140,000 images leaked online

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
So uproar in the media here in Ireland over the leaking of images of people from dating and social media sites . Ive been argueing for legislation to cover the misuse of peoples data/photos for years , not only on social media sites but by government/law enforcement agencies and security companies  where a culture of uploading/processing without consent is commonplace . Of course its a different situation if someone posts sexualised images of themselves on a website and has an expectation of privacy after the fact but that certainly doesnt excuse those who disseminate , collate, redistribute or process images for whatever reason without permission, be it an individual, a multinational corporation or law enforcement/security personel who are all actively involved in this unseemly carry on .

The government has got itself in a right flap over this mess, on one hand they have turned a blind eye to how, lets call them 'the forces of good'  can use our data for marketing/ID ,while expecting the public to follow some kind of higher moral code which they, their agencies or the corporations who's pocket their in blithely disregard.

Another element of this scandal that enrages me is how mainstream media badges it , if you search the story out online you'd be forgiven for thinking its purely about young men leaking images of young women , but that simply not the case . It serves to cement the  bad man /female victim stereotype into place, the reality is that it being portrayed in that fashion actually undermines any male victims and makes them less likely to report.

GDPR legislation may cover the legitimate uses of data to some extent, it has no effect at all on the misuses of data , the government want to bring in some half arsed legislation to cover the posting of sexualised images online, the reality is we need proper overarching laws to protect everyone from having their image/data misused , not some gender biased solution based on media frenzy ,the big bad wolf and the damsel in distress.

The first lesson that needs to be learned here is by the unfortunate victims , do not have an expectation of privacy on social media , in some cases it maybe so called revenge porn , at other times websites get hacked and what was assumed to be private becomes public , in that case the receiver of such images could end up wrongly in the frame for a betrayal of trust and set upon by an angry online lynchmob and even accused of a crime they had no hand or part in .

The brutal torture, sexual assault and murder of Ana Kriégel should have been the last in a series of alarm bells for the politicians and law makers in this country. Instead damaging details relating to how social media played its part in this case were kept out of the media by the judiciary ,meanwhile the childs images uploaded to Facebook remained public and all over the front pages of every news paper in the country for the duration of the trial, causing huge anguish and lasting hurt to the parents. 

We have a sad history regarding child protection here in Ireland , this whole issue demonstrates very little or nothing has changed . Certain childhood experiences of mine and those related to me by friends who became parents never gave me confidence enough to want or try bringing children into this world  :(
Tubetec, if I may offer some unsolicited advice: Try and be a little more lavish wrt to punctuation, paragraphs and other legibility gimmicks. The stream-of-conciousness-style is really hard to read, I'm afraid.
Why change? Worked for Joyce. I found that Ulysses had to be read pretty much in few back to back sittings.
Nothing you post on ¿social? networks or upload to the "cloud" should be taken as private anymore, probably nothing you store on internet connected devices, too. Simple rule.
Tape up your imac camera.
No paranoia involved, jut ask the hackers... :(
Sorry to anyone who had an issue reading it ,
I copy and pasted from a text file and things got jiggled around a bit .
I take the point about the long sentences ,but there is at least comma's in there to denote a pause for breath,
Ive visions now of people turning blue trying to read my text  ;D

Ill try tidying it up a bit for the sake of legibility , the other thing is I'm drawing in a lot of cross connected prickly subjects which can take time to sink in , so a re-read might well be the best thing .
Im planning on hitting my local elected representatives with this text ,so Im still refining it for maximum impact.


L´Andratté said:
Nothing you post on ¿social? networks or upload to the "cloud" should be taken as private anymore, probably nothing you store on internet connected devices, too. Simple rule.
Tape up your imac camera.
No paranoia involved, jut ask the hackers... :(
I find it remarkable what people share intentionally.

Even worse is inviting alexa type devices into their homes.

Interesting times.

Small update/re-jig to the original post ,
thank you all once again for the reads/replies.
JohnRoberts said:
I find it remarkable what people share intentionally.

Even worse is inviting alexa type devices into their homes.

Interesting times.


don't forget the cameras.....

Not sure I believe it'll ultimately be limited to doorbells

"There has especially been concern about the Ring's 1000+ partnership with different local police departments, which all facilitate in the bulk footage requests they get directly from the users without any oversight or even having to acquire a simple warrant."

scott2000 said:
don't forget the cameras.....

Not sure I believe it'll ultimately be limited to doorbells

"There has especially been concern about the Ring's 1000+ partnership with different local police departments, which all facilitate in the bulk footage requests they get directly from the users without any oversight or even having to acquire a simple warrant."

I have security cameras installed to catch squirrels in my pecan trees... not connected to the WWW.

The doorbell cameras help to cut down on porch pirate activity.

Law enforcement here also started out building a biometric database of the population without legal oversight or permission. The trouble with that is it limits the usefulness of the information in court . The voluntary model like rigged smart phone apps ,Alexa or the video door bells ruse craftily bypasses any legal issues by having an 'I agree' button , of course what your really agreeing to is buried in hundreds or thousands of pages of legalese.

Below is a link to an article about a murder case that looks set to bite the Irish government ,the judiciary and the Gardai where it hurts, it jeopardises the convictions of thousands of very dangerous individuals. Its set to shake the state to its very foundations.


Porch pirates  :D we get that species here the odd time too

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