Happy new year,
i'am back and hardly trying to catch up here
Let me give a short overview from my workbench:
1) S-AOC Prototype needs a next revision. Both for PSU and the module itself.
Sounds great, but the available space is very small, especially for fitting pots and meter on the frontpanel. The solutions lies in the big solen cap. So i will come back in a later post with a 1st approach. As Ian mentioned a 10uF electrolytic will be just as good.
2) Lunchbox - "squeezed" PSU need also a next iteration.
Let me collect all the input from Ian and Dan.
- avoid vias and increase the track with (main heater 0V, 12V heater supply to smoothing cap etc.)
- heat sink reorientation for better air flow
- general rule: 0V and +ve tracks a.fat.a.p
- wire links or zero ohm resistors rather than vias
- 1st resitor in the HT smoothing chain should be rated 5W
- high voltage trace to the 220R/7W resistor in between the pins of the high voltage connector are ambitious

- need to check the idea of Dan for high power resistor after the diode bridge instead of seeing the large filter caps
traces to electrolytic caps on the bottom side of the pcb
Design idea from Ian
One thing that might help is if you put the 12V heater supply on the right hand side so it is near the output connectors, then have the HT supply to the left of that and then the 12V utility and lastly the phantom power on the far left.
Currently the 28HP modules from Bürklin are finally on the way and i can make a 1st test and go from there.
3) "two pot NFB EQ" from Ian
I definitely need a few extra post for this!
Awesome idea and great addition for the (pair of) mic pre!
4) 'four toggles' PCB from Ian for the Classic with the two knob EQ
Again, need an extra post for this.
I did a 1st step towards a 6U test-pcb design with a lot of extra stuff on it.
Because i want more freedom in the choice of switches (e.g. wide range of illumated switches), i build everything on relays which can be controlled by a small "logic control voltage" from 1V-12V.
At the end it should be an optional board too. The top switcher logic area is responsible for 48V-Line/Mic-Pad-Polarity.
So now i need to study the "The Classic" schematic!
Cheers, Sven
PS: i got my hands dirty with a prototype pcb i made for a PM660/M660 "attempt", which combines all the informations, mods and available schematics here on GDIY. Well, yes it sounds awesome but unfortunately nothing you can fit nearly into a 3U module last but not least another psu module. Maybe 6U or as "master compressor module". Anyway, this thing get's so hot i couldn't imagine.