Winston OBoogie
Well-known member
I don't understand what the point of connecting the 82 pF cap between the two cathodes is, other than for convenience's sake, because on the original, it was easier than finding a nearby ground connection?
Since the triode before the gain control has a cap bypassing it's cathode resistor, the small cap is going to see ground anyhow... correct?
Hey Max,
Bypassing the triode before the gain control still leaves the cathode at it's DC operating point which isn't ground.
It's been over 20 years since I analyzed the original 610 circuit but, a guess right now regarding the "point of connecting the 82pF between the two cathodes" would be that it's to feed a small amount of high frequency signal forward to the 1st 6072 stage to compensate for a bit of a high end droop around that fairly high impedance 250K level control. In other words, to counteract the Miller of that 6072
At 6dB down, a 250K pot by itself has a 62K5 output impedance. But we have the output impedance of the previous 12AX7 stage (which is fairly high) into the mix too.
I'm open to other suggestions as, like I said, it's been 20 years since I euthanized and gave an original 610 module an autopsy