Theres an old saying that goes back through the mists of time ,
'theres none so blind as those who refuse to see '
the two movies analogy is a load of horseshit ,
its a mix of internal bias and media spin in deference to local sensibilities that creates the illusion .
I came into this world under a lucky star , I was the first born grandson to both my moms family and the man she married later on and legally adopted me ,I had a chance to ask my grandparents on both sides a few of the more difficult questions my parents in their mid 20's didnt have a bollox notion in hell the answer to.
As the first of a new generation I was more or less sourounded by adults my entire early life ,
It was only the grannys and grandads ,who had come through the darker days during the formation of the state who held up to the bold wee Daíthi's crossquestioning
If you were working class in Ireland and were born to single mom or into a marriage that was on the rocks or where a spouse passed before their time you stood a fair chance of being thrown to the wolves within the state adoption system . I took the time in my life to raise a drink alongside the common foot soldier , found out a fuck load about how the system worked for people from the other side of the tracks ,and basically fed them into a human meat grinder .
I tell you this, I'm a lot wiser a man for not taking the devils 50 pieces, clawing my way up the ladder ,
only to look down my nose at all around me .
I see what happeneing , the power is trying to bait the underpriviledged into revolt through stock fund managed housing crisis's, the vulture fund lobby has crawled up the ass of the elected representatives and started pecking furiously , an enegry crisis where anyone in the game reaps massive margins , this fucking con job is going to fall apart spectacularly sooner or later , there waiting for an excuse to deploy the new technological Marshall law ,man against AI/thinktank/drone army /Judge Dread
Anyone fancy that for a game of soldiers ?