Favorite bands..that sound awful..

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I felt Wheeler Walker Jr needed a mention in here ,I know I did post it in other topics already ,and Im sorry if anyone was offended by the content I hope I did give fair warning and I hope none of our little snowflakes went back with pissy panties to Jonhs office , I can appriciate  how that would be a shitty start to his day.
Again this maybe belongs in another post but maybe we could put a content advisory button of some kind up ,that way sensitive souls would at least have some indication, and perhaps some situations could be avoided . Not sure how it would even work in practise . just looking now maybe a special message icon for posts with potentially offensive content could be a simple idea and require no technical effort ,exclamation point looks perfect for the job .testing 123


Heres one of Wheelers more tame numbers ,I get a giggle off it I have to admit, the band are great I get reminders of all the country rock greats from it , sounds like they had a good giggle on the recording sessions . I did listen to an interview  with Wheeler on the Rogan show he's maybe a level or two up from the  toothless buttfuker swamp ass , seems fairly smart .
You could try 'family tree' by him if your prepared for a little more shock factor .Again snowflakes do not let your curiosity overide your better judgement and stay away . The last song on the 'redneck shit' album I wasnt even prepared to brave yet  ,I wont even mention the name of it here to save any potential fall out .
I find it a refresing antidote to the syrupy sickly sweet country of modern times , I think the 'balls out' style has always been a part of country ,although Wheeler does push that boundry out beyond anything Ive seen ,He spoke a bit about the reasons behind making the album and it seems he's been slugging it out as musician for years with little sucess,he just decided in the end it was the only way to get heard above the noise in Nashville  Its kinda like gangsta rapping over swirley country . I am seriously impressed with the guitar playing on it  ,theres some real meaty guitar sounds ,and really tasty slide work. My guess is it'll probably wear thin on me soon .Its the novelty value that gives you the giggles in the end , I would go to see his gig if he came to Ireland but thats probably unlikely .

One thing I found interesting was on youtube a few black guys made there own funny videos to go along with Wheelers songs ,
I kinda never pictured black people enjoying country music in my brain before ,of course Wheelers content will appeal to  the 'shoot from the hip' Afro-US style . As I said I listened to the Rogan show with Wheeler and despite the red neck persona ,which tends to bring its own connotations of white supremacy and racism ,there was none of that kind of nasty apparent in the guy at all.

As a slight aside from the above Ive had a chance to make friends with more rural people in the USA lately ,its very easy cause of media shitstorming to fall into the hicks vs civilised coastal folk mentality even for me thousands of miles away ,but the truth is theres good to be found everywhere if you look, if you cant see the good in people you certainly wont find it .

I'm very excited just now as some of my good friends are pulling an old band back together thats been up on blocks for years ,Its going to be a great oppertunity to meet loads of old friends in music for me ,and the possibillity of work in the pipeline ,fingers crossed .


Heres a bunch of very special people to me playing, John Lynch has since passed away ,so this upcomming series of gigs will be in his honour.
No need at all to defend your liking of it. I think almost anyone gets the satirical aspect in his music or is it parody -- or rather travesty being a more appropriate term in this case?

Interesting background... He built a career, so that can't be bad. Will listen again for the guitar work  ;)