Antagonist in Chief

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And all this has exactly what to do with the governor of Florida rounding up asylum seekers in Texas and flying them to Massachusetts? I'm not trying to belittle the challenges faced by a border state, but DeSantis is simply trying to "own the libs" and appeal to the Republican base as he prepares for his presidential run. Flying 40 people to Massachusetts is an expensive attention grab.

And when you speak of the supposed hypocrisy of sanctuary cities, don't forget that residents of cities like LA & NYC are already about a third foreign-born. It's not like they're not doing any of the heavy lifting in welcoming new Americans.
Well for starters it’s evident it has been happening well before desantis did it. Remember it was dismissed before. Like I said can’t tell me about the border, my one half of the family has been there since it was Mexico and the border crossed them. I seen the issues. I seen what works and what doesn’t. Like I said before it wasn't an issue until it showed up on their doorstep and the opposition put them there.
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Well for starters it’s evident it has been happening well before desantis did it.
Abbott's been putting people on buses, yes. That was evident to those of us paying attention quite some time ago. (I'm assuming that's what you're referring to.) At least Abbott was busing people from his own state. You're still evading the subject of my posts: What was DeSantis doing in Texas gathering up asylum seekers to send to Massachusetts?
Abbott's been putting people on buses, yes. That was evident to those of us paying attention quite some time ago. (I'm assuming that's what you're referring to.) At least Abbott was busing people from his own state. You're still evading the subject of my posts: What was DeSantis doing in Texas gathering up asylum seekers to send to Massachusetts?
The obvious answer is getting your attention. To repeat it wasn’t an issue until it was on your doorstep.
More over, they were taken to a sanctuary city. The best part is that they were all hypocrites. When push came to shove they were nothing more then virtue signaling
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I am getting dizzy from all the spin... Gov Abbot and Gov DeSantis have broken through the radio silence coming from main stream media who support the administration's claim that the border is secure.

Hint... the border isn't secure. 2 Million illegal immigrants put lie to that claim. US Customs and Border Protection caught 78 migrants on the FBI's terror watch list trying to illegally cross the US-Mexico border this year. More than 500k known getaways have crossed the southern border this fiscal year so who knows who else came in. If we are lucky the getaways were just smuggling drugs and not terrorists.

Good effort anyhow.

a stunt,he wants to be in the center circus

does cast a new light of immediacy

I hope the people get a better life
I am getting dizzy from all the spin... Gov Abbot and Gov DeSantis have broken through the radio silence coming from main stream media who support the administration's claim that the border is secure.

Hint... the border isn't secure. 2 Million illegal immigrants put lie to that claim. US Customs and Border Protection caught 78 migrants on the FBI's terror watch list trying to illegally cross the US-Mexico border this year. More than 500k known getaways have crossed the southern border this fiscal year so who knows who else came in. If we are lucky the getaways were just smuggling drugs and not terrorists.

Good effort anyhow.

Where are you getting that people say the border is secure? Never in my life have I heard someone say that. Everyone knows it’s not. It’s never been in my lifetime. Everyone knows it’s a big mess and no one is trying to give real solutions to this humanitarian crisis. Seems like trying to fit a narrative.
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Where are you getting that people say the border is secure?

Never in my life have I heard someone say that. Everyone knows it’s not. It’s never been in my lifetime. Everyone knows it’s a big mess and no one is trying to give real solutions to this humanitarian crisis. Seems like trying to fit a narrative.

What is this administration doing to address the crisis? Nothing but lie, spin, and encourage more people to try to cross illegally. Those are facts. The prior administration did make progress. Also a fact.
The obvious answer is getting your attention.
I think the obvious answer is he's getting your attention. DoucheSantis doesn't care about me, because I'm not going to be deciding between him & Abbott in 2024. You & JR may be doing so, but I'd vote for a maggot-infested squirrel carcass before I'd vote for either of those two.

As for me personally, I actually do read a fair bit about immigration issues, and I'm not looking to a couple of overly ambitious proto-fascists who have no compunction using human props for their campaign stunts to get information on the subject.

What is this administration doing to address the crisis? Nothing but lie, spin, and encourage more people to try to cross illegally. Those are facts. The prior administration did make progress. Also a fact.

Fair enough. They’ve spoken as I’d expect any politician there ever to was. Anyone who cares knows otherwise and doesn’t believe an ounce of that. I’ve never heard a single lowly voter repeat such crap. It’s about as good, effective, and true as the fear mongering the previous administration did. They can all shut their mouths. No one is doing a damn thing but flexing. To think otherwise is nonsense.
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I think the obvious answer is he's getting your attention. DoucheSantis doesn't care about me, because I'm not going to be deciding between him & Abbott in 2024. You & JR may be doing so, but I'd vote for a maggot-infested squirrel carcass before I'd vote for either of those two.

As for me personally, I actually do read a fair bit about immigration issues, and I'm not looking to a couple of overly ambitious proto-fascists who have no compunction using human props for their campaign stunts to get information on the subject.
No my attention was already on the issue the moment I saw people walking across the border. I was 4 and you could easily see people trying to make it across the rio grande river. Some days it was pretty dry crossing, other days it was not.
I find it most interesting that you double down with name need, we get it you won’t vote for the guy. What’s funny here is how desantis showed the world what we all already knew, hypocrisy knows no bounds when it comes to the dems and their followers. I couldn’t imagine a place as wealthy as Martha’s Vineyard couldn’t take in 50 people. But hey we took in thousands in Texas Which was fine as it was far away.
George Carlin called it best saying these people don’t care about the issue in the abstract, they just want their little corner of the world to be a certain way. In other words, it’s fine as long as they are not in my hood. Lol
Fair enough. They’ve spoken as I’d expect any politician there ever to was.
I expect better. We all should.

Anyone who cares knows otherwise and doesn’t believe an ounce of that.
The problem being that many do not know otherwise because the media and big tech have taken sides and helped hide the truth (until very recently).

I’ve never heard a single lowly voter repeat such crap.
Get out more. I heard plenty of ridiculous parroting by the elite of Silicon Valley in the decades I spent there.

It’s about as good, effective, and true as the fear mongering the previous administration did.
What fear mongering? That unfettered immigration brings increased crime, illicit drugs, and other problems with it? Isn't that apparent to the most casual observer outside of the gated enclaves of coastal elites?

They can all shut their mouths. No one is doing a damn thing but flexing. To think otherwise is nonsense.
Plenty was done prior to this administration. More could have been accomplished had the screeching ideologues of the neo left worked for the good of the country rather than their selfish and irrational utopian goals.
double down with name calling.
Unlike Shrillary, or Obummer, or whatever stupid nickname Republicans give to Dems. Nobody ever repeated those ad nauseam, right? Oh, wait....they did? And Republicans were terribly amused by how witty they were being.

hypocrisy knows no bounds when it comes to the dems GOP and their followers.

It sucks when the other side uses your tactics, right? Then it's time to get all sanctimonious and whine and cry about how mean they are--and that's after attacking the other side for speaking out against your name-calling--snowflake, anyone?

And still.....why is the governor of Florida spending more than half a million bucks (likely way more) to send 40 asylum seekers in Texas on a plane to Massachusetts? You may appreciate it as a publicity stunt, but the job of the governor of Florida is to govern Florida. This is not what governing the state of Florida actually looks like. Perhaps someone should let DSantis know--but he's a smart man, and I suspect he already does.

*****And, of course, the more we learn about how D(ouch)eSantis did what he did, and the supposed why of it (his logic is beyond tortured), the more clear it all becomes.
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It sucks when the other side uses your tactics, right? Then it's time to get all sanctimonious and whine and cry about how mean they are--and that's after attacking the other side for speaking out against your name-calling--snowflake, anyone?
To be fair, Biden Derangement Syndrome is real and it's impacting a lot of people. 🤣
Unlike Shrillary, or Obummer, or whatever stupid nickname Republicans give to Dems. Nobody ever repeated those ad nauseam, right? Oh, wait....they did? And Republicans were terribly amused by how witty they were being.

It sucks when the other side uses your tactics, right? Then it's time to get all sanctimonious and whine and cry about how mean they are--and that's after attacking the other side for speaking out against your name-calling--snowflake, anyone?

And still.....why is the governor of Florida spending more than half a million bucks (likely way more) to send 40 asylum seekers in Texas on a plane to Massachusetts? You may appreciate it as a publicity stunt, but the job of the governor of Florida is to govern Florida. This is not what governing the state of Florida actually looks like. Perhaps someone should let DSantis know--but he's a smart man, and I suspect he already does.

*****And, of course, the more we learn about how D(ouch)eSantis did what he did, and the supposed why of it (his logic is beyond tortured), the more clear it all becomes.
Oh wow, some from one side called people names from the other side and Vice versa, you just noticed?

I am not sure what more you learned that we haven’t learned on this. As stated previously these flights have been going on for sometime, the current administration put that in place. No one minded when flights landed immigrants in chicago and elsewhere. About the only new development I have read is the sheriff of Bexar county, pronounced bay-har county in Texas is calling the flights illegal and wants to investigate desantis. So basically the sheriff if the county where San Antonio texas is located wants to investigate desantis. Amazing how people tow the party line for their 15 minutes of fame.
No one minded when flights landed immigrants in chicago and elsewhere.
You mean places that know the people are coming, and that have the social infrastructure to deal with it? I don't really know what your point is here. It's not a problem with Dems if you're talking about places like Chicago or LA or NYC. It's even less of a problem if asylum-seekers and others are being sent to places where their sponsors live so that they can be with family/friends while they await adjudication of their cases. What's wrong is lying to people to get them on a plane to go to a place that they have no connection to, where there is no support system for them already in place, and then leaving them there as a publicity stunt for your upcoming presidential campaign.

Oh wow, some from one side called people names from the other side and Vice versa, you just noticed?
Oh, gee, I'm not the one who called someone out for using an unflattering nickname for a politician. You're arguing out both sides of your mouth here. You feign offense, and then you act like it's NBD when I call you on it.
Oh wow, some from one side called people names from the other side and Vice versa, you just noticed?

I am not sure what more you learned that we haven’t learned on this. As stated previously these flights have been going on for sometime, the current administration put that in place.
The border was far more secure after policies put in place by ex-President Trump. President Biden's border policy appears to be to reverse everything that Ex-President Trump did. These policy reversals have led to the massive increase in illegal immigration. The administration says the border is secure, migrants hear "come on in, free sh__."
No one minded when flights landed immigrants in chicago and elsewhere.
Huh... The mayor of Chicago minded, complained, and then bused the migrants to a Chicago suburb (without warning). The mayor of DC tried to call up the national guard, like Martha's vineyard did, but was rebuffed.

It is physically impossible for the southern border states (TX,AZ, etc) to absorb millions of illegal migrants, the policy has long been to move them. The only change in strategy is to send migrants to opinion leaders backyards. This is apparently working to break the news embargo that ignores the migrant/border crisis. Expect to see more of this as long as it keeps working, to bring attention to the real problems to low information voters.
About the only new development I have read is the sheriff of Bexar county, pronounced bay-har county in Texas is calling the flights illegal and wants to investigate desantis. So basically the sheriff if the county where San Antonio texas is located wants to investigate desantis. Amazing how people tow the party line for their 15 minutes of fame.
He is not alone, there is an effort to mount a class action lawsuit against Gov DeSantis, who is now the object of democratic hatred. It is unclear what kind of legal status illegal immigrants possess. They asked that TX sheriff what law the Gov was breaking and he did not have a coherent answer. "He just knew it was wrong". :unsure:

It is curious how the political mind can only hold one hitler at a time.*** Gov DeSantis is now the ultimate evil. This is tantamount to the democrats declaring him the leading candidate for 2024. Gov Newsom has already tried to goad him into debate to capture some of that limelight for his own presidential campaign aspirations.


*** curiously the political opinion leaders (like NYT) are softening their language describing exPresident Trump. We have seen this several times before (Bush, McCain, Romney, etc) but it is unclear that any baton has been passed.
The border was far more secure after policies put in place by ex-President Trump. President Biden's border policy appears to be to reverse everything that Ex-President Trump did. These policy reversals have led to the massive increase in illegal immigration. The administration says the border is secure, migrants hear "come on in, free sh__."

Huh... The mayor of Chicago minded, complained, and then bused the migrants to a Chicago suburb (without warning). The mayor of DC tried to call up the national guard, like Martha's vineyard did, but was rebuffed.

It is physically impossible for the southern border states (TX,AZ, etc) to absorb millions of illegal migrants, the policy has long been to move them. The only change in strategy is to send migrants to opinion leaders backyards. This is apparently working to break the news embargo that ignores the migrant/border crisis. Expect to see more of this as long as it keeps working, to bring attention to the real problems to low information voters.

He is not alone, there is an effort to mount a class action lawsuit against Gov DeSantis, who is now the object of democratic hatred. It is unclear what kind of legal status illegal immigrants possess. They asked that TX sheriff what law the Gov was breaking and he did not have a coherent answer. "He just knew it was wrong". :unsure:

It is curious how the political mind can only hold one hitler at a time.*** Gov DeSantis is now the ultimate evil. This is tantamount to the democrats declaring him the leading candidate for 2024. Gov Newsom has already tried to goad him into debate to capture some of that limelight for his own presidential campaign aspirations.


*** curiously the political opinion leaders (like NYT) are softening their language describing exPresident Trump. We have seen this several times before (Bush, McCain, Romney, etc) but it is unclear that any baton has been passed.
Yes under trump it was far more secure.
The problem being that many do not know otherwise because the media and big tech have taken sides and helped hide the truth (until very recently).
I’ve known of the border problem my entire life. It’s been used for political postering in the media and otherwise often enough and will always continue when anyone thinks it will help themselves or their team; just like many other campaign topics. Keep the narrative going though.
Get out more. I heard plenty of ridiculous parroting by the elite of Silicon Valley in the decades I spent there.
Say what you will, but I’ve heard plenty of nonsense parroting on the subject from both sides my entire life, just not that. Still, if they truly are, its just more nonsense.
What fear mongering?
Feel free to look up the endless clips of Trump rallies doing such a thing. Just another political narrative.
More could have been accomplished had the screeching ideologues of the neo left worked for the good of the country rather than their selfish and irrational utopian goals.
I agree, but failing to recognize and admit the right is just as complicit as the left in that doesn’t help at all and really is a massive problem in itself.
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