Happy Independance Day

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
Happy Independance day to all our brothers and sisters stateside , no matter what side of political/ethnic picket fence you happened to land on .
Just reading the reactions across different posts in relation to political discussion in the brewery. I can understand some peoples view that its easier and more convienient to simply shut down political discussion altogether on account of a handfull who cant remain civil . I realise I often bring up uncomfortable truths which many might consider overly negative . I noted Boji's post on the big oil executives ,didnt shock or surprise me one bit ,but Im an avid hunter of dark matter or as some might term it conspiracy theories ,for many years ,I guess it all depends on how cosy a persons gotten under the security blanket/propaganda bubble ,government and society in general creates for itself  . Back in the day here in Ireland we had many who turned a blind eye too and even facillitated  attrocities by government ,church and the IRA,thankfully now were on our way out of this headf**k ,most of us anyway ,there is still a few who cant/wont see the wrongs ever.  Isnt the definition of high quality brainwashing ,that you cant even see it for what it is ? 

If we have been forced to bury our heads in the sand ,or worse get into making excuses or  attempting to justify attrocites commited under the guise of whats best for country ,when the truth finally becomes known were actually in danger of total brainfart/meltdown on a personal level , and I think thats the main reason we continue with the suspension of our collective disbelief.

It seems many Irish politicians have declined the invite to the US embassay today over the Mexican border debacle ,
An absolute tabloid rag of a newspaper that I wouldnt wipe my arse with normally ,but it was the first hit on the search I did .

The enemy isnt the guy next door with different political,cultural or ethnic beliefs or backround  ,its the big moneymen playing divide and conquer, oldest trick in the book.

Kindest and sincerest best wishes to all our US friends and their families today ,being the day thats in it maybe reaching out to people across the political/ethnic divide is the most appropriate thing,even small gestures can make a big difference to a persons day, specially if they havent a pot to piss in .

Thanks for taking the time to read and reply to my post Scott . I am slightly curious as to why you posted some text and then rescinded it after ,in any case its entirely up to yourself, completely within the rules and I certainly dont feel I have any automatic right to demand an explanation .

I do wonder sometimes when I post on tough subject matters ,there seems to be plenty of people who read the posts but often prefer not to comment or reply , thats ok too .Id be seriously considering  reviewing my style if my posts generated negative feelings or reactions enough to get me bombarded by criticism. I can only hope that somehow the silence means people are actually thinking about the points Ive raised and my words are having a positive impact , that for me is what makes the whole exercise worthwhile. 
Thank you all once again ,
I find myself editing or removing posts a lot. In this case,  I guess being an American holiday, I felt like changing my opinion piece to something more festive and less whatever it was I wrote........... as a sort of reprieve or small gesture of the intention ultimately desired.....

I  too am curious as to why this piece was important to post when given the colorful opinion of it's usefulness beyond it's content.

Tubetec said:
It seems many Irish politicians have declined the invite to the US embassay today over the Mexican border debacle ,
An absolute tabloid rag of a newspaper that I wouldnt wipe my arse with normally ,but it was the first hit on the search I did .

I can only guess that it's needed as an example of how the big moneymen are playing divide and conquer  but, I am not convinced that a simple Happy 4th wouldn't have been just as appropriate or effective to the final goal.

I like all of your post! You have an excellent way to vividly describe things uniquely and I appreciate that. 

convenient to simply shut down political discussion

The thing about learning while debating is that you have to have the courage to display wrong thinking. If you challenge or assert ideas in public then you have to be willing to risk being wrong publically.  You also need to have learned how to chain your narcissism to the bedpost.  But the trollish have found crafty ways around this while also driving the otherwise good natured into the shadows; they don't actually engage in the dialectic, but instead hijack it with any number of untoward methods we all know too well.

Oh yea happi belated birfday 'murica. Don't catch you slippin up.

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