Its very interesting people dont understand the point of my post and see a name they dont like and talk about that. But I guess that was naive on my part I have a feeling people dont even understand what I was referencing earlier in this forum post. The point is to not get mad and bash someone whos product you like and want. These CK12 capsules everyone wants are small companies if not one person. The video recommendation was for context on how hard it is to run businesses and to give an explanation on why communication is so lacking from these capsule manufacturers. It feels weird to have to explain that as it seemed very clear in my post. People see JHS or any company they dont like and immediately forget context. JHS made a video about it and it was insightful. Im not saying they are the example for the best company in the world lol.I actually wanted to share that video, I thought it was insightful, and shows very well what goes into product pricing. It serves well as a reality check for customers to realize they are not paying just for the sum of parts but logistics, brandname, R&D...
However the reason i haven't posted it, is some things i think Josh gets wrong. He says every product, even a pure rip-off costs money to develop, and has some R&D involved. This is true. However, why would I spend my money paying US wages for an US company to "reverse engineer" and "R&D" someone else's stuff, if i can support any company anywhere on the planet that makes truly unique products that involve real engineers, scientists with serious education and heritage in a certain area.
It's like paying a hacker for hacked software.
I'm not saying JHS hasn't created unique stuff.
He puts also weight on the fact he produces stuff in the US, which nobody cares about except people living in the US.
I like Josh a lot, he had guts to put that video out!!!