Igor's high quality projects. Store closed, stuff shipped. A crazy idea - pg83.

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HI Igor, could I have some info about my order(6x preamplifiers universal input boards), which I paid via PayPal last month?
Can you estimate when it will be shipped?
Best Regards, jyrki3101
Just an idea if you're looking to do any other projects,

A relay based patchbay. So like your CRM kit, but for a patchbay!

Be heaps handy i reckon, just buttons instead of cables which can break and degrade sound.
Yes, I already did....kinda relay-based patchbay.
It is mastering transfer chain which takes care of 4 inserts;
relay-based matrix, some m-s, some parallel and some level stuff...
More than hundered relays, PGA2320-based level control, etc...
Active electronics bypassed when not used. 16 memory's, total recall for everything...

I will post pictures of K-1 later.
The customer from sunny Florida is happy :)

For now:

Payment sent for :

6x 60mm (purusha 's cases)  Bypass PCB's
2x  Bypass PCB's

thanks IGOR
and Merry christmas to all DIY'ers!!!

Ahemm....Wold is full of globalization, rationality and other serios stuff.
Somewhere, it....should be fun and happiness :)
I love and trying to celebrate (if possible) all holidays, Christian, Jewish, Muslim...
If I'd new Buddhist's and Taoist's holidays, they were in the list as well. Hurray!
Just checking before i put payment through,

Are the prices shown discounted already, or do we subtract it ourselves.

I'm after a talkback combiner and plasma vu set (these are just the pcbs + Pic (which i'm guessing is the one mentioned in the BOM) for the plasma vu aren't they)

so with the prices shown it would be 47 euro (incl shipping unless i'm wrong)

With 15% discount this would be 40 euro yes?

Also if you are looking for 12201 meters, i have found someone in germany who has 4 in stock left for 20 euro each (he had 5 but i'm buying one) and he may be able to get more because he said in stock, not 5 left. Pm me if you want his ebay ID.
The math is next.
On prices which already include shipping, like 2254C kits: total = price*0.85

On prices on small things like bypass PCB's etc: ((qty*price)+shipping)*0.85

Talkback combiner: EUR17 not incl. shipping
Plasma PCB's+microcontroller: EUR30 incl. shipping


Happy New Year!

PM sent, thanx!
@reanimatorstudio: I used to 63/37.
@Holger: please pm me your shipping address to get tracking Nr.

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