> can these valves be rewired in this configuration?
"Bull in a china shop" comes to mind.
The amp worked.
It didn't have enough gain for the new purpose, so I gave you a few changes.
You stayed up late and ripped everything out.
Next day you couldn't figure out where anything was. If you'd gone one step at a time, and left all "useless parts" in place, you would not have has to trouble larchild for explanation of tube sockets: simple cross-checking would have found the right pins.
It isn't working now. You bungled something.
So, having reduced it to a wreck, you want to finish the job.
With one of those utterly strange designs that IMHO makes little sense, and NO sense for a darn Guitar Amp!
The Basic Radio, and the Basic Guitar Amp, are the same thing except one extra preamp stage.
> so that I can completely undertsand what is going on...
FWIW, _I_ don't understand that STC amp.
Basics, not esoterics.
Can you un-do the mess you made? Or is it beyond salvation?
What is your supply voltage, your plate voltage, your plate current on the output stage? Output transformer trouble is almost certainly there, if you'd just chill-out and look.