My experience with interfaces, just in case the info helps
EMU1212m - works great now, but had so many exasperating problems getting it working that I was ready to throw it and the PC out the window. After learning what works, I was even able to get this intfc working under WIN10(I have it on an XP PC at this point in time), ~8ms laten @44.1k (tracking only)
Scarlett 2i4, 3rd gen - worked well under WIN10, 8.4ms laten @44.1k (tracking only)
Scarlett 18i8, 3rd gen - works well under WIN10, except that I lose MIDI connection every once in a while, 7.8-8.4msec laten@48k tracking and mixing.......depending on number/type of plugins being used
Keep in mind that this is a sample size of 1 for each intfc