I got to have a look at the tube Neve again yesterday, and what it told me was 'no worries'; it works just fine. It's one of the pair he had built originally to kick off the company. The Neve co. owns the studio unit and trotted it out at the last AES con. This one would be the outside broadcast console.
The one I'm talking about is pictured here; you can click on it and get an enlarged view:
It says there 1961, but the filter caps have 4/62 dates on them (! they're not mine to change). It is totally hi-Z between the mic input and program output xfrmrs. The external case seen in that pic is long gone, so it's essentially a solid front panel with completely exposed guts on all other sides. The amps are all built on solid metal L brackets, so there's some isolation shielding between amps.
It's ten channels (11 counting echo return), and has 12AX7 channel output stages that drive 250K pots in parallel with 500K monitor pots.
The 250K pot sweepers feed a panning pot (added later by ?) which is a dual 250K pot array; pair of 250K linears to ground with 68K trim resistors from signal top to sweeper, signal leaving via sweeper. Hope that's clear.
There's also a 500K pot for echo send hanging off the channel fader sweepers.
470K mixing resistors are used from the sweeper outputs of the channel pans, echo, and monitor sends.
The L and R busses have all the 470K's placed together at the input tube of the group amps. The monitor and echo busses simply have the 470K's hanging directly off the pots with what looks like #20 wire stringing the pots together.
Absolutely no shielding is used for any of this bussing, or any of the routing from channel related pot to pot. It has hi-Z bass and treble EQ at preamp interstage, which is laid out on the front panel away from the channel blocks, and there's no shielding there either. The wire runs for the group and master faders are shielded, along with the mic and DI inputs and echo return input. The echo return is unbuffered, being a 100K pot feeding another pan array feeding the group inputs through 220K mixing resistors placed at the group input grid.
It does use 12 VDC for the channel tubes, and 6VAC for the output amps. No shielding on any of the 6VAC.
As you might guess from the pic, it was originally set up as a three group mono mixer, with a four channel group and (2) three channel groups. The B+ feeds are still wired per the original three group branching, even though we're mixing in modified stereo now.
Whoever actually built this for Mr. Neve sure knew what they were doing, or got really lucky with the layout. Same for the later modifications.
The one I'm talking about is pictured here; you can click on it and get an enlarged view:
It says there 1961, but the filter caps have 4/62 dates on them (! they're not mine to change). It is totally hi-Z between the mic input and program output xfrmrs. The external case seen in that pic is long gone, so it's essentially a solid front panel with completely exposed guts on all other sides. The amps are all built on solid metal L brackets, so there's some isolation shielding between amps.
It's ten channels (11 counting echo return), and has 12AX7 channel output stages that drive 250K pots in parallel with 500K monitor pots.
The 250K pot sweepers feed a panning pot (added later by ?) which is a dual 250K pot array; pair of 250K linears to ground with 68K trim resistors from signal top to sweeper, signal leaving via sweeper. Hope that's clear.
There's also a 500K pot for echo send hanging off the channel fader sweepers.
470K mixing resistors are used from the sweeper outputs of the channel pans, echo, and monitor sends.
The L and R busses have all the 470K's placed together at the input tube of the group amps. The monitor and echo busses simply have the 470K's hanging directly off the pots with what looks like #20 wire stringing the pots together.
Absolutely no shielding is used for any of this bussing, or any of the routing from channel related pot to pot. It has hi-Z bass and treble EQ at preamp interstage, which is laid out on the front panel away from the channel blocks, and there's no shielding there either. The wire runs for the group and master faders are shielded, along with the mic and DI inputs and echo return input. The echo return is unbuffered, being a 100K pot feeding another pan array feeding the group inputs through 220K mixing resistors placed at the group input grid.
It does use 12 VDC for the channel tubes, and 6VAC for the output amps. No shielding on any of the 6VAC.
As you might guess from the pic, it was originally set up as a three group mono mixer, with a four channel group and (2) three channel groups. The B+ feeds are still wired per the original three group branching, even though we're mixing in modified stereo now.
Whoever actually built this for Mr. Neve sure knew what they were doing, or got really lucky with the layout. Same for the later modifications.