Here we go:-
From these simple ingredients..............................................
Including, 57 Resistors, 35 Capacitors, 8 Tubes, 5 Transformers, 16 diodes and 1 MOSFET......
I will attempt to...... (better not say cook)....... assemble a redesigned version of a Collins 26C Bridge Compressor, originally designed in 1938. It will be a 3u, 19" rack unit. Made old school Point to Point, so help me God!
I started this project back in last October tryinging a mock up of a 26W, I could not make that work satisfactorily so I tried the 26C with more success.
This is the plan:
When its finished I'd like a pro UK studio to try it out, volunteer required!
If that goes ok, I will ship it to a volunteer in the US for appraisal. He must undertake to ship it to the next person who wants a go and so on. When this process is complete the final person must undertake to auction it on the forum. I don't want anything for making it but I want to re-coup the shipping costs, the proceeds will then go to the Forum. If anyone wants to make their own then they should make a suitable donation when they download the schematics and parts list/BOM.
Thanks to all for your support, let me know if you want to go on the audition list.