But if say one of the designs here we did together, turned out as a commercial product without our concent, it would be pretty easy to flame that idiot into oblivion on all the dif pro-audio forums, so sales would be rather slow
You would think that would be the case but it just won't happen for several of reasons:
(1) Buyers of commercial units get them mostly from dealers/retailers and do not frequent d-i-y forums. Most of them will never hear about it.
(2) Too many of the buyers that do hear about it do not care! As long as it sounds good, they will not worry about whether the design or pcb layouts were ripped off... they are happy with the product and the ethics are not their consideration.
(3) Magazines will not support the d-i-y people AT ALL!!! Magazines get revenue from advertisers and they are not going to get involved in a mess over an issue that is trivial to them.
I have direct first-hand knowledge of this since a commercial pedal company ripped off a design from my web site and used it in their product:
This is unfortunately not the only case of this happening... in fact, it has become fairly common practice in the guitar stompbox market for companies to troll the d-i-y forums looking for new ideas and designs... right now there is a commercial pedalmaker cruising one of the d-i-y forums pumping members for ideas and board layouts.
Different people have different ideas about what is appropriate or ethical... the people who spend hours drafting designs, building prototypes, running test and then compiling the material for a web site have one opinion, and a few others who have done no work cannot see what the problem is!
It has got to where I just keep most of my new ideas to myself, or if I post a new item I have to assume it will be used commercially...
More reading material:
regards, Jack
ps: The vast majority of d-i-y people are very cool and supportive, and the number of commercial hacks trolling is quite small, but they can ruin it for everyone...