scott2000 said:I don't see another ground from the main pcb between pads 18 & 22? I think there is supposed to be another one there tied to chassis as well? Unless I can't see it....?
scott2000 said:Hmmmm....Pad 28 and 29 on the meter board....those wires aren't touching there????
scott2000 said:Need to figure out if there is an incorrect wiring scheme....... I even noticed that the ratio boards referred to in the mnats pdf drawings are slightly different than these.........ugh
Maybe for now just try to check the schematic and makes sure everything is connected where it needs to be by testing continuity to eliminate any cold joints or damage somewhere..... at least on these boards......
example--- is there continuity from release pot wiper to one leg of attack pot and one leg of R57 on ratio board at same time.... does the other side of that R57 on ratio board show continuity to wiper of Q59??? etc.....or at least to pad 18 of ratio board since you said pad 18 does show continuity to qbias wiper already.....
did you add capacitor and resistors to the attack and release pots???? Like in the one guide you linked???? Or do the boards you have do this??? I'll check....
how would i do that ?scott2000 said:and also maybe put a probe on chassis and make sure there isn't any continuity/ ie grounding where it shouldn't be?????
scott2000 said:so try this to see what's up with the attack and release pots first....... should have continuity at the colored marks and only the marks.......
like just probe the attack ccw leg (red) and all the other (red) points while staying on the leg...etc
make sure the attack and release pot show continuity where they are connected....(blue color)
also curious if the cw (blue color) attack leg goes to c6 at all.....your voltages schematic has it but, the v1.0 schematic doesn't??? just curious.....
weiss said:But the attack signal doesn't reach C6! Is that the reason?
weiss said:X +Y show continuity to +/- from the meter. I guess that's okay?
weiss said:1. i get no ground connection from the output pot to the ratio pcb and also not from ratio to main pcb!
weiss said:2. grey and purple show continuity to each other in each of their points. is that correct?