i've been getting all the bits together and will soon be at PSU checking time. been building two boards side by side, destined for two mono boxes.
got a pair of toroidal 24+24 160VA from jaycar quoted at "OP=0-25V(3.2A) 0-25V(3.2A)" - they should be right, yeah? was the closest they seemed to have.
having real trouble locating the FET BF245A. i've also lucked out on any of the supposed equivalents BFW61, BFS72, 2N3819 and 2N3823. do you know of any suppliers? please let me know.
i contacted control devices in sydney re. the lundahl LL5402 output trannies, and they're saying $158.40AUD for two. ouch.
haven't checked the current price of the OEP's yet. but since it seems there's no real price difference i reckon i may as well build a lundahl and an OEP, so i have the two flavours.
on board A, i think i may have stuffed the solder on C5 (220n) - on the non-optioned end! i put the wrong cap in, and then when removing, a heap of excess solder came out on the legs.
can i peg that end of the cap to the resistor R9, or should i just scratch some coating off beside C5 to reveal the circuit layer and give a decent join?
there you go. here's hoping. i cant wait for replies - getting back into it.