Chinese SM57 capsule

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May 19, 2009
Hi there!

Got a pile of SM57 with mangled diaphragms.

As I don't want to trash anything, I was wondering if it was worth it to replace the actual capsules by chinese copies and if so, is there a source of these capsule that would be of trust, or that would offer the highest quality possible. If so, just ost the link. I see them for 4$ up to 15$ each and they seem a bit different:!CAD!2.08!1.43!!!1.48!1.02!@210318e817217579275014564e0c95!12000038842592068!sea!CA!137027471!X&curPageLogUid=6SjKBZfris9Y&utparam-url=scene:search|query_from:!CAD!34.76!33.02!!!179.90!170.90!@210318e817217579845524965e0c95!12000028310171237!sea!CA!137027471!X&curPageLogUid=vVZaorbMkL18&utparam-url=scene:search|query_from:

Ayone has experience with these?

Or... (watch out!) anyone attempted to swap a broken diaphragm with a chinese one from a chinese capsule? I might be too crazy here ;)

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As I don't want to trash anything, I was wondering if it was worth it to replace the actual capsules by chinese copies
I did this with two shot SM57s a long time ago. There was a slight audible difference, the clone capsules sounded a little slimmer and with a little more treble. Not dramatic, nothing that an EQ couldn't fix.

I can't remember which capsule and supplier I used back then, a buddy said it was exactly the same capsule as in this clone. Anyway, these cartridges are so cheap, I would try a few.

Pyle PDMic78
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