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jjaskuna said:
"Ill be back and able to test in about 5days but what do you mean? Ground  being *star ground on gssl chasis connected to common terminal on dmm. Possitive pole being poss dmm connected to? Not sure what u say here
Maybe its me tho hehehe"

My grounding scheme is:  Ground from audio input of pcb connected to right XLR input ground, Jumpered to Left XLR input ground, jumpered to a screw that is drilled into the chassis. Also connected to this screw is a wire that attaches to the ground of my ICE power connector.  Not sure what a star ground is thought....

By "positive pole of my meter", I mean: the connector on my meter that the red wire attaches to. The red wire then attaches to Meter+ or M+ (can remember which it is on my PCB) on the control PCB.

Sorry my bad now that i read i see u testing with dmm but also mentioned +meter but thats meter from the gssl.
My gssl i had to make ground connection directly to that screw drilled to chasis (star...) to make continuity.. I think on the schematic there is ground there.
Sorry my bad now that i read i see u testing with dmm but also mentioned +meter but thats meter from the gssl.
My gssl i had to make ground connection directly to that screw drilled to chasis (star...) to make continuity.. I think on the schematic there is ground there.

Okay, Thanks for checking!  I went to test the GSSL last night...finally bought some "insert/send cables" to use with my mixing console. I had been using two computers and two interfaces to test previously, which was a serious pain.  In testing I found that I had no signal coming out. Looking at the output section I found that the pcb tracts for the Left and Right + connections to the XLRs had separated from the PCB. I think it was the result having to turn the board over so many times trying to figure out what is wrong :-[  I spent the last hour and a half connecting these positive outputs to the next closest connection in the signal chain.  Hopefully this works.....will test when I get home tonight.  If I can get it to output signal cleanly I think I will call it. Right not I can get clean compression on two of the three ratio settings (left and middle). As I built this to try and use it on my 2buss to compress my whole mix, I can only see ever using 2:1 or 4:1, which I have.

On a side note, can anyone explain to me how, if at all, a pcb track and connection (the little silver ring that you solder to) can be relaid in a pcb if the original on is no longer there.

Hi Guys
A friend of mine brought me his faulty GSSL for troubleshooting :)
I got something strange at the input
the right channel is ok
the left channel, when I feed it with a sin 1K signal, at the output of the NE5534 I get a triangle signal, and a square one at the Comp/Bal . the comp being more than strange !

anybody has any idea ?
Hi again..I'm very near to finish my gssl but...
now, I would like to use a  a bypass and  on/off toggle switches, I prefer them instead of the rotary switch in the layout , but I don't know which is the right way to  wire them to the pcb , could someone help me is there a drawing to look for ? I made a search but didn't find any clue..
thanks again in advance!
hi Sorry!
what confused me, sorry again for my very low knowedge about schemes layout etc, is that in the layout the bypass switch is in parenthesis (bypass) and there was written "wires to bypass switch" next to him,  this made me think of it as the  on /off  rotary switch to power up the compressor with the possibility to wire next to him a bypass switch...
so, corret me if I'm wrong, that rotary switch is actually THE bypass switch...right?
I found the scheme below in order to use a toggle switch instead of the rotary one  for the bypass switch  in the "improve your gssl.." thread....
is this the right one to apply?
so now, how do I have to wire things in order to add  a on/off power switch?I got a iec socket with separate fuse holder..
here is the jpeg for the bypass


  • GSSL Bypass.jpg
    GSSL Bypass.jpg
    73.3 KB
Hi Looksharp,
                        Thats a graphic I made and posted to make sure I understood how to correctly wire a DPDT toggle switch for Bypass - ( Comp In/Out ) .  Harpo helped me out ... Thanks again  Harpo !!
    Just look at the GSSL PDF on Gyraf's site for the pin assignment labels -  In the Gyraf version  both the mains power On  AND Bypass are on rotary switches'

  For Mains power toggle switch , use a DPDT toggle switch rated for your mains power, neutral and fused Hot to each Common post, then two leads from each post on one side of switch to power transformer Primary... also check with Power Transformer manufacturer for hook up instructions - Always be very careful with Mains Power - safe practices.

  Be very careful , hope this helps  :)
audiophreak said:
-  In the Gyraf version  both the mains power On  AND Bypass are on rotary switches'


hallo and thanks for your answer!
as for the quote above...that is what confuse me..if I look at the  gyraf layout there is not evidence to me  of the mains "power on" rotary switch,isn't it right? or is the  rotary "bypass" switch labeled (bypass) both a on /off and bypassso , let's say,a"two function" switch?..I don't think so...
Hi ,
    Gyraf's are two separate Rotary switches , the Rotary all the way the the right in this Gyraf graphic is " Power " and then the Rotary to the Left of that is Labeled " Bypass "

Ohhhhh  ... I think I overlooked something about your confusion ,  the "On " " Off "  designations on the control PCB and in the Gyraf PDF and my Toggle graphic refer to the " Comp On ( or Engaged )  and Comp Off ( Bypassed / Disengaged )

  The Mains Power" On /Off "is a different switch

  Maybe that's what you were referring too ? 
yes, at the beginning I thought the far right rotary on the layout was the main power on/off switch...with your help,now, I understand that the rotary switch on the layout is the bypass now I 'm wondering where and I could wire the main power on/off switch...I can see it in the photo you post and that photo is the same  I followed in order to drill the front panel...
hey , your first answer was pretty perfect...!
there's no misunderstanding....and....... I followed your instruction, powered it up and works great!
I did the plain project without any turbo or similar stuff I sometimes  read in the I'm wondering what a turbo could add to this fantastic sounding  machine....
what is the that Turbo?  could you please explain it to me? :)
thanks again!
      Glad I was able to help  :)

  Well ... the way I understand things the GSSL has only one side chain detector so Center panned audio ( Kick , Bass etc. )  are compressed more than stereo imaged signals... so that lead to the development of the SSC filter , ( Super Side Chain Filter )  which is essentially a High Pass Filter for the Side Chain Detector , with some extra stuff so that Bass , Kick etc. aren't overly compressed. 
    The Turbo PCB from Expat Audio is actually another Side Chain detector , basically eliminating the need for the SSC Filter , however some people ( including me ) have built a GSSL with Turbo AND SSC Filter ( you need two SSC to do this )  because I like the flexibility  of this arrangement.

  and I would like to take this opportunity to again thank Gyraf  and everyone for developing all this cool stuff !!  :)

.. do a search for Expat Audio and SSC / Super Sidechain , read the related threads for  more in depth  explanations

  I hope this explains things a little - also if some of the experts care to join in and correct anything I have said or explain further ...
madreza said:
Hi Guys
A friend of mine brought me his faulty GSSL for troubleshooting :)
I got something strange at the input
the right channel is ok
the left channel, when I feed it with a sin 1K signal, at the output of the NE5534 I get a triangle signal, and a square one at the Comp/Bal . the comp being more than strange !

anybody has any idea ?

madreza said:
Any Idea for my NE5534 problem ?

... sorry , dont know how to use an Oscilloscope , but check this page for voltage readings , it helped me  ;D;topicseen#msg402263
Hi guys I am just about to order meters for my GSSL, I am building three pieces for the first time. I just want to ask you more experienced builders if these meters I have found will work.

for 1U:


for 2U:


I just want to make sure before I order one.

Hi Guys just wondering if I have things straight:
I'm building a gssl + turbo mod, without any SC boards.

For my switches I thus need DPDT for bypass and power? And if I want to power LEDs without a relay i need TPDT switches for both?
madreza said:
the left channel, when I feed it with a sin 1K signal, at the output of the NE5534 I get a triangle signal, and a square one at the Comp/Bal . the comp being more than strange !
Double check resistor solder connection of the 22K (above 33pF) between NE5534-pins2/6 and pcb for broken trace at the left side of this resistor. Just an idea.
rvandeven said:
Hi Guys just wondering if I have things straight:
I'm building a gssl + turbo mod, without any SC boards.

For my switches I thus need DPDT for bypass
Yes, or a FI 2x6 lorlin type rotary switch, rotation limited to pos.2.
and power?
Maybe, depending on local regulations. This is an intercontinental forum and not only mains voltages differ. Updating your profile with your location data might better help us to help you.
And if I want to power LEDs without a relay i need TPDT switches for both?
Only for bypass. The power status LED will get dark with AC mains disconnected or switched off.