but practical, perhaps not. Using twitter as platform to add new features too, is not crazy. "Everything" is a bit expansive for a definition, but an interesting way to start the conversation.

Stakeholders? I suspect stock holders are happy he agreed to paying the original deal price. Employees who threatened to quit are now looking to make adjustments to their future plans so less happy. I might consider finally going on twitter if it turns out well, but I suspect he will have many arrows in his back and detractors trying to jam the gears, so I can be patient. (I am not hungry for more social media contact, I get enough insults here).

Musk is pretty much the smartest guy in any room, but that doesn't mean he can execute every idea that he thinks up. The list of his big ideas that he is already delivering on is remarkable, he can't possibly have the free time do more projects, but I doubt that will stop him thinking up new stuff.

I can't read his mind but he doesn't appear to keep many secrets.

Bots don't just prop-up, or make the valuation of Twitter difficult. They also measure how resistant a platform is to corporate and state-sanctioned influence and control over our collective sensemaking, our Overton windows.
Musk likely found the rabbit hole (bird cages?) to be deeper and darker than expected. Yet he's taken the cost-effective path. Might it also be more heroic?
Given that he owes much of his success to his nature of 'going against the grain', having access to expensive knowledge/information, and his ability to think freely about the future (and not be steered by it), what are his options, now that 'information gatekeeping' is to be added to his list of responsibilities?
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You are absolutely correct. I agree!
On Wikipedia.
Your point is exactly my point.
There has so been SO MUCH BS and bizarreness swirling in and around this story, from the beginning, from every which way, including people I would never trust! How can one tell which way is up or down other than through your own political leaning lens? You can’t!
Maybe you can't. Doesn't mean I can't. Maybe you've never had a job where being able to evaluate large volumes of diverse information from various sources of variable quality and make sense of it was required. Or where being able to read people or make judgements about their judgement was required. I have. Don't project your limitations onto me.

So, in cases like these, the best direction for truth is through the law. I wait patiently. The whole “law enforcement is in on it” or “people don’t seem to care” are key words that anyone can use at anytime as an excuse. And they do! It means absolutely nothing.
Since when have the FBI or the CIA been trustworthy and honest? Have you really missed out on all the lies that have been exposed? How many more are there? Don't be a rube, man. In a typical trial run by a local judge, prosecuted by a typical DA (non-Soros type), tried by a jury, most of the time the law works. I've served on three such juries, the most recent a murder/attempted murder/criminal conspiracy case with additional firearms charges for two of the three defendants. Add in a hugely powerful and manipulative agency like the FBI and no, all bets are off, unfortunately.
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On Wikipedia.


Maybe you can't. Doesn't mean I can't. Maybe you've never had a job where being able to evaluate large volumes of diverse information from various sources of variable quality and make sense of it was required. Or where being able to read people or make judgements about their judgement was required. I have. Don't project your limitations onto me.
How pompous of you. Congratulations! By the way, you mistake my openness, balance, and awareness of my leanings to cloud judgment with incapability.
Since when have the FBI or the CIA been trustworthy and honest? Have you really missed out on all the lies that have been exposed? How many more are there? Don't be a rube, man. In a typical trial run by a local judge, prosecuted by a typical DA (non-Soros type), tried by a jury, most of the time the law works. I've served on three such juries, the most recent a murder/attempted murder/criminal conspiracy case with additional firearms charges for two of the three defendants. Add in a hugely powerful and manipulative agency like the FBI and no, all bets are off, unfortunately.
The lies we’re privy to were exposed many many many years after the fact. Are you somehow have more info than the rest of us or are you just interpreting the same BS as the rest of us? I’ll bet the later. By the way, even when the court system does not work, usually at least a trial helps us separate the truth from the BS.
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FBI told them it could be russian disinformation.
And what evidence do you have that it's not? Yes, some of the emails are genuine, but that's a classic kompromat play: mix in some real stuff to make the outlandish more believable.
What we do know is that Russia was a player in the 2016 & 2020 presidential elections--and we also know that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians in 2016. Knowing this, I think it's more than fair for the FBI to be suspicious of this laptop of dubious provenance. I think the media were more than justified in being suspicious of it as well.
Theres an old saying that goes back through the mists of time ,
'theres none so blind as those who refuse to see '
the two movies analogy is a load of horseshit ,
its a mix of internal bias and media spin in deference to local sensibilities that creates the illusion .

I came into this world under a lucky star , I was the first born grandson to both my moms family and the man she married later on and legally adopted me ,I had a chance to ask my grandparents on both sides a few of the more difficult questions my parents in their mid 20's didnt have a bollox notion in hell the answer to.
As the first of a new generation I was more or less sourounded by adults my entire early life ,
It was only the grannys and grandads ,who had come through the darker days during the formation of the state who held up to the bold wee Daíthi's crossquestioning

If you were working class in Ireland and were born to single mom or into a marriage that was on the rocks or where a spouse passed before their time you stood a fair chance of being thrown to the wolves within the state adoption system . I took the time in my life to raise a drink alongside the common foot soldier , found out a fuck load about how the system worked for people from the other side of the tracks ,and basically fed them into a human meat grinder .
I tell you this, I'm a lot wiser a man for not taking the devils 50 pieces, clawing my way up the ladder ,
only to look down my nose at all around me .

I see what happeneing , the power is trying to bait the underpriviledged into revolt through stock fund managed housing crisis's, the vulture fund lobby has crawled up the ass of the elected representatives and started pecking furiously , an enegry crisis where anyone in the game reaps massive margins , this fucking con job is going to fall apart spectacularly sooner or later , there waiting for an excuse to deploy the new technological Marshall law ,man against AI/thinktank/drone army /Judge Dread
Anyone fancy that for a game of soldiers ?
How pompous of you.
You assume much.

Congratulations! By the way, you mistake my openness, balance, and awareness of my leanings to cloud judgment with incapability.
How do you know what I mistake or not? I've seen little in the way of balance or awareness exhibited here. Doesn't really matter. One day you'll understand or not. It isn't up to me to open your mind.

The lies we’re privy to were exposed many many many years after the fact. Are you somehow have more info than the rest of us or are you just interpreting the same BS as the rest of us? I’ll bet the later. By the way, even when the court system does not work, usually at least a trial helps us separate the truth from the BS.
Some of the lying (Clapper in Congress about spying on Americans here at home) was revealed shortly after by Snowden. There have been quite a few others (Brennan, Comey) revealed in similar ways and in similar time frames. Hoover was able to hide his operations back when it was all paper, telephone, or in-person. It was much harder to suss out what he was doing in that era. You simply need to pay more attention and remain skeptical instead of naively trusting the power-grabbing jerks to somehow do what's right. Have you ever served on a Jury in a criminal case?
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Who's side are you on , the terminators or the people ?
the political illegiance thing is only a ruse, to keep us fighting amoungst ourselves , the real long game agenda keeps going no matter whos in power
I have to admit I like asspirational approach 0-60 in 2.5 seconds is suggesting on paper , whether he can pull it off in reality or not ,who knows ,
Do we as a species want to turn a corner with the internet and how it works or just allow ourselves get sucked dry by a milking machine ?
You assume much.

How do you know what I mistake or not?
Because you’re speaking of me. Stop the BS.
I've seen little in the way of balance or awareness exhibited here.
If I haven’t, you certainly haven’t, 10-fold.
Some of the lying (Clapper in Congress about spying on Americans here at home) were revealed shortly after by Snowden. There have been quite a few others (Brennan, Comey) revealed in similar ways and in similar time frames. Hoover was able to hide his operations back when it was all paper, telephone, or in-person. It was much harder to suss out what he was doing in that era. You simply need to pay more attention and remain skeptical instead of naively trusting the power-grabbing jerks to somehow do what's right.
Plenty of that is still left for interpretation. You continually fail to understand (it seems on purpose), that I AM skeptical. You seem to have all the answers and have your mind made up on everything. You seem to mirror Trump’s tactic of accusing people of exactly what you’re doing.
Have you ever served on a Jury in a criminal case?
Sorry, still have no interest in your dick size contest.
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By the way, I just right now saw on my local CBS News that Hunter has been investigated since 2019 (they just answered my simple, genuine question no one answered) and they’ve announced there’s enough for an indictment. Now we’re getting somewhere! It seems we may finally truly separate the truth from the endless BS! THIS is EXACTLY WHAT I’ve been talking about!
By the way, I just right now saw on my local CBS News that Hunter has been investigated since 2019 (they just answered my simple, genuine question no one answered) and they’ve announced there’s enough for an indictment. Now we’re getting somewhere! It seems we may finally truly separate the truth from the endless BS! THIS is EXACTLY WHAT I’ve been talking about!
That leak is from the Grand Jury investigation in DE investigating Hunter's failure to pay some taxes and making false statements on a handgun application. That grand jury was closed this summer. These are fairly minor beefs in the context of his total suspected activity. The US attorney in DE still has to approve such an indictment and they haven't yet AFAIK.

Leaks from a grand Jury to argue the case in the media are also illegal. A narrow indictment will not close the book on his activities. That grand Jury never called Bobulinski (one of his business partners) for testimony. A trial might reveal more information. Rumors are that he already rejected one plea deal settlement. A generous plea deal could keep this out of court and the news.

I am not as good at mind reading as many here, but this may signal a sentiment shift toward weaker support for President Biden. The expectation was that this would end with a quiet plea deal, not so quiet and not over yet.

[edit] There is an unwritten rule that DOJ should not file charges that could impact elections just before a vote, so I would not expect official action this close to the mid term. /edit]


PS: A comprehensive source of this "BS" is in the book "Red Handed" written by Peter Schweizer.
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Because you’re speaking of me. Stop the BS.
Self-awareness isn't a given.
If I haven’t, you certainly haven’t, 10-fold.
Plenty of that is still left for interpretation. You continually fail to understand (it seems on purpose), that I AM skeptical. You seem to have all the answers and have your mind made up on everything. You seem to mirror Trump’s tactic of accusing people of exactly what you’re doing.
I'm not doing anything but observing, reflecting, and evaluating information. My mind has changed on many things when convincing, rational arguments are presented or when new information is found to be true which negate a previously held belief. You haven't done either.

Sorry, still have no interest in your dick size contest.
Experience and reflection bring true understanding. That you won't answer a simple question indicates you have no real-world basis for blind trust in "the law" to sort out "the truth" about everything. That isn't how it works.
I’ve tried. I even edited. He has not. He insists on analyzing me to help putting me in a box and prefers to thinks he’s the expert because he did stay at a Holiday Inn last night and wants to know if I did. When I finally decide to start pushing back on the personal-side, just a tiny bit, that’s when you say something?