The Irish fled or were sent to the colonies for generations under British rule ,mainly to England but America and Austrailia as well , then we set up shop ourselves 100 years ago but very similar attrocities overseen by church and state drove generations away again . Now the shoe is on the other foot and we have people lining up to get in here.
Theres a lot of anger in more working class areas ,not so much directed at the people themselves but more towards a government that let generations of our own down yet seem to give 'free everything' and a clean slate to new people coming in .Long before people of a different skin colour allighted on our shores we had our own second class citizens , same name same colour same race same creed as the rest of us just less well off less well educated and more brutalised by the state . Were in the midst of the worst housing crisis ever and the Government have brought in 50,000 Ukrainians , around 85% females and children ,15% generally older males .
I had a random convo with a lady at a bar this afternoon , easy to spot she was from a tougher neighbourhood she said now the working class were getting treated like 3rd class citizens , so its getting better at the top the rich are getting richer poor are getting poorer and bumped down the housing list . Just to raise a couple of kids now both husband and wife need to work to pay astronomical rents and childcare they cant save so there no chance of getting on the property ladder .
We may have got a lot richer as a nation in recent times , and they say a rising tide lifts all boats but it most certainly doesnt . The cauldron of discontent is well and truly on the boil here again , if an election arrived in the morning Sinn Fein and a handfull of independant candidates could take power , the longer the current ad-hoc administration goes on the the more people they drive into the arms of Irish republicanism . Its always been one of the two other main political parties at the helm for the last 100 years , when one was in the other was out , the rights to the quarries for building materials( the biggest contracts in the state ) changing hands when the government changed . Were plouging away full steam ahead into uncharted waters now though , no one has a clue what will happen to big business and its politician friends cozy cartel once the Sinn Fein gets in .