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Matador said:
It ain't over till it's over.
And it´s NEVER over...with Trump *horrorclown* ;D
I just hope people stay decent and count it out. And it looks like that.
/bunch of self-delusional but clever apes, that had broken out into loud chatter calms
down, refocuses on clacking stones together-
/bunch of self-delusional but clever apes, that had broken out into loud chatter calms
down, refocuses on clacking stones together-
;D  I'd pick the bugs off your back.
Dunno bout eating them tho.
Speaking of apes:

STEVE BANNON (HOST): Second term kicks off with firing Wray, firing Fauci.
Now I actually want to go a step farther but I realize the president is a kind-hearted man and a good man. I'd actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England, I'd put the heads on pikes, right, I'd put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats. You either get with the program or you're gone -- time to stop playing games. blow it all up, put Ric Grenell today as the interim head of the FBI, that'll light them up, right.

margins are passing the mandatory recount point, nothing like florida with the 564 vote difference that caused the bush/gore recount.  vote counting is handled at the state level, which is why 3 of the rump's lawsuits have been thrown out. looks liker alito got some payola but that will be moot after the rest of the states finish counting, so yeah it's over. the rumpster is in the dumpster.
i wish Biden would say "Guess what, Your Fired!" but i know he is above that.

remember the hanging chads?  :D

bannon never really left the white house. he still had ties and com channels, so no wonder he is pissed. his hater brain has been mutated by alcohol to the point where nobody wants to be associated with him.

it is enjoyable to watch all the waffle house proud boy types take it up the rear after thinking that they were going to enjoy another 4 years from the king hater ego freak of the weak. i am looking forward to a peaceful 4 years after the sh*t show that just transpired.
CJ said:
bannon ..........his hater brain has been mutated by alcohol to the point where nobody wants to be associated with him.

I think Bannon & Parscale have been getting crazy with Kavanaugh--they just can't keep up with the Supreme Party Animal.  That, and Kavanaugh keeps doing weird things with his, ummmm, gavel.
I'm going to go on a little rant here about the election and why the nation is so divided...

Regardless on if you agree or not the economic engine that got the colonies started was slavery...the first 100 or so years of America AKA as our "foundation" or roots was based on systemic racism and slavery, predominantly it was rich white men OWNING other people.

Now we like to teach in history books that the driving force to the American revolution was "taxation without representation"...and while that may have played some part in the revolt it was by no means the driving what happened was England began to outlaw slavery and the colonies knew that if they outlawed slavery their entire economic engine would collapse...I suggest the American revolution was not based on taxation without representation (which we have enthusiastically embraced NOW), it was in fact the panic over losing our economy.

The American revolution was predominately choosing economy over people we did not care about.

Our federal buildings and state capitals were pretty much built by slaves...our largest loss of life in a war was over this issue...we went to war with one another over the idea that ALL men are created equal with certain inalienable rights...half of the country was unwilling to allow that concept to apply to different races.


While there are pockets of minorities who supported trump the VAST MAJORITY, which ended up being close to half of the voting population was predominately whites who are once again trying to protect a way of life that applies ONLY to them.

It's racism.

Go look at the economic demographic of who voted for Trump and you will find very poor whites and very rich whites as the central make up of that voting block...the MAJORITY was white men who make over $200,000  year.

Now we don't frame it as racism, but it really have to strip it down to the core of who is protected and who is disenfranchised by these so called "tax breaks" and "gun rights" and "anti-abortion" positions...

I'm not saying that of you voted for Trump you are a racist...its not that simple...but if you voted for him based on protecting your "tribe" you need to look around at what those policies you suggest are actually protecting and its not the minorities or the disenfranchised...those people need to go out and get jobs (at non-livable wages) and work their way up the food chain which is economically impossible for them to do under the current set of rules.

The Justice system and the police were also founded to protect the rights of slave OWNERS...just do the research on who the very first police were...they were created to find and punish run away slaves.


Strip it down to the bare wire...trace the connections like you would trace a short circuit, go back to the original schematic and see what it called for...racism is in our foundation.

It will not go away in an will take GENERATIONS...but it will eventually fade out.

The fears of "socialism" and "marxism" are just banners to wave, if you believe that you are entitled to your social security that you have paid into you have already accepted a form of socialism, hell when it was introduced its opponents called it just as much.

Not once has a democratic president ever tried to confiscate guns or enact is not going to happen one wants your damn guns people just want common sense laws about making sure violent people don't get them for free (which will never stop here, we have too many).

But voting for Trump on "economic policy" should really be dragged out into the discourse and examined...what exactly does increasing the deficit in record numbers have to do with fiscal responsibility?

The current divide in country is ONCE AGAIN choosing an economy over shows up in how we talk about Covid and taxes...but tis the saem thing that drove the revolutionary war...CHOOSING ECONOMY OVER PEOPLE.

I am still a conservative...but the GOP has lost its way...I'm not suggesting the dems are better, what I am suggesting is that we all go forward together...and that means counting every person and every person matter what party does that they will have my support.

We are in this together and we have SO MUCH WORK TO DO.

We need to heal our foundations. But that means facing them.
I have a philosophical question. If the opposition truly believes that President Trump is evil as many have openly stated, then wouldn't cheating to get him out of office be morally justified?

Just asking.

JohnRoberts said:
I have a philosophical question. If the opposition truly believes that President Trump is evil as many have openly stated, then wouldn't cheating to get him out of office be morally justified?

Just asking.


If the tables were turned, I'm sure Republicans would feel morally justified.  In case you haven't noticed, Dems tend (in this era) to be much more about playing by the rules.  The GOP (generalizing here) doesn't care about rules, doesn't care about morals, doesn't care about facts.  The GOP cares about winning, and the GOP cares about power (and money, of course--can't forget that). 

There are Republicans and other conservatives that may not share that attitude, but very few of them seem willing or able to do anything to change the rather treacherous direction their party has taken. 

..watching from sideline, the really scary part has been the repeated attempts to discredit the basic democratic mechanism, the election itself.

Mix this up with the notion that your adversaries are criminals and thus in fact enemies, you have the fascism-classic cocktail at hand.

Over this side of the pond we've seen it beginning recently in Poland and Hungary - what we do NOT wish is that it should happen to you guys too..

/Jakob E.
gyraf said:
..watching from sideline, the really scary part has been the repeated attempts to discredit the basic democratic mechanism, the election itself.

Mix this up with the notion that your adversaries are criminals and thus in fact enemies, you have the fascism-classic cocktail at hand.

Over this side of the pond we've seen it beginning recently in Poland and Hungary - what we do NOT wish is that it should happen to you guys too..

/Jakob E.
Yes, students of history have seen this play out before... I am glad I'm old, and don't have any children to worry for.

I do worry for everybody else.

JohnRoberts said:
I have a philosophical question. If the opposition truly believes that President Trump is evil as many have openly stated, then wouldn't cheating to get him out of office be morally justified?

Just asking.


I am not one to believe "the ends justify the means"...because, well...being means is not optimal.

The idea here that "Christians" have pretty much abandoned the moral high ground in order to get power is a theological quest that dates back AT LEAST to Sabbatai Zevi (1626-16760) who was a Jewish Rabbi who eventually believed he was the Messiah and as such taught his sin and the sins of his followers would demonstrate the kingdom of God coming to earth...there is a very real theological disconnect that suggest that the more trump sins, the more he demonstrates Gods I suppose calling him "evil" is right in line with the Evangelicals model of the coming messiah...

I don't think Trump is "evil" I think he is damaged...he has absolutely no real empathy, he cannot truly laugh except at mocking others or their misfortune, he does not demonstrate ANY empathy to people who suffer and basically believes he is a better person than anyone in the room...he is Hubris personified.

Hubris CAN be helpful, but it should come in really small packages, NOT in 260 lbs of narcissism holding the nuclear codes.

He's not evil, he's dangerous, there's a difference.
gyraf said:
Mix this up with the notion that your adversaries are criminals and thus in fact enemies, you have the fascism-classic cocktail at hand.

Junior taking a page out of the 1940s playbook.


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Well, it's over. PA was called.

We've got a lot of work to do. Now that we can say goodbye to Donald Trump's epic stupidity and fascism, It's probably going to take the full 4 years of Biden's term to put us back where we were in 2016, which was a failing, late-stage-capitalist state.

If he doesn't (at least TRY) to enact meaningful progressive legislation, the guy that the GOP runs next time, and who will win, might not be as nice and as smart as the cheetoh.

We need to scream even more loudly now.
Looks like Grandpa Joe will at least bring back a measure of decorum to the office of president .
Even in the few short statements he's made so far ,he's not jumping the gun declaring victory or trying to undermine his opponent or the democratic process and that really comes like a breath of fresh air compared to the putrid stench thats been about politics the last few years there. Theres times shooting from the hip and running off gut instinct is exactly whats required , but most of the time a measured and considerate approach is most appropriate . Trumps thoughtless outbursts did cost peoples lives , the old saying 'measure twice cut once' springs to mind.No surprise Donnie boy isnt very graceful with the shadow of defeat looming , equally as important that the other side avoid back biting and recrimination when what looks like a resounding win is finally announced .
Funny comment about Joe telling Donnie 'your fired'  and I think your dead right Biden will avoid that temptation and concentrate on the job at hand. 
“I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!” (Donald Trump, on Twitter today).

This will ring down the annals as one of the most gracious concession speeches in the history of presidential elections.


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