Cult DIY project: need your input

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e.oelberg said:
digital controllable relay based K+H UE100 clone for mastering....

I'm in. Seriously.

A boring but useful idea is a modular and expandable relay switching matrix system. 1001 uses.
There's EMI 4 band EQ which can be done digitally controlled as well.
For each freq' and shape separate LC. Just about 20-25 relays per band
(including boost/cut control relays).
Guys who want to clone K+H, can try matrix ideas here, as well as
winding some inductors. I'd prefer to hang in pub with little shot of Laphroaig and Tom Waits
as background music...same waste of time, but more fun :)

Some votes were for lined-up SSL, I like it. Possible to build it at next stage tweak-up level,
with maybe some cool options like peak and rms detector+crestfactor and continuous ratio control.
This way it is not SSL anymore. Can be bit complicated,
but quite diy'able and relatevely cheap compared to stuff you have to put $500 into trafos only.

It is good to _talk_ about converters. Did someone already built good clock?
Please point me to repeatable schemo. I am totally out of this idea.
To build good converter, not just SMD skills are needed.
It is absolutely different arrea than '70's analog we used to.

Great idea to have all-Neve stuff in one unit, but same, ton of iron, big investment, and too complicated at all.

Channel strip sounds fine for me. We can take Neve,API, classic DC servo'ed (whatever) input stage,
next compressor (VCA/opto/fet-based), next EQ (active or passive...whatever). Lot of options.
Sound and flexibility what really means.
As well as reasonable budget. Partially discrete, partially fast opamps...can be fun at all.
Ah yes, regarding the mixers.
It is possible to make universal card with 2 mix busses, cue bus, 2 auxes, mute/fader/pan...etc.
I don't think it will become CULT project :)
I want to see this thingy in each second studio.
I don't care about brand named clones really. I just want cheap big thick preamps that use cheap iron like Edcors or something. Minimal wiring with inexpensive switches, and minimal calibration. Compare them to whatever you want, just make them awesome and cheap.

We already have nice clean preamps (Green, SSL9k), We already have Tubes (G9), but fairly expensive per channel. We have API and Neve clones that use expensive iron.

I'm talking something around $75-$100 a channel that are designed specifically for the high quality, inexpensive and available parts that we have available to us. The Fetboys fall into this category, but it seems that a lot of people have problems getting them to be quiet.

Not much help, I know, but that is what I would love to have a rack of 4 of.

I've be thinking it would be really sweet to have a bass synth, ie: Moog Taurus...for those rich lows...
but not sure how realistic something like that is.

World class tube eq would be beautiful as well.
I'm talking something around $75-$100

The 1272 can be built for around 150$ a channel if you do a lot of the work like layout and etching yourself and know where to get the transformers.. In fact, there is a nice 4 channel layout somewhere on the forum..  ;D
"Tomo Lisa ?"
it sounds interesting but i could'nt get too much detail about it.
another example that might be interesting is
there are several others but that's the same concept
Hank Dussen said:
Something like mOBiThs idea: a stereo compressor/limiter/saturator/distortion box. To add colours ranging from subtle compression over slightly overdriven satutation to plain distortion. A bit in between the Culture Vulture and the FATSO but then a more simple design?

I really like this idea. It wouldn't be hard, and as far as I know there have been no projects like it. The FATSO is one badass box. Anything in that vein would be great.

Anyone look into the ITI EQ? A predecessor to the Sontec et al. It was an early Massenburg/Burgess design and sounds pretty damn good. It was also the first parametric EQ to be made commercially.

How about another FET compressor? We've got VCA, Vari-Mu, and Opto compressors coming out of our ears, but the 1176 is the lone FET comp project.

Also, do we really need another SSL anything? I really don't understand the SSL obsession. Sure, the buss compressor is cool, but the channel compressor is..well, a mediocre VCA compressor comparable to the lesser DBX units. The channel EQ is somewhat surgical and lifeless, and the preamps are just plain terrible. I'd rather use a Mackie pre - at least they're cheap and I don't have to do the metal work (and they sound about the same).

Just my two cents...
This has already been mentioned more than once...... DIY ad/da is a really bad idea. Forget about the SMT soldering. That's easy. The ADC's are very, very sensitive to many things. The DAC's are a lot easier and also more forgiving. I need to go look at Igor's little racks mixer. That idea sounds good to me. DW.
To make a cult unit that´s in every second studio, I think we have to come up with something NEW. I think digital control is a keyword. A unit that has a USB conector so you can save /recall from within
your software as a plugin. Any project that intergrate the analog worl and the digital world would be welcome. Like a digitaly controlled analog summing mixer, with level trim, pan, two busses and two auxes.
The EMI 4 band with digital controll is promissing, and a SSL style comp with digital controll as well. I think we have to analyse our new ways of working with the computer. Mixing is now a part of a continuing prosess
thats starts with the first recording. Recall of analog equipment will integrate it in such a prosess. Even if I hate it, digital woulnt go away ;D
I'm thinking cult means something more along the lines of a Mutator, Freque, Vulture or Expounder(CLM) type thing; something pretty unique and funky with a cool name and lots of sonic personality. Obviously none of these things are completely unique but they are presented in a unique way which lends them to having a cult image/following.

I am seriously interested in designing my own mixer at some point too with a valve output stage, but I'm not sure mixers and channel strips really capture the imagination in the same way that a funky signal processor would.

It's gotta have a big fat sound and make everything sound outrageous! Then everyone will want one  8)

@desol: how about a semi-modular valve mono-synth??? I would LOVE to build one of those! (And I'm kinda thinking quite seriously about it...)
I would vote heavily against yet another SSL. *sigh*

It's a complete waste of design bandwidth when there are much more interesting NEW prospects. Doesn't everyone have like 4 differently modded GSSL's already? With all the current mods rolled into one unit (turbo, dual sidechain filters, PSU soup up, wet/dry, better opamps etc.) it's still just the age old generic SSL sound and it's not gonna get any better.

Seriously. (sorry about ranting)

Now what was all the talk about digitally controlled EQs hinted earlier?  8)
what sounds good to me

Channel strip  [ individual  i/o's  breakable , bigger question what type of pre/eq/comp
dynamic eq
tape  sim , saturator

agree don't want to deal with smt ,
can we make digital cheaper than buying ?
i don't have enough time
hope this doesn't drive you crazy Igor
Thanx for your input, Greg. Channel strip can be great.
More crazy than I am? hmmmm....
After building and refurbing compressors for years with only a Digi 002 and Rosetta 800, I FINALLY bought a Speck X.SUM.  This unit is a 16 mono, 32 stereo LINE mixer (Level and pan) which is a step above a standard summing box and allows me to mix ITB / OTB in a hybrid fashion.  I do all my EQ'ing and routing etc in the box and then i patch outputs to my patchbay where I go to my DIY 1176, LA2As etc.  This allows me to actually USE my outboard gear fully during mixing.  I feel like this has totally opened my mixing world up and is probably the future of mixing, hybrid-style..

So a digitally controlled, SUPER high quality LINE mixer with auxs, sends, etc. would be quite nice in my view