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No clue what is up at this point or where things are at. I don't understand why the communication has been so rough. Ive tried to be as supportive as possible and maintain a positive disposition.

I don't want to read into this, but since we have so little to go on, Ill have to.

If anyone here has been following the classifieds threads on Gearslutz.com, you may have noticed Andrew placed what looks like a finished u47 mic build for sale. It does however look like an earlier prototype that was completed with the components listed in the sales thread.


I know many here have offered to pay shipping twice. I also offered directly via email. I have heard nothing in reply nor have seen any public acceptance that we will be taken up on our offers. It occurred to me that maybe he is selling his prototype(s?) to fund our shipping costs, but who knows.

At first, I suspected that Andrew was trying to still do the "right" thing and contact people individually regarding their shipping cost once theirs were ready to go out.

The biggest issue that Andrew has not addressed is a very simple one. If the following was posted by him on this site then Id feel a lot better:

How many mics were ordered?

How many made/ready to ship now that he has all the parts?

A list showing everyone here the order that they were mics were purchased/priority. I presume we are still going by first come, first served.

A list of whose have shipped and who is next?

Clearly Jess wasn't notified that his mic shipped and then was told well after the fact that it wasn't Andrews fault for not supplying a tracking number because it was useless. Fine, but do us all a favor and send an email. This only creates more anger and impatience. It makes you (Andrew) look very shady  and un trustworthy by simply not responding, emailing, or communicating the true status of peoples orders.

Between this debacle and the work he is putting into his m49 project are clear that he bit off far more than could be chewed. 

Im sure he doesn't feel great, but honesty and transparency are the only ways out from here.  Pictures are nice, but it only builds more anticipation. That followed by silence build resentment.

If all you are waiting on is funds to ship and majority of people (myself included) are willing to pay shipping; spare yourself the trouble of "doing the right thing" and accept peoples offers. By not responding to our offers you only make things worse. This adds insult to injury.

To everyone reading this and following this, it would almost seem like the only way to learn more details for anyone who placed an order that they are still waiting on to make a quick short post stating the following:

How many mics did you order? (any extras? I ordered extra grill and cable connectors)

When did you send your full payment?

Where you live? (for shipping time reference)

How much communication has Andrew had with you/what were you personally told?

and lastly, did you get your mics yet?

Time to call it out. If we each did this, then we could quickly ***** amongst ourselves just how much we have payed into this project. How long we have had to wait, and anything else to be learned.

I ordered mine on Nov8th, 2015 and payed immediately after.

Polished Nickel Headbasket
Bead blasted connector
Mahogany / dark velvet box

Added a bead blasted grill and polished connector

I live just outside Chicago, IL

Ive note received anything yet.

Had fine communication about adding the extra parts and paying the additional funds later on. He even replied to a change of address for shipping. So I know he is capable of at least a day or two reply via email.

Something just isn't adding up. Im half hoping Andrew reads this and replies that mine has been in the mail for a few weeks as well.

I would not however have any way of knowing. I check my mail daily for a shipping notification as well as this site daily.

I see that he is selling the same u47 as well as two other prototypes. Hopefully he is trying to raise shipping funds? Great and by all means more power to you, but I would still be happy to simply pay the second shipping cost now and get it shipped. If those mics sell, then maybe you'd even get to put a little something in your own pocket.

Let the mics speak for themselves. By me saying Id pay shipping a second time is a statement to the value I perceive by what you have show to have created. Compared to the original cost, Its worth it to me to pay the additional shipping and see it as a whole purchase.

If the mic shows up (soon) and is as good as those pics. Ill be more than happy and the wait will have been worth the cost. I, like others am interested in the M49 project. Id love to build a pair, but you run the risk of loosing out on future business buy simply not retaining your current business. You can do that with communication. Id be surprised if there are others who think this approach is too out of line.
Andriejus said:


I understand your concern, but I simply have no finances to make instant refunds...

Given that it's now *SEVEN* weeks since you promised me a refund, I get that bit already. 

(This part deleted as it served no purpose)

...Hope you get it sorted Andrew, good luck.

Dmacias1 -  For an ongoing list so we can get an idea who is owed what etc., it may be good to put this in the brewery in case Andrew's ad here in the White Market lapses again.  Up to you?

What I ordered: 1 X bead-blasted head body with box, shipping to Manchester, UK.

nielsk said:
As I have heard nothing from you for some time now, despite many attempts to contact you, I am trying here...
If you can ship the 3 U-47s I am owed now, complete with everything including boxes and shock-mounts I can accept this instead of a refund, even though my window for building these has long since passed
Something is better than nothing...
Please confirm with dates


Hello Niels,

My financial situation got better, so I will start refunding you on Monday.

Kind regards,
No clue what is up at this point or where things are at. I don't understand why the communication has been so rough. Ive tried to be as supportive as possible and maintain a positive disposition.

I don't want to read into this, but since we have so little to go on, Ill have to.

If anyone here has been following the classifieds threads on Gearslutz.com, you may have noticed Andrew placed what looks like a finished u47 mic build for sale. It does however look like an earlier prototype that was completed with the components listed in the sales thread.


I know many here have offered to pay shipping twice. I also offered directly via email. I have heard nothing in reply nor have seen any public acceptance that we will be taken up on our offers. It occurred to me that maybe he is selling his prototype(s?) to fund our shipping costs, but who knows.

At first, I suspected that Andrew was trying to still do the "right" thing and contact people individually regarding their shipping cost once theirs were ready to go out.

The biggest issue that Andrew has not addressed is a very simple one. If the following was posted by him on this site then Id feel a lot better:

How many mics were ordered?

How many made/ready to ship now that he has all the parts?

A list showing everyone here the order that they were mics were purchased/priority. I presume we are still going by first come, first served.

A list of whose have shipped and who is next?

Clearly Jess wasn't notified that his mic shipped and then was told well after the fact that it wasn't Andrews fault for not supplying a tracking number because it was useless. Fine, but do us all a favor and send an email. This only creates more anger and impatience. It makes you (Andrew) look very shady  and un trustworthy by simply not responding, emailing, or communicating the true status of peoples orders.

Between this debacle and the work he is putting into his m49 project are clear that he bit off far more than could be chewed. 

Im sure he doesn't feel great, but honesty and transparency are the only ways out from here.  Pictures are nice, but it only builds more anticipation. That followed by silence build resentment.

If all you are waiting on is funds to ship and majority of people (myself included) are willing to pay shipping; spare yourself the trouble of "doing the right thing" and accept peoples offers. By not responding to our offers you only make things worse. This adds insult to injury.

To everyone reading this and following this, it would almost seem like the only way to learn more details for anyone who placed an order that they are still waiting on to make a quick short post stating the following:

How many mics did you order? (any extras? I ordered extra grill and cable connectors)

When did you send your full payment?

Where you live? (for shipping time reference)

How much communication has Andrew had with you/what were you personally told?

and lastly, did you get your mics yet?

Time to call it out. If we each did this, then we could quickly ***** amongst ourselves just how much we have payed into this project. How long we have had to wait, and anything else to be learned.

I ordered mine on Nov8th, 2015 and payed immediately after.

Polished Nickel Headbasket
Bead blasted connector
Mahogany / dark velvet box

Added a bead blasted grill and polished connector

I live just outside Chicago, IL

Ive note received anything yet.

Had fine communication about adding the extra parts and paying the additional funds later on. He even replied to a change of address for shipping. So I know he is capable of at least a day or two reply via email.

Something just isn't adding up. Im half hoping Andrew reads this and replies that mine has been in the mail for a few weeks as well.

I would not however have any way of knowing. I check my mail daily for a shipping notification as well as this site daily.

Wow, a lot of reading and I am not sure I can understand everything correctly, but I will try to explain.

I am selling my 3 working microphones in order to collect some funds for shipping your orders and paying debts to some service suppliers. These mics are the ones which did not pass QC. If you read descriptions and check pictures you'd notice that. I am selling these not only in Gearlsutz, but here as well....also in facebook group and its not a secret or the conspiracy as you may think.

Yes I did accept money for shipping from a few people, but then my situation got better, so I started to solve this on my own. Its not easy to ask for a help - easier to give a help, this is why I am trying to keep the number of "helpers" as low as possible...but I guess this was not the right thing.

I am not putting the list here because I will finish all orders during next 10 working days. And this will be the end for this project running this way.

You think I took too much then I can achieve. This is not right. My all new projects about some of them you do not even know, are in "PAUSE" (except M49) right now, so I have plenty of time finishing U47's and delivering them to you.

I know  communication is very important and I know I have problems with it. I will sort it out.

Again I am very sorry about all this, but you will all get your orders in a 10 days.

Kind regards,

Winston O'Boogie said:
Andriejus said:


I understand your concern, but I simply have no finances to make instant refunds...

Given that it's now *SEVEN* weeks since you promised me a refund, I get that bit already. 

For the record, I paid €275 of someone else's money to buy a body.  The timeframe you advised for delivery came and went, your ad disappeared from the 'White Market' for a while, no communucation...  And so the buyer got nervous and decided to buy a body from Oliver's widow @TAB.  It arrived within a week. 

As I told you via email,  I ended up having to make the refund to the buyer myself which, given that I survive on a small, fixed, disability allowance, has caused some hardship.  Not trying to make you feel worse, or give a sob story here,  just saying how it is.
Maybe this is part of my own karma coming back to me?

Anyway, hope you get it sorted Andrew, good luck.

Dmacias1 -  For an ongoing list so we can get an idea who is owed what etc., it may be good to put this in the brewery in case Andrew's ad here in the White Market lapses again.  Up to you?

What I ordered: 1 X bead-blasted head body with box, shipping to Manchester, UK.


Counting weeks here in thread will not make the situation better for sure. Your refund will reach you on Monday. I will inform you. Also I am very sorry that you have experienced some struggles because of my fault.

Kind regards,
That's called irony.  You used the words "instant refund" so I indicated that this was already implicit to me.

I shall (privately) count the days until Monday then.  Thank you.
Hi Andrew,

since you put marketing of U47, M49  and more into one thread, it´s not always plain to follow.
Help me - and maybe some other customers- in pointing out, which product your particular statement referres to.
It would help, if everyone posted following that rule. Or am I the only one lost ?

If I got you right, you want to complete the production of U47 bodies and appropriate headbaskets, connectors, shockmounts and wooden boxes within the next 10 days.

Parallel you continue work on M49 bodies and appropriate accessories and stop other projects. Right ?
There comes my question:
What about M49 swivel mount ? Is it planned, under construction or near completion ? Can it be ordered, do you have a price ?

I don´t complain about the fund I already payed, but let me tell you one thing:
A successful product is not just the product by itself. A rule of thump is: 1/3 developement, 1/3 production and 1/3 marketing. Since you don´t have a large production run, this doesn´t apply 1:1 to you. But it´s woth thinking about.

From week to week you should raise your head from the workbench and take some minutes to realize:
Will I achieve my own expectations, is my timeline realistic ?
Put that thoughts in words, as sincere as possible and it´ll help the customers as well as you.

Nobody is perfect, especially in a one man production.
Keep the good things going, try to change the communication to the better.
We will all be satisfied by the product when it´s finished, I´m sure.

Kind regards
received my bodies - almost exactly one year after the order :)

But it is worth the wait, great work Andrejus!

Now if I would only find the prepared parts for the mics to build....
Great news for both of you.
Could you help me being informed ?

@ tonzauber : the bodies you received were U47 ? good luck with the rest of the build.
@ Winston O´Boogie: the refund you received was for U47 or M49 bodies ?

@ Andrew: Hi, what are you actually doing ?

Thanks in advance
Hey Manfred,

Yes all current situation right now is about U47.

M49 brass parts are made and plastic part are being manufactured at the moment.

I am now finishing to ship all orders for U47 and will start welding M49 headgrilles.

King regards,
Murdock said:
Hey Andriejus,
will you email tracking info when shipping inside EU?


Yes sure, however I've sent some mics to Spain this week. And the situation was the same - no tracking info available outside Lithuania.

Kind regards,
Hey Andriejus,

I know you are busy finishing the U47 bodies, but I would really like to see some pictures of the M49 bodies.
I know they are not ready yet, but it would help keeping me calm to know that you are making progress with the M49 bodies to.

- Stefan
Andriejus said:
Again I am very sorry about all this, but you will all get your orders in a 10 days.

Kind regards,

still waiting for my purchase. has anyone who ordered a body in the year 2016 received theirs yet?
ordered 07/15 and just received it last week, so you might need a bit more patience ;)
Ordered 2 bodies Aug 27th, 2015. One body Sept 5th, 2015 and still have not received. Hopefully this helps those who are waiting. I will post notice upon receiving so everyone can better anticipate the arrival of their body/bodies.