COVID vaccins: the next problem?

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Dr. Campbell's video doesn't state that Covid is the cause. The embalmer just states that he hasn't seen this type of clot before 2021.

It's also not the only serious video or report about this. Not that there are thousands, like it was stated in the video you posted.

I've never seen Dr. Campbell as a conspiracy follower. Couple that to the fact that there's no response from the people in govt who should be following up on this and the fact that someone strong-armed dr. Campbell to pull one of his previous videos and it lands me in conspiracy land...

I can't tell one way or the other. But the evidence that there's someone covering up something is growing by the month.

There was just one thing in the entire covid drama that makes me suspicious. And that is the fact that certain papers have been pulled, some scientists have been put under pressure and some data is being neglected, even when the data poses a statistically significant problem.

I've seen this happen before. In the Turkish elections, for instance. These signs were ignored and reporters that dared writing about them were fired, or otherwise intimidated.

It shouldn't be a surprise, if several companies are openly advertising that you can buy elections with their help.

There's a local political covid problem showing the same symptoms. Not a cover-up, but an attack on a competing firm, being mounted by one of these companies that advertise fixes for political problems. What they can't do according to local law, they'll do in another country...
Following up on an earlier post about the humanised mice research. Below is a link to an article published on a NZ news website that discusses how there is other corona virus research being conducted, including in the West, which is, however, being conducted much more responsibly.

It comes across a bit like one of those dreadful "explainer" pieces. You know the ones that start "Here's what you need to know..." or something like that. The Orwellian potential of these types of articles is palpable.

The rationale for the creation of these "explainer" articles seems to have a basis as such: this (the subject matter of the topic of the explainer) is very complicated and so accordingly, we, the media, will explain it to you because we are ever so smart and helpful, and we are not biased either so you can trust us. Calmed public releases a sigh of relief and continues about their day safe in the knowledge that there are guardians watching over them).

Back to the article, it seems like an anticipatory piece to sooth the worried masses that not all corona virus research is bad (it directly references the negative perception that came about from the humanised mice study).

As an aside, I note that Stuff is terribly biased, they can't even pretend to be anything otherwise.

I am not particularly a conspiracy theorist, but nothing in my memory has quite felt as much like a global human socio-scientific experiment (whether intentionally or otherwise) as the corona virus outbreak. It will almost certainly not be the last such experiment. If fact, I believe (quite unfortunately) that it sets a precedent.

I'm not an anti-vaccer either, I have had plenty of vaccinations in the past (e.g. tetanus, tuberculosis) but I didn't want to take a corona virus vaccine. The vaccine was rushed into the population and I was highly concerned about the rapid roll-out. I was happy to take my chances with the virus given the mortality rate. I eventually was vaccinated (I had one jab) for my wife's sake (her job). There is no question that there was a huge amount of coercion involved.

One of the problems we face in the aftermath is that there will constantly be the bleating "we did the best we could" and "given the data at the time this was the best approach". There is likely to be continued suppression and downplaying of information relating to negative side effects of vaccines, if that information actually exists (which I actually don't know beyond what is currently anecdotal). No government really wants to fund research that might reveal they were complicit in gross mismanagement (best to let sleeping dogs lie...). It may well serve a "party line", therefore, to not dig into things in case a truth is revealed that is inconsistent with the "party line" (or reputation).

I guess to play the devil's advocate, from a well-meaning governmental perspective you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Doubt can be useful. Wherein there lies doubt then interpretation for purpose may ensue. An example of where doubt could lead to selective interpretation could be the "died with" and "died of" corona virus complexity.

Ambiguity can allow for statistical manipulation for purpose. A little bit of cherry picking, selective manipulation of outliers... Abuse of statistics is a plague across academia and civil (governmental) departments of all kinds.

Statistical manipulation is certainly complicit in the "truthiness" wave rolling across information transfer portals. I think that one of the clever ways to go about manipulating public perception is not through high impact revelations to drastically change perceptions, but with imperceptable creep (not a new idea - four legs good, two legs better anyone?) Do capitalist regimes really dabble in the dark side of socialism? Has the world gone crazy?

Back again to the article, the above-linked report is really nothing more than a puff piece (well at least I thought it devoid of anything meritorious) and only interesting in that it appears to have the intent to sooth the worried masses. Refer to the article headline "...should we be worried?".

Brings to mind a thought about population dynamics and influencing mechanisms explained through energy states. E.g. a high energy state (population panic - we are all going to die!) and quiescence (we saved you everything is ok now). Statistical mechanics meets sociology?
Brings to mind a thought about population dynamics and influencing mechanisms explained through energy states. E.g. a high energy state (population panic - we are all going to die!) and quiescence (we saved you everything is ok now). Statistical mechanics meets sociology?

That's what I'm noticing (currently on Youtube, but also in some other media).

The farmer's protest, fi, gets especially bad headlines from those shady media that are not near the problem. These are also relatively new and it's hard to find out where their finances come from.

One example showed a little excerpt from a video under the header "prime minister flees from protesters". The date was wrong, the place was wrong, it wasn't the prime minister and he wasn't fleeing. It caught my eye because I happened to be there. Otherwise, I might not have noticed it.

Besides that observation, FSO is at it again. It's malware has been found on dozens of Jordanian reporters, politicians and other people.
Watch this Cyrano the other day. I have not gotten the vaccine since 2020. What a dreadful mandate and as many say an attempt at control rather than protection of the individual. This mandate also has many good but right leaning individuals in the military leaving their positions in there career service due to the Biden imposed mandate.
Evidence is growing...

Prima facie, there seems no reason to discount the evidence from embalmers that this new type of clot (new pathology) is turning up post COVID. A question I haven't seen a clear answer to (which is not to say the answer isn't out there) is as follows: is the cause of such clots the corona virus or is it the vaccine?

The videos indicate there have been pathology changes which can be correlated with a timeline of events (covid, vaccination), but direct causation links still seem too weak (academics like to finish their reports by writing: these results are fascinating but there is more work to be done (please fund now)).

A bit contrary to what the second video indicated, I don't think the new blood clot issues being completely ignored (by the establishment), just considered from a different perspective. There are plenty of mainstream media reports indicating that there has been an increase in heart attacks (and related deaths) post COVID. Heart attacks in younger people is also a trend. I scanned only a few articles (I am not going down a rabbit hole on this) but the general mainstream push seems to be that the increase in circulatory system related deaths derives from COVID, not the vaccine. For example, one report I looked at indicated that there was a higher prevalence of heart attacks in those that had COVID multiple times (possibly indicating the corona virus as a cause). Everything I read (top Google hits whatever that means) was essentially saying that to avoid heart attacks you need to be vaccinated (don't forget your boosters)!

In spite of the apparent certitude from many (apparently) well-credentialed, non-biased individuals/groups (which feature prominantly in your search results) that it is COVID and not the vaccine that is the cause, I do not think it is unfair to say that there might possibly an element of doubt as to the cause, and moreover that there is a reasonable foundation or basis for this doubt (that is, based on a timeline of events (amongst other things), the cause could conceivably be the vaccine, not the virus)? There is too much down-playing/up-playing of correlation, as is seen fit, for any clarity.

It would seem to be a sensible approach for it to be categorically determined to be completely inconceivable for the cause to be the vaccine? Surely undertaking some research to determine this would be reassuring?

Perhaps such a study has already been undertaken, I don't know. However, the video reports in the above posts indicate that the possibility is not really being considered.

I wonder if there is a way to find evidence (through absence of blood markers, antigens (spike protein is not the only one)) of this new clot pathology in those that have been vaccinated but have never contracted COVID (might be a small sample set now)?
A question I haven't seen a clear answer to (which is not to say the answer isn't out there) is as follows: is the cause of such clots the corona virus or is it the vaccine?

The most important question in my mind is: "Why are so many people trying to deny the evidence?"

A bit contrary to what the second video indicated, I don't think the new blood clot issues being completely ignored (by the establishment), just considered from a different perspective.

I see denial everywhere. What are they trying to do?

The excess deaths problem never saw the same level of denial.

There are plenty of mainstream media reports indicating that there has been an increase in heart attacks (and related deaths) post COVID. Heart attacks in younger people is also a trend. I scanned only a few articles (I am not going down a rabbit hole on this) but the general mainstream push seems to be that the increase in circulatory system related deaths derives from COVID, not the vaccine. For example, one report I looked at indicated that there was a higher prevalence of heart attacks in those that had COVID multiple times (possibly indicating the corona virus as a cause). Everything I read (top Google hits whatever that means) was essentially saying that to avoid heart attacks you need to be vaccinated (don't forget your boosters)!

Why wouldn't they be able to blame clots on covid if they wanted to draw away attention from the vaccines?

In spite of the apparent certitude from many (apparently) well-credentialed, non-biased individuals/groups (which feature prominantly in your search results) that it is COVID and not the vaccine that is the cause, I do not think it is unfair to say that there might possibly an element of doubt as to the cause, and moreover that there is a reasonable foundation or basis for this doubt (that is, based on a timeline of events (amongst other things), the cause could conceivably be the vaccine, not the virus)? There is too much down-playing/up-playing of correlation, as is seen fit, for any clarity.

Again, what's the difference between clots and all the other causes of death.

Why don't they just continue and blame it on covid itself?

It would seem to be a sensible approach for it to be categorically determined to be completely inconceivable for the cause to be the vaccine? Surely undertaking some research to determine this would be reassuring?

Perhaps such a study has already been undertaken, I don't know. However, the video reports in the above posts indicate that the possibility is not really being considered.

I wonder if there is a way to find evidence (through absence of blood markers, antigens (spike protein is not the only one)) of this new clot pathology in those that have been vaccinated but have never contracted COVID (might be a small sample set now)?

These clots would explain a lot, if not most of the excess deaths. So why does it smell like some knowledgeable people are scared shitless?

For me the first point of research needed would be just what these people in the second video are doing: geographical distribution, time distribution and age distribution.

What are we missing? Which question should we ask ourselves?

It's not "vaccine or covid" that is the ham question. That's only moderately interesting. I mean, something unexpected would be normal with minimum tested vaccine used on an almost planet wide use.

I there a genetic clue in there somewhere?
The excess death causation is somewhat more complicated.
A fair question is are the clots related to vaccine or covid itself?
There are more questions than answers all around.


This thread seems to be an example of gullibility and confirmation bias.
Read the article. It clearly is intended to keep people (especially including medical professionals) in lock-step with whatever "prophylactic measures" the state deems necessary. It is a very dangerous law and the fact that it is so general makes it worse, not better. That you and others here refuse to see the danger is telling.
A fair question is are the clots related to vaccine or covid itself?

The first reports of these clots date back to January 2021. Covid started in december 2018. There was one detection of covid in sewage in Spain in December 2018. That's the earliest mention I know of. It only surfaced after the detection in Wuhan in December 2019.

The clots appeared around the same time in the USA and the UK. Don't know about other countries yet. Especially, Africa would be interesting data. Vaccinations in the United States began on December 14, 2020. I don't expect clots to grow that fast so they could be noticed in 2021, but it's still a possibility.
Maybe you should read what you post first?
Your point? This thread (the one we're posting in here) is the example of gullibility and confirmation bias, not the link debunking the false assertion that France has passed an anti mRNA law.

Here's another link about the proposed law in France.

The challenge lies in striking a balance between individual health protection and freedom of expression.
Your point? This thread (the one we're posting in here) is the example of gullibility and confirmation bias, not the link debunking the false assertion that France has passed an anti mRNA law.

Here's another link about the proposed law in France.
It would be terrible if people decided to forego the artificial pharmacopia (being actively pimped and shilled by politicians and "experts") in favor of healthy living and less intrusive methods. What happened to "my body, my choice?" How can there be a choice if nothing but state-approved methods can be discussed? Had scientists, bureaucrats, and medical professionals been honest and forthright with us these past few years there would be a lot less demand for alternatives. Self-inflicted wounds. Own it.

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