the new "only" Covid thread

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Drug resistant bacteria have been evolving forever. Overuse of antibiotics creates opportunities for any resistant microbes to prosper after their weaker brethren have been removed from competing for resources. This is not exactly new. I expect researchers are pedaling as fast as they can to kill the new super bugs.

1) if you are prescribed antibiotics, complete the full course of medication. 2) maybe use less anti-biotic soaps/cleaners.

The posts are getting pretty spectacular... don't make me read them... :rolleyes:

I hope this peaks and subsides pretty soon.


you should check all of this.
at least read the website of the World Economic forum.
they think about stuff like facial recognition, implanting chip in people body, removing your property, digital money, digital ID's.
otherwise it will end bad for you or a relative, a friend of a friend.

These people are already very old, but they seam to want to rule for ever.
Klaus Schwab, Nancy Pelosy, Joe Biden, ..., ..., maybe even try and place their "kids" there.
These people are so far gone from reality, That i think it's time that public demands that people like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosy and so are being scrutinized by psychologist and psychiatrist from another country and have them checked.

People should demand that politicians are being check psychologically.
the Pentagon and the Hoover building, among should probably be burned down for a safer future!
There are the people that see Ghosts and cause problems.

They must have some kind of Fantasy in their Head, probably due to that they can't walk on the street and just be a plain John or Jane Doe.
They probably wouldn't reach the end of the street before getting a slap in the face.
These people live remote.

this is elected member of the parliament and did make "headlines" around the world.

a news reporter framed the leader of a political party, who got suspended for week from the parliament, not being allowed to participate in public debates.
So this guy went with the official national book of words to explain here what these words mean.
He used the word reptile, sewer-rat.

It happens to be that these words in the national dictionary of words have a second meaning that's less colorful and refers to a person like not being honest.

He is walking in the video through the building where reporters from various broadcasters and news papers are gathered and work!
He also says here is the office of this paper and that office is from that broadcaster.
People around the world are being fooled and is uncovering their lie's.

but the oppositions party's in parliament want to prohibit this political party and accuse them of terrorism.
but they have like 1 million voters combined

The video was published yesterday.

Elon Musk also seams to be part of the scheme, he is developing the the chip that the world Economic forum want to plant in the Head of the People.
He owns a company called: NeuraLink and does experiements with Apes.

Neuralink Corporation is a neurotechnology company that develops implantable brain–machine interfaces. Co-founded by Elon Musk, Max Hodak and Paul Merolla, the company's headquarters is in the Pioneer Building in San Francisco sharing offices with OpenAI.Wikipedia

Do not use a Smartphone's or Tabled's because you are just a slave from the elite and they can bombard you with fake news, make you believe things that aren't.
like 2020, 2021 and 2022

shadow ban you, means you post something, you see it's there, but the rest of the world doesn't see it and want ever see it.
so using app's Like Whatsapp, Facebook or Instagram is just fooling your self!

So if you die or are injured from the "shot" and try to post on that no person will see it. apparently the world a is happy place!

it's even worse, if you have taken the shot and something happens to you, you can't sue the government for a Judge, because you have taken this voluntary!
So you're injured, lost your job and income and do not receive damage money.
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"they" want to turn the western world in some kind of china, where like 250 million people are being controlled by apps and camera's.
that's what Klaus Schwab, the great reset and his books is about

Now they are showing cracks in their heads publicly and not all countries go along.
the west is just 30 countries there are like 170 more, but USA always seams to refer as the greatest in the world.

any opposition is quickly demonized as NAZI, FASCIST, conspiracy theorist ... it happens in many of the 30 westerns nations.
So the discussion ends fast for them.

Some countries are joining the BRICS or in the process of.
NATO / UN will probably end, as the does the European union.

what they want will end democracy.

It seams they want to split Russia in pieces, so they can access the precious resources more easily, like Platinum, Gold, NEON gas, etc, etc.
the stuff you need to build computer chip and electrics cars, China and Russia dominate that market.
The western world is like parasites, said mr Putin about 2 months back, people who have stolen resources from many other nations, he said.

The "climate change plans" of the west can't be executed without these resources.
Any particular points you want to address?
There are now two active conspiracy theory posters on this board. I predict we'll be past 'stolen election' and well into 'Qanon' territory before xmas.
Like him or not his YT videos contain more truth and facts than most western mainstream media outlets.
His videos since his latest reinvention of himself contain simple populist ideas which tell his audience exactly what they want to hear. There is hardly any new information; hardly any commentary beyond the obvious; hardly any substance at all to be honest.

He's come an incredibly long way since the early 2000s (when he first appeared in the UK) with little more than a quick tongue and a thesaurus, and this latest development in his persona is making him even wealthier. It's a grift. He's very good at it, but it's a grift nonetheless.
Because the effing was done by left-aligned "corporate thought-leaders" at Google, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, etc. Elon certainly has flaws, but his current trajectory is better than the alternatives. He may at least partially de-eff the situation. Hard to see him making it any worse.
Opinion based on your personal world view. I'll be honest, it doesn't feel like we'll uncover anything new by digging into again. But my opinion is that, whether musk is a genius, successful businessman and gifted engineer or not, his motivations for buying a leading social media platform may not be as altruistic as he makes them seem.
That is, indeed, pretty far out there.
It's total bullshit. Let's call it what it is. No one is going to try to drill a hole in my or your head without our permission.
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Since the Netherlands is like 30 years ahead of other countries.

This is what i found in the mailbox just now when i went to the shop.
a energy subsidies of 250€ to help pay the gas bills and you can spend in certain home improvements chains.

But you have to download your digital wallet app in the google play store.

don't use smartphones or tabled, you're going to pay a hefty price for that, maybe not now although you already have, but it will.
just tell them the internet is old fashioned, heavily polluting the environment and please wake up.

these things what the government is offering have no point of return, once subscribed you're a slave, there is no return and you can't eliminate this.

Do not accept the digital wallet or of any kind, there is is no point of return!
one way door!


  • Energy app.jpeg
    Energy app.jpeg
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His videos since his latest reinvention of himself contain simple populist ideas which tell his audience exactly what they want to hear. There is hardly any new information; hardly any commentary beyond the obvious; hardly any substance at all to be honest.

That's what politicians are doing now to decades, like Trump.
He just tell people what they wanna hear.
the crowd sheers, he is fucking billionaire and has hardly have real ties to the real world.

I have seen older videos of Brand Russell, years old ... where he was in front of Downing street 10 defending some woman against a MP. where he still was fully colored hair instead of the grey parts he has now.
He is of the caliber of Edward Snowden, Assange, he was around when they made a human chain around the parliament for freeing Julian Assange just a few days ago. a real rebel.

He aint in it for the fame.

i see daily people on the street that are still wearing masks, well just one or two.
Germany is even much much worse, they are still trapped and even wear mask on the streets, lots of them.

although on some subjects he is a day late or so.

this is what the German minister of foreign policy says in the Ukraine: › articles › news › support-for-ukraine-no-matter-what-my-german-voters-think

Support for Ukraine "No Matter What My German Voters Think"

Support for Ukraine "No Matter What My German Voters Think" German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock caused a ruckus by dismissing her voters. The opposition demands Baerbock's immediate resignation, but her colleagues and public broadcasters sense a disinformation campaign.

We have to get rid of these politicians.
and it will be much harder with apps, where they measure your psychological properties via patents.

as new comer politician your would changeless, they have measured your from top to toe for ages.

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The Queen of the Netherlands was very exited and announced this on a public school to school kids:
Inject RFID tags under your skin.

This is what Angela Meriel did a while back.
a judge ruled against masks and testing at school.

Angela Merkel sended a SWAT team to the house of the judge and raided him, the lawers and the rest that was present in the hearings and stuff. › merkel-corona-stasi-aktion-gegen-richter-razzia-beim-richter

Merkel Corona Stasi Aktion gegen Richter. RAZZIA BEIM RICHTER

April mit einem richterlichen Beschluss, in dem er an zwei Weimarer Schulen Masken- und Testpflicht, Abstandsregeln und Homeschooling untersagte, bundesweit für Aufsehen gesorgt. Der Nordkurier sprach seinem Anwalt darüber, weshalb genau ermittelt wird und wie die Situation juristisch einzuordnen ist. › politik › ermittlungen-wegen-rechtsbeugung-razzia-bei-masken-richter-aus-weimar-haus-durchsucht-handy-sichergestellt_id_13234593.html

Razzia bei "Masken-Richter" aus Weimar: Haus durchsucht, Handy ...

Staatsanwaltschaft: Razzia bei Masken-Richter aus Weimar An diesem Montag rückte die Polizei zu einer Razzia bei Richter Dettmar an. Das bestätigte die Staatsanwaltschaft Erfurt... › watch?v=zdb0U3UdQM8

Polizei schlägt Masken Verweigerin ins Gesicht und macht Razzia um ...

Polizei schlägt Masken Verweigerin ins Gesicht und macht Razzia um Beweis Video zu beschlagnahmen (Mitte ist Original Video)Die Medien versuchen es in die Re... › politik-und-wirtschaft › anwalt-nennt-vorgehen-in-weimar-irrsinn-und-rechtswidrig-2743309804.html

Razzia beim Richter: Anwalt nennt Vorgehen in Weimar „Irrsinn" und ...

April mit einem richterlichen Beschluss, in dem er an zwei Weimarer Schulen Masken- und Testpflicht, Abstandsregeln und Homeschooling untersagte, bundesweit für Aufsehen gesorgt. Der Nordkurier..


More on Angela Merkel:

These people are all in some sort of Club (the World Economic Forum), the Dutch president says it's a nice club, last week in the parliament.
This is approaching a flame war (prohibited by our short list of rules.)

It has been several years but we did banish one member for diarrhea of cut and paste screeds...

Please everybody take a breath. I am just the garbage man here... don't be the garbage.

This is approaching a flame war (prohibited by our short list of rules.)

It has been several years but we did banish one member for diarrhea of cut and paste screeds...

Please everybody take a breath. I am just the garbage man here... don't be the garbage.


not really.
they know exactly that many people can't read very wel and that's why all of this is happening.

they think because they went to university, they are smart.
But magicians say, it's the high educated people that are the easiest to fool, because the think to complex and that came from a guy that does shows in las Vegas.
New British prime minister is Rishi Sunak. Two things I like about this:

- he's a son of immigrants from India
- youngest British prime minister ever

This has nothing to do with COVID whatsoever, I know, but I think that at this point it doesn't matter anymore.
New British prime minister is Rishi Sunak. Two things I like about this:

- he's a son of immigrants from India
- youngest British prime minister ever

This has nothing to do with COVID whatsoever, I know, but I think that at this point it doesn't matter anymore.
Not about COVID but he was former chancellor of the exchequer so he may be more simpatico with central bankers.

Yup. Two disruptive events in short succession. Unforeseeable and a lot to bite through.
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