Good chance I'm about to have at a Harrison S-10B in the very near future.
(I'll also be automating a Tascam M-3500 in the same fashion minus the onboard automation)
Here's how I'm doing them..... To be used with Pro Tools, Sonar, Reason, etc, via HUI mode
We have a Tascam FW-1884 with 2 FE-8 Expanders, for 24 faders, transport, flip modes, etc, which will serve as our automation brains.
I am also going to explore a pair of US-2400's, or others like Behlringers, etc, (All cheaper options),
IF they can be daisy chained and all bank together properly - The FW does, but the expanders are expensive
The Harrison is already automated internally,
and therefore I will be building a relay board, the faders will be selectably 'powered' by either the Harrison, or the Brain modules via the relay board/s
which will allow me to use a single button like a PBNO in order to select the POWER feed to the motorized portion of the faders,
This will allow me to select between the onboard automation, or the ProTools automation with a single button
This should allow the the fader to continue operating the boards audio, and internal automation in the Harrison, when selected
Or I can switch it, and then the motorized portion will then be controlled by the Brain, such as the FW, etc. which interfaces with PT, etc Automation
In the Tascam, the faders will be replaced with P&G's or ALPS....
And being that it is true analoug, I may also build a relay board for the Tascam,
which will interupt the Log if I should need to, and via the daw I can suspend automation should I need to.
Should make a flexible unit.
This seems to be a simple enough method to get the job done,
In my case the big want is fader automation, pans, sends.... which all can be flipped to the faders via the FW,
So for me, it is more important that the brain actually translate the controls to the fader, which will be the big dictator of which brains get used
(Starting with the FW-1884 cause I know it does this well, but I imagine the US does the same thing? I'll have to check.)
The FW-1884 is an expensive option, and also has analoug features which could be implemented or not,
but, as I said, the expanders are as much new as the main unit, and imposibble to find used.
There is a small dog, FW-1082, but the faders are 80mm and the pans, sends, etc, will only translate to pots, and not the faders.
I should be knee deep in this in the next month,
Maybe sooner on the Tascam board if I stir up the faders for it.
I will highly document the process, parts used, results, and photos and try to find this thread again or just start a new one.
Really, this is a simple project for any analoug board,
the kicker is the cost of a decent fader that features a linear track for servo position, log track for audio, and a touch track.
Penny & Giles PGFM3220 is perfect for this application, at $388 each.... so that's kind of a kicker.
32x8 board would run $11,640 List for those faders with the 25% discount. So there's obvious need for a cheaper fader.
Though I do know there are cheaper alternatives even in P&G's, ALPS, etc.........
I have also thought about modding the faders themselves, stacking or otherwise, to link an anoloug fader to a ALPS fader I have about 15 of.
This would be a sloppy option, but hey, I have them. Maybe for a stupid little 8 channel mod or something.... but not a serious console.
Then it's simply a matter of mounting the components of whatever brain you want controlling things for you.
Kinda glad I found this thread, it's right along the lines of what I've found to be viable means of doing this.
Though, again, my focus is aimed at the faders (And flippable brains to translate other functions to them)
rather than automating an entire console, which would get a lot trickier unless it was already there, like the Harrison,
which I could actually implement pan knobs and whatnot by tying in with the donor surface
Just my rants....