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Hard to find good China data, but deaths are a lagging indicator, so since this surge only appears to be weeks old, deaths may climb if good data appears. Or it may be that the variant causing these cases has low morbidity, so a very low serious illness and death rate.
Deaths in China will never be reported with any accuracy because that would make Xi & Co. lose face. Authoritarianism plus deep culture with inability to admit failure is not a combination that will yield truth.
And related to our previous "discussion" about the true costs of over-baked gov response (lock downs, killing businesses, ruining public education), we can now begin to see the effects. Of course this is only the beginning as the negative consequences (medical, psychological, developmental, economic, etc.) will continue for years to come.
Why is that number of deaths in China low, John?

It's exactly what we're seeing here. Lots of cases, hardly any deaths and a very low number of serious illness requiring hospitalisation.
It certainly would have been better to let the disease take its natural course, rather than trying to do anything about it. At least the dead folks wouldn't be worrying about the negative consequences on their jobs, their kids' education, and their psychological well being.
Why is that number of deaths in China low, John?
I am not a medical expert but I did sleep in a bed last night.
It's exactly what we're seeing here. Lots of cases, hardly any deaths and a very low number of serious illness requiring hospitalisation.
Omicron is mild and perhaps getting milder. A large fraction of the Chinese population are vaccinated albeit with the Chinese vaccines that are not very highly regarded for efficacy.

I still think zero infections is an unrealistic target, but I am not the medical expert here...


PS: as the dust settles were are seeing comparisons second guessing how different states dealt with covid. I won't poke that hornet's nest.
It certainly would have been better to let the disease take its natural course, rather than trying to do anything about it. At least the dead folks wouldn't be worrying about the negative consequences on their jobs, their kids' education, and their psychological well being.

I almost didn't get your saracsm here, doc. I'm not as sharp as usual, tho, since I have the flu... :cool:
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It certainly would have been better to let the disease take its natural course, rather than trying to do anything about it. At least the dead folks wouldn't be worrying about the negative consequences on their jobs, their kids' education, and their psychological well being.
Nice strawman. Are you of the mind that there weren't any other options between locking everyone down and doing nothing? It was obvious by March/April that risks were skewed to older and less healthy people, if you recall. Many intelligent people pointed this out and proposed alternatives with less collateral damage. But keep hiding from reality in your basement.
Why is there no effort to determine the origins of this virus?
There is effort but not much political will to poke the dragon... While Putin is being blamed for almost everything but the weather, Xi seems to get treated with kid gloves (make up your own conspiracy theory).

IMO the important questions are how to be better prepared for the next time. We should expect different answers depending on who we ask... While many may not want to let go of the "emergency" authority they now possess (sorry about the mind reading).

I'll read it, but I don't think that's going to cut it based on the first part that I did read. We need a selected, independent, international inquiry commission at this point. Too much CYA has occurred in China and in the large national and international organizations at this point to believe anything else. Where's Feynman when you need him?
I'd still like to know what the 5 million $ the university of Texas paid the lab in Wuhan was for. No clarification, no documentation.

Isn't that a bit strange in science circles?

To put it very mildly...
Wuhan bio-research lab received research grants from more than just U of T.... Dr Fauci has repeatedly denied his involvement and kept his (NIH) fingerprints one level removed. Senator Paul and Dr Fauci have tangled already in congressional hearings about the GOF (gain of function) funding.

As I have written here before, GOF research may have good and bad purposes. If all the research is with good intentions why keep it so secret?

Omicron is mild and perhaps getting milder.
I haven't looked at numbers for BA2, but in the early days of Omicron, the numbers for those who were unvaxxed with no known prior infection were not that much different than with prior variants. So the real difference is that way more people have some level of immunity, from vaccines or prior infection or both. The change is not so much with the virus as with our ability to respond to it.

On the Chinese vaxx tip: I saw somewhere a comparison of HK's mortality numbers vs. NZ's from Omicron. NZ was markedly lower. Speculation was that the Chinese vaxxes are not very effective against Omicron compared to mRNA, J&J, AZ. This might account for the CCP's major freakout in Shanghai--maybe they know what potential disaster lies ahead.
NZ = New Zealand, I suppose?

Comparing with NZ seems very odd, as NZ had very few cases. Especially if you compare with Hong Kong. I mean, is there a more densely populated area than HK?
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