I have some BA 191/185/283 boards here, which are either AVD or Garash; not sure how I'd tell tbh.
Anyway, working my way through the PCBs here:
R1->R11 stepped threshold
R13->R22 ratio values
R23->R28 stepped attack
R29 min attack time
R30->R38 release values
R39 makeup gain pot->gnd
R40->R49 stepped makeup
R51 parallel on interstage secondary
R52 BA283 T->gain trim
R53 power drop
R54 BA283 J->K feedback
R55 main power drop
R56 Op secondary zobel
Which leaves...
R12 7R5
R50 1k
R57 620ohm
Now, from the 2254E schematic, there should be two resistors forming a potential divider from BA283 F->R->gnd which drive the meter op feed; these are R31,R32 (560,1k5). I suspect that this is R50, and the meter is directly off BA185 B (GR signal).
R57 is suspiciously directly next to R56, so I wonder if it's an alternative value for the Zobel?
As for R12, no idea; it's almost trivially small and next to the ratio resistors.
I don't have PCB1/PCB2 here. Would anyone consider taking a look/photo of the PCB to confirm my theories?
I'll even have a go at making schematics!