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thanks for this!

I believe both secondaries are used in the GSSL build, so basically from what you said, i'm going to take the feed from after the smoothing cap on the 15v..

this wont effect the 15v rail in any negative way correct?

I don't quite get the flyback diode thng yet but i'll try to get a better grip on it..

and lastly, how do I determine the cap values on the diagram for the 7812?

much appreciated!
Fuccimain said:
thanks for this!

I believe both secondaries are used in the GSSL build, so basically from what you said, i'm going to take the feed from after the smoothing cap on the 15v..

this wont effect the 15v rail in any negative way correct?

I don't quite get the flyback diode thng yet but i'll try to get a better grip on it..

and lastly, how do I determine the cap values on the diagram for the 7812?

much appreciated!
This is GroupDIY. Google is your friend. There are literally hundreds of articles on simple PSUs. But we have no idea what your current requirements are, what relays you are going to use and for what, what illuminated switches you are using, which transformer you bought, how you are wiring it all up.....
havent decided the  exact components yet...just trying to gather ideas and see what are good options.. was just curious why the cap values were absent from the diagram you posted.. it's cool though, yeah I know where i'm posting,duh ,. as this is the place to learn and ask questions..

nevermind though as it seems the last revision of the gssl pcb has option for 7812 power for illumination and relays built in, so I'll base my decisions off what is there

I just finished a GssL, and I have a problem I can't figure out.

Supply voltages are good.
Signal passes fine in bypass.
Make-up gain works fine.
Bypass is wired correctly.
Swapped the Side chain VCA - no change.
Swapped the TL072 - no change.

In compression mode, the unit "Ducks" the signal, then it recovers. The speed of recovery is dependent on the ratio setting, and it comes back faster at 1:2 than 1:10. I can also hear how it grabs to duck change with attack settings and the release with release settings. (It does take VERY long for recovery at 1:10 and long releases though). When it comes back and theres a transient, it ducks again. So it seems like it works, just on turtle speed!?

The problem is there, even if I just pass signal through one side (checked both left and right).

I have no meter attached and started doubting if that could be a problem, but I don't see why it should be, when I check the schematic (And just because I don't see it doesn't mean it can't be the problem of course).

Any ideas?

I have an old, original GSSL that I just added a CRC board to. It hadn't been turned on in a very long time, and when I did I discovered the power transformer, or the wire connections on it had gone bad. I replaced the power transformer, it powers up normally now. The right side seems OK, but the left side isn't passing signal - it sounds like white noise that's pumping at around 120 bpm. Can anyone point me in a direction to look for the problem?
jrmintz said:
I have an old, original GSSL that I just added a CRC board to. It hadn't been turned on in a very long time, and when I did I discovered the power transformer, or the wire connections on it had gone bad. I replaced the power transformer, it powers up normally now. The right side seems OK, but the left side isn't passing signal - it sounds like white noise that's pumping at around 120 bpm. Can anyone point me in a direction to look for the problem?
Oxydized sockets? Pull all (at least left side) NE5534, NE5532 and audio-VCA chips and pushing them back in might already have solved it (temporary). Otherwise trace signal in left side audio path from input to output and look where it gets lost. At least you have a working side to compare to. There are +/-1027 other reasons where things might have gone wrong...

Missing meter can't be your problem.

Check and recheck for shorts AND for correct component values in your sidechain post timing (frontpanel board and around TL072)

Jakob E.
2x12(8) switch for 2 SSC filter hookup.  having trouble finding the correct/compatible lorlin in the states, do you think this is a good choice for the dual SSC filter switch?  I'm worried it might be too large for a 1U case...

oh, is shorting or non shorting better ?

any other suggests would be appreciated.

Fuccimain said:
2x12(8) switch for 2 SSC filter hookup.  having trouble finding the correct/compatible lorlin in the states, do you think this is a good choice for the dual SSC filter switch?  I'm worried it might be too large for a 1U case...

oh, is shorting or non shorting better ?

any other suggests would be appreciated.

Shorting is generally better for filters to avoid any popping.

There is no Lorlin 2x12 AFAIK. 2x6 yes. 1x12 yes. 2*12 no.

This switch is almost certainly too big for a 1U case's internal dimensions (34 mm + 2 * 5.7mm tabs) without modification, but I guess you could bend those solder tags back to make it fit because the body is only 34mm.

I bought a 2*12 on eBay, but it needs a lot of torque to turn and is pretty clunky. This has been discussed before and no one really came up with a great solution.
Noob here.
I'm boiling down to the last few wiring.

After searching the forum for the wiring of the transformer and power switch I have stumbled across some information and diagrams. So heres the conclusion to what my wiring should be like.
If someone could look at the diagram and tell me if its a "nay or a yay" that would be appreciated.

(Re-edited pic from "Somsay" 2008)


Dissler89 said:
If someone could look at the diagram and tell me if its a "nay or a yay" that would be appreciated.
The -from pic- square right side pin above the 'N' pin will be the 'L' pin for the fused IEC socket.
Fuse parameters needed (voltage, current and fusing characteristic) are depending on your mains transformers type, VA rating and efficiency.
The brown wire for safety ground will be green/yellow with a diameter capable of current flowing at fault condition (maybe ø1.5mm²). Any paint/coating/anodizing at the bolt to case has to be removed to ensure safe conduction, if you could not get a bonded receptacle to your case for the safety ground connection.
For the polarized swiss type "F" mains plug you might get away with only switching mains hot. If you intend to operate the unit in maybe germany by use of a euro mains cord, switching both life and neutral is mandatory (dunno of swiss regulations, maybe mandatory there as well).
Colour coding of mains transformer wires is NOT standarized. Your transformer might come with different colour wires or -even more confusing- same colour wires but with different meaning.
Hi everybody.
I ve buit  one gssl with ssc turbo and expat psu.
Everything looks work .
There is just a problem with the ratio.there is only 2 pos.(2and 10....4 doesńt work)
Ive check the pcb with magnificient glasses but it s looks ok.
I ve ckeck the resistors...good value...and good orientation for the diode...
I ve change the resut.
And it s looks same in turbo mode.
There is some strange action when i change the release (noise of the condo if you see what i mean) but works .

Maybe someone have a better idea.
Thank you in advance and sorry for my perfect english.

I have build a GSSL (Rev 11) with Super Sidechain. Voltage works, Bypass works, Make-Up-Gain works, but when i turned Ratio, Release, Attack and Threshold the Compressor is without Function. I have installed on the sidechain board no NE5532 opamp, but Burr Brown OPA 2134. I do not know if that's right. I do not really know where to look for the error. 


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Eric, at least the jumper at *HPF on gssl main board is missing, so sidechain signal is interrupted.
With your sscf board lorlin switched full ccw to external and missing the connection to/from the external key socket or a jumper between 'Snd' and 'Ext' will give another not working condition.
Harpo said:
Eric, at least the jumper at *HPF on gssl main board is missing, so sidechain signal is interrupted.
With your sscf board lorlin switched full ccw to external and missing the connection to/from the external key socket or a jumper between 'Snd' and 'Ext' will give another not working condition.

Hi Harpo,

HPF I discovered last night and I have it bridged. but the Copmressor is not working. Sidechain enabled (LED light on) make up gain works, bypass enabled (LED off) Make up gain without function. As described in the guide. Ratio, Threshold, Attack and Release without function again. Should I "SND" and "EXT" also bridge? :eek:

UPDATE: "SND" and "EXT" bridged, same Problem! I don't know what it is....


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firfe said:
Hi everybody.
I ve buit  one gssl with ssc turbo and expat psu.
Everything looks work .
There is just a problem with the ratio.there is only 2 pos.(2and 10....4 doesńt work)
Ive check the pcb with magnificient glasses but it s looks ok.
I ve ckeck the resistors...good value...and good orientation for the diode...
I ve change the resut.
And it s looks same in turbo mode.
There is some strange action when i change the release (noise of the condo if you see what i mean) but works .

Maybe someone have a better idea.
Thank you in advance and sorry for my perfect english.

help :) thanx
firfe said:
Hi everybody.
I ve buit  one gssl with ssc turbo and expat psu.
Everything looks work .
There is just a problem with the ratio.there is only 2 pos.(2and 10....4 doesńt work)
Ive check the pcb with magnificient glasses but it s looks ok.
I ve ckeck the resistors...good value...and good orientation for the diode...
I ve change the resut.
And it s looks same in turbo mode.
There is some strange action when i change the release (noise of the condo if you see what i mean) but works .

It could simply be the ratio switch "programmed" wrong: Take out the coding pin, turn the switch all way counter-clockwize, and re-insert coding pin at the place where it says "3" on the plastic (the second hole from the start).

Alternatively, check the ratio switch with an Ohm-meter to verify it actually switches.

And check (look at schematic) the circuit around ratio switch - connections, resistor values and diode orientations.

Jakob E.
thank you for your help.
unfortunatly i 've already check resistor value and diode orientation....look good.
and same for the switch....check with ohmmeter...
no short..
i have change the issue.
i don't understand.
the 2 and 10 looks work great.
but i will try again to check and recheck.

and can you explain why sometime there is some noise when i turn the release....
i've the same problem in my the medium freq( thank you again for your beautiful work Mr Gyraf :)  )

but one thing at a time :)
Hi again,

In my last post I said my GSSL not work. Harpo said it is on the HPF is not bridged. I have HPF and SND & EXT bridged. the compressor does not work. I have checked all connections. the connection from the side chain to the mother board I re-soldered. I have everything checked for solder bridges. Make up gain goes. threshold, ratio, attack and release without function. Bypass works. Where can I start to look for the error? Can we detect errors in the image. I used Burr Brown OPA 2134 in the Side Chain Board are the right ones? All Capacitors are WIMA MKS, MKP, FKS 5-10% 63V. I'm really desperate ...):

Sorry for my Bad English.


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