Low voltage between OUT + OUT -.
Hi everyone,
please keep ignoring my post above, no components are touching... exept Q12 and Q13 of course.
Just finished assembly of an 1176 RevA v1.15 and could need some advise now and hope someone is willing to give.
In the calibration process i cant calibrate QBias because of not getting proper voltage between OUT + OUT -.
All solders look good and tripple checked for misplaced components.
Did the troubleshooting procedure on the Hairball site.
PSU reads as it should, GND 0,3Ohm, CR8 cathode 30,73VDC , CR9 anode -9,69VDC
1. QBias Voltage: as supposed to, highest reading (fullCW) 1,775VDC and lowest (fullCCW) 1,019VDC
2. Amp Stages: low voltage at all testpoints: TP1 (0,074VAC), TP15 (0,005VAC), TP17(0,0008VAC), Transformer BRN(0,002VAC) and of course between OUT+ - (0,005VAC).
For TP1 issue:
TPad and T1: With 0,775VAC at input, i get VAC readings of (386,3 mVAC) on Inputtransformer lead1 and the Tpad input. 255mVAC on Tpad out and inputtransformer lead4. Looks like nothing gets past the transformer exept the 74mVAC.
Is there a way to test Q1 exept swapping with Q11?
For TP15 issue:
All VDC are around the ones in the RevA DC Voltage Chart in the signal amp section.
For TP17 issue:
Sorry but not sure if i test R23 right, pot goes from 0,6Ohm at infinite to around 100K at 24, then back to 34k at 0. Shouldtn it go from 0Ohm to 250k or is it just a range?
17,15 VDC at C7 + side coming from Q3 and around the ones in the RevA DC Voltage Chart.
Outputtransformer BRN issue: all VDC are around the RevA DC Voltage Chart in the line amp section.
Checked continuity for the wiring, all seems good.
Thank you for any suggestions.