Tell me the percentage of all the communist countries between the XX-XXI centuries that were totalitarian, and the percentage of capitalist totalitarian countries in the same time span....
I don't know. Do some research in stead of telling me what to do.
The fact that your example of success of communism is some local province in India is not very encouraging.
As I said, it's a
current example.
Exactly which communist countries do you think would be great without the US intervention? Perhaps South Korea would've been better with communism?
Cuba. The entire continent of Africa. Venezuela. Brazil. India. I can give you the entire history of many countries ****** up by US intervention. That would need several books, at least and I suspect it wouldn't change your mind anyway, so I'll pass.
You probably would've loved Cambodia during Pol Pot's regime...
There are examples of the opposite. I won't pretend Russia to be a democracy, even if they have elections. But they're not communist anymore either.
It's not a black and white picture. But there's no doubt in my mind that fi, Cuba, was ruined by the US blockade and not by communism.
In one of the Ebola breakouts in Africa, 22 Cuban doctors (with experience in tropical fevers) were in place days after it occurred. The US sent many soldiers, weeks later. One of the cries of doctors in place was that the US army was getting in the way.
Cuba also produced one of the first effective treatments. They had to syphon it via a Canadian pharma company to get it to US production facilities (Cuba can't scale up the way the US can). Cuba made hardly any money from the treatment. The Canadians sold it to US pharma for 20 million, without any means to syphon some of it back to Cuba.
How can you pretend that the death of 100 million was only due to "bad implementation" of communism. It's been the most genocide ideology in human history. It is estimated, that the worst death figures during the 400 years of Spanish inquisition is 300,000, that is the most pessimist figure I've found. Mao killed 45 million in 4 years.....
You didn't search very well, did you? I can easily find much, much larger numbers for the inquisition.
300.000 (for the inquisition) on a total population of 5 million isn't that different.
45 million (for Mao) on a total population of 750 million isn't that different either.
Don't throw around some numbers without referencing your scale. Besides, these numbers tend to vary a lot, according to source. Some protestant, anti-islam sites come to numbers in the millions for the inquisition. Of course, that's pure propaganda. Nobody has the
exact numbers.
You won't see me defending genocide. Not from one side, nor from the other. I'm not even a communist. But I hate constant lies from propaganda. From every side.
EDIT: Interesting discussion about numbers from the inquisition on StackExchange for those of you interested in numbers: