the problem is that the Wattage is relative to not only the area of heat but also the amount of mass in the object heated. there would be no direct equation for figuring out the heat transfer to the part being soldered due to everything from the heatsinking effect of the object being heated to the ability of the soldering iron to maintain it's temperature.
In short, a 10w iron may still be 600degF but what you are trying to solder might be able to sink 5 of those Watts, so for a short period of time your total wattage transfer mightl be 5 and then gradually rise as the part heatsoaks and likely burns up. However if you use an iron that monitors the temp and compensates by supplying more power to the tip, you might burn it up immediately. also, there is the relationship of the size of the tip to the amount of heat transfered....
I don't know what parts you are soldering, but you might get away with heatsinking the parts to be soldered so that their average temperatures do not rise quickly.
using a cold, wet rag is actually the best for this as water demands a great deal of applied "heat" to raise it's average temperature, but you might not want to do that due to the moisture..
your best bet is to prepare the parts well and move quickly while soldering !