Get ready for your first communist neighbor

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user 37518

Well-known member
Nov 15, 2008
Well, I don't know if some of you have been following the situation here in Mexico, but we basically have a goverment now that is next to nothing of going full-on communist. I wont give much background on how things turned out to be this way but here are the most relevant issues.

- The president and his minions have now passed a law that forces every person who has a cellphone to provide all his information to the goverment otherwise their line will be cancelled. The required information should include ALL BIOMETRICS: finger print, voice, face recognition, etc... At the same time it has been made public that the goverment has recently spent around $5 million dollars in spy software and tools to hack into cellphones, computers, etc....

- The president and his minions have publicly threatened the Supreme Court judges that they either do what they are told or that the goverment will abolish the Supreme Court or at minimum replace all supreme court judges with their own.

- After a judge impeached some of the president new reforms, he was threatened and then Congress (owned by the current party) made a reform to the constitution to be able to revoke the judge decisions.

- The National Electoral Institute (which is an autonomous branch of goverment who is in charge of the national elections and so on, also perhaps the most important institution for the democracy of the country) is now being threatened by the president and his followers of being dissolved and its role relegated to the goverment if after the next elections that will be held this June, the current party doesn't win the elections.

- The military is now in charge of almost everything from infrastructure, civil security, administration, etc...

- The president continuously harasses journalist who disagree with him, up to the point that the US declared that several mexican journalist were being subject to violence and human rights violations, the president's answer to the US was literally "stay out of it".

- Mexican society is now extremely polarized by what the goverment calls "pueblo bueno" (the good people, which are the masses or the mob) and the other side who is refered to as the conservatives, the oligarchy, the power maffia, the neoliberals, the "opposers" or the corrupt (substitute the "good people" by the term "proletariat" and the opposers for the term "bourgeoisie" and now you have an idea of how things are being run).

- The National Transparency Institute (An institute which grants civilians free access to goverment documents, and also investigates frauds or fund deviations by goverment officials) is going to be abolished now, the president has already stated it.

- An independent branch of goverment, which was appointed by the president himself to investigate the bad spending on a new airport, claimed that the goverment wasted 20 million dollars more than what the presidency claimed they were going to spend, the president didn't like the conclussions and threatened the person in charge of the investigation to recant his statement, otherwise he will be trialed or fired in the best scenario.

- The policy of goverment is this, if you do not agree with the president you are part of the "corrupts", "neoliberals", "power maffia", etc.. so its the basic either you are with me or against me.

- The president gives daily briefings full of reporters of which 99% agree and praise everything he says, it is pure Stalinist propaganda. When anyone questions the president on any matters for example health like the lack of vaccines and so on, he always replies the same "I have other data, what you are saying is a campaing to discredit me by the opposition"

- Not long ago, the US captured the ex-secretary of defense of the previous goverment, general Cienfuegos,  and charged him with drug trafficking, the current goverment of Mexico demanded his extradition from the US to Mexico in order to be trialed here under penalty of undermining the DEA position here in Mexico, the US delievered the general to Mexico, the mexican chancellour gave a press conferece stating and I quote: "It would be suicide not to trial and convict Cienfuegos", 2 months later, all charges against the general were dropped and he is now living a good life who knows where....

- During his presidential campaign he claimed that he was goint to declare Amnesty to all Cartel leaders, and at the start of his presidency the president went to visit "El Chapo's" mother to pay his respects!

- One of the biggest cartel lords in history has just been acquited yesterday

- Mexico refuses to extradite any cartel members requested by the US

- Not a single person, either in power or in business, of this or the previous administration who has been accused of fraud or corruption has been trialed and put to jail, not ONE.

- Mexico just abandoned the PISA test, which is an international test from the OECD who ranks the education performance of each country in subjects such as math, science and reading. This of course due to the attrocious results of the current administration regarding education policy.

- The economy has been plummeting with historic figures.

- Both foreign and national investment is fleeing the country, specially since the president has been accusing and threatening big international companies like Wal-Mart and some local big name companies.

- The goverment has violated the new free trade agreement between the US, Mexico and Canada in many aspects.

- The president's brother was secretely filmed on several ocassions recieving bribes in cash in an envelope, and the president stated and I quote "They are not bribes, they are donations".

- The president also gave his brother almost 4 million dolars to renovate his baseball stadium in his hometown, whilst at the same time claiming that there are no resources for COVID vaccine research available. Still, the president just announced a 100% Mexican COVID vaccine which is going to be called "Patria" which translates to "Homeland", it turns out that it is not mexican, it was designed in the US by Mount Sinai, its only going to be manufactured here in Mexico by a company called AviMex who makes veterinary pharmaceutical products! (, oohhhh and the good news are that its going to be available until 2022!

- Some of his goverment minions have claimed in an interview that the president is, and I quote: "at the same level of "Ghandi", "Martin Luther King", "Mandela" and "Jesus Christ"."

- In public speaches, some of his followers add the title "de la Luz" at the end of the president's name when refering to him, which basically translates as "from the light" or "The enlightened one" as if he is like some sort of Budha or something.

Does any of this sounds familiar to you? at which other point in history have you heard the exact same words?  Lenin? Stalin? Kim Jong Un?

The list goes on and on and I could continue but I think that is enough to give you an idea.

USA: prepare yourselves for a narco-communist neighbor but with much more violence and what I expect to be a massive flow of immigration.

john12ax7 said:
Sounds like an oppressive government and a rather terrible situation.  I don't see communism in what you describe though.  If anything it's closer to fascism.

Well, I ommited the fact that he tells the poor that they are oppressed by the middle and upper class, he gives the poor a 100usd monthly "bribe" to keep them in his pocket, he also gives anyone under 30 without a job or education a scholarship, whilst cutting funds for researchers, he says tha the poor are all inherently good, that they never lie and that they never do anything wrong hence the name "pueblo bueno" or "good people".

In either case we are ******
JohnRoberts said:
That trend has been going on for years and there are marxist activists el norte too...


No John, this is different, his goverment began in 2019, trust me, i know, it will end badly
Dualflip said:
No John, this is different, his goverment began in 2019, trust me, i know, it will end badly
I recall analysis about him with the last election transition.

Are the drug cartels communist or more into "Santa Muerte"?


Years ago I considered retiring in Mexico, but I do not consider the government in full control of the country.


JohnRoberts said:
I recall analysis about him with the last election transition.

Are the drug cartels communist or more into "Santa Muerte"?


Years ago I considered retiring in Mexico, but I do not consider the government in full control of the country.


The drug cartels dont give a ****, as long as they dont get bothered by the goverment they wont mess with the citizens, there are some exceptions like the Zetas who will do racketeering and such, but most of the cartels leave the people alone they just kill each other or the army.

This president looks at carteles as a nuisance, he does not want to fight them, he sees them like a distraction  for his regime.

Many criminals here, robbers, murderers, sicarios, etc... Love santa muerte, it is a nasty cult, its basically the satanized version of our lady mary, and it is odd, because México is the second most catholic country in the world. I've seen criminals make the sign of the cross just before or after they commit a crime

scott2000 said:
Doesn't light have something to do with lucifer?

Yes, lucifer means morning star or light bearer, I highly doubt he is lucifer thou, he is extremely stupid and ignorant, lets give the devil his due
PermO said:
"Narco Communism" ...sounds like something that could actually work  :-\

Ask me again in a couple of years, also, it depends on what you mean with 'actually work', if work means having all the population under a totalitarian regime full of corruption, violence and drug dealers, then I guess it does work.
Well the narco part will cover the funding, which usually becomes a problem pretty fast in communist systems, and everybody could work for the same common good... getting high as f***, which will be the only sensible thing to do in a totalitarian regime full of corruption and violence.


Don't worry, we'll shake this off...
Dualflip said:
Ask me again in a couple of years, also, it depends on what you mean with 'actually work', if work means having all the population under a totalitarian regime full of corruption, violence and drug dealers, then I guess it does work.
I don't mean to sound like I am making light of the situation. The communist playbook has been executed in a number of South and Central American countries. The obvious poster boy is Cuba (even though Raul just retired the government is still firmly under communist control).

Maduro in Venezuela is still trying to run the old playbook, despite having an opposition leader recognized by a number of western countries. It is unclear how this will play out in the end game. The current US administration seems more accommodating toward the political left in SA.

I took issue here in Ireland with the creation of a biometric database by the government a few years back , many of the reasons given for its set up and rollIing out picture ID cards turned out to be flawed and had to be scrapped , such as the requirement to have a Public service ID card to apply for a driving license . I refused to allow my biometric data to be processed for four years while the Office of the data protection commission investigated the matter and despite having been in employment during parts of 2018 and 2019  my unemployment benefit payments were cut and I lost around 40,000 euros , Im still trying to claw that money back from the relevant department .

The saga of the Irish mother and baby homes is still rattling on here ,  even though 10's of thousands of babies died in these places and an investigation by the judiciary omitted crucial testimoney from survivours concerning physical and sexual abuse and the illeagal vaccine testing that was going on . Recently the police commissioner had to concede that any prosecutions arising out of the contents of the report were very unlikely .

Unfortunately corruption and cover up goes on everywhere , 'the system' never likes checking its own wart infested back end in the mirror. Theres no doubt the drug trade and human trafficing severly complicates matters in Mexico though . 
JohnRoberts said:
I don't mean to sound like I am making light of the situation. The communist playbook has been executed in a number of South and Central American countries. The obvious poster boy is Cuba (even though Raul just retired the government is still firmly under communist control).

Maduro in Venezuela is still trying to run the old playbook, despite having an opposition leader recognized by a number of western countries. It is unclear how this will play out in the end game. The current US administration seems more accommodating toward the political left in SA.

What you are not taking into account is that Venezuela is far from the states, we, on the other hand are not only next to each other, but we are our greatest trade partners, México surpased Canada as the #1  trade partner of the US...
john12ax7 said:
Sounds like an oppressive government and a rather terrible situation.  I don't see communism in what you describe though.  If anything it's closer to fascism.

..this was exactly my thoughts while reading through the saddening list..

And btw, I would judge the abandoning of the PISA tests for education as a good and enlightened action.

/Jakob E.
..this was exactly my thoughts while reading through the saddening list..

And btw, I would judge the abandoning of the PISA tests for education as a good and enlightened action.

/Jakob E.
Well I guess it has elements of both fascism and communism, it has the communist speach, with fascist policies....
Well, I ommited the fact that he tells the poor that they are oppressed by the middle and upper class, he gives the poor a 100usd monthly "bribe" to keep them in his pocket, he also gives anyone under 30 without a job or education a scholarship, whilst cutting funds for researchers, he says tha the poor are all inherently good, that they never lie and that they never do anything wrong hence the name "pueblo bueno" or "good people".
That's still not Communism though...

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