Sonds like JGH was selling his book (magazine). If audio was settled science there would be nothing for him to write about. While there have been more than a few audio technology advancements since 1962.To quote the late and great J. Gordon Holt from 1962:
"High fidelity may be a science, but it isn't an exact science. There are enough things about it that aren't understood to leave room for a goodly amount of educated opinion.
This raises the question of whether high-fidelity can, or should be, better than the real thing.
Sound recording may eventually become a creative art in its own right, producing musical sounds that bear no relation to any natural sounds. Indeed, some branches of it—pops and so-called electronic music—are already well on their way in that direction. This is not high fidelity, though, and there's no sense pretending that it is."
I suspect it was more true to the source.