impeachment stupidity

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JohnRoberts said:
Anybody with half a clue knows that this impeachment theatrics is a blatant political strategy with little chance of success.
Is there any behavior that, in your opinion, warrants impeachment?  What is the burden of proof for said behavior?  You have apparently already set this up as dismiss-able, regardless of the findings.
JohnRoberts said:
PPS: The next scary thing is movie technology that allows realistic looking/sounding simulations of anybody saying anything you want.  :eek:

Can we agree, Trump wouldn’t loose any sleep using that technology to get over a political opponent,, just as he himself says with using other governments?
midwayfair said:
This is a complete mischaracterization of why he was fired.

He was gonged because of statements about Asians he made repeatedly, often in a non-joke context on his podcast. Not "some post when he was a kid" -- they were recent, and sustained.

NPR had a segment on it ( that played clips from different podcasts, with slurs and stereotyping dropped into casual conversation. The articles I found announcning his firing all showed a single video as an example, and that video was clearly intended as a joke. The other comments weren't.

This is all totally off-topic, but consider who you were listening to when you came to the conclusion that Gillis deserved to be hired into a freshman class with SNL's first Asian commedian when he casually drops slurs into conversation in a non-joke context and sees nothing wrong with it. The words "hostile workplace" aren't meaningless.

EDIT: Looking at some of the articles, apparently his statement was that he "likes to push boundaries." What the hell kind of "barrier pushing" is using fake accents and repeating stereotypes? That's about as regressive a form of comedy as exists. Boundary pushing. What an ass.
I do not give a flying f__ about snl wannabes... I was commenting on the larger trend in social media, that said people are a little thin skinned these days. Comedy is about pushing boundaries which is why many serious comedians refuse to work colleges any more.

FWIW I actually watched SNL this weekend (you couldn't pay me to watch NPR) , first time in a long time, and after I FF through the ugly parts I could see why I don't watch it any more (not that funny).  I recall several decades ago when the world stopped on saturday night to watch SNL...I had been attending kick ass parties that literally shut down to watch the TV set when SNL came on. They have lost several steps. But it is probably impossible to remain fresh comedically after almost half a century.

JohnRoberts said:
PPS: The next scary thing is movie technology that allows realistic looking/sounding simulations of anybody saying anything you want.  :eek:

That movie "Rising Sun" is 26 years old now...a lot more truth than fiction in the flick.

Speaking of technology the new Will Smith movie "Gemini man" uses technology where Will plays both character, he plays the older character and then through technology they have his own acting combined with facial recognition AI software that sets his face back about 20 years to be the antagonist version of himself...its quite groundbreaking at least film ground and of course t will soon be out in the public square...

The capacity for your face and voice to be superimposed upon an bad actor person caught on one of the many state controlled camara's should be enough to scare anyone...the technology is here staring us in the face...

If someone could come up with a personal digital fingerprint technology that is associated with your actual physical location at all times and loaded to a blockchain style technology it might make for some serious coin...the truth is you're not gonna avoid privacy issues, what you need protection from is bad actors.
Recording Engineer said:
Interesting. I wonder where you think his line might be then.

-No problem accepting help from foreign government by his own admission: Check

-Retweeting a doctored video of Pelosi: Check
He is a blowhard with near zero self editing...

JohnRoberts said:
He is a blowhard with near zero self editing...

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

STEPHANOPOULOS: Your campaign this time around, if foreigners, if Russia, if China, if someone else offers you information on opponents, should they accept it or should they call the FBI?

TRUMP: I think maybe you do both. I think you might want to listen, I don’t, there’s nothing wrong with listening. If somebody called from a country, Norway, “We have information on your opponent.” Oh, I think I’d want to hear it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You want that kind of interference in our elections?

TRUMP: It’s not an interference, they have information. I think I’d take it. If I thought there was something wrong, I’d go maybe to the FBI. If I thought there was something wrong. But when somebody comes up with oppo research, right, that they come up with oppo research. Oh, let’s call the FBI. The FBI doesn’t have enough agents to take care of it, but you go and talk honestly to congressmen, they all do it, they always have. And that’s the way it is. It’s called oppo research.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Surprising. Thank you.
He clearly doesn't understand what the law says.  It doesn't seem to be a massive stretch to believe that he thinks information, from any source, is valid to accept (I believe him when he says it), and also that any such information is also valid to ask of foreign entities.
If you are paying attention to what has come out regarding the current impeachment inquiry and the DOJ and State should be very concerned...

Barr and Pompeo have been hard at work to discredit the source of the Mueller report...they are engaged (even travelling abroad which is very unusual for the AG to be focused on rather than domestic law issues) in gathering evidence from nations, seeking help to debunk the idea that the CIA and FBI BOTH deemed credible that Russia meddled in the 2016 elections...

The two biggest things that stand out to me about this:

1. Yes Trump is a blowhard, but more than anything else he is a narcissist...why would he authorise/support/comply with requests from government departments pursuing a path that removes the Mueller report source, when said report has been used to clear him of wrong doing? What level of Kompromat exists that would force him to debase his own reputation and for what?

Think it through...he has used the fact that the Mueller report exonerated him as a major talking point and now his DOJ is travelling the world to defang the SOURCE of the Mueller report...what is that about?

Well it's point #2...

2.  The fact that the FBI and CIA BOTH validated that Russia interfered in the 2016 election...and most of that was the SOURCE of the Mueller investigation...why remove this as the source, why ask foreign governments to help get this issue rebuked?


Bill Browder discovered Putins Achilles heel a long time ago, (Red Notice is an exceptional book)...sanctions...

Putin is in trouble...but he is a liar...the economic situation in his  fiat mafia government has run out of resources...he needs more resources because he and his Oligarchs have sucked the Russian economy dry, so he has invaded Ukraine, Crimea all of this is for THIER resources...he got kicked out of the G8 for it...and the Magnitsky Act have made it illegal to do business with his cronies...

US sanctions have hit them HARD...his mafia buddies are putting pressure on him to have their monies released (properties etc), but the new sanctions imposed are the result of them meddling in the 2016 election...

Putin is shaking down Trump with Kompromat and Barr and Pompeo are doing everything they can to get the SOURCE of the sanctions changed...

This is treason level bullshit.

The State dept. and the DOJ have been weaponized for Trumps personal issues, this is incredibly dangerous for nations like the Ukraine...
desol said:
Get him OFF of twitter and throw them all in jail.
Twitter can't afford the economic hit to do that, but at least one of the candidates asked for that recently (no doubt grasping for oxygen).  ::) That said twitter gives President Trump a direct line of communication bypassing media that is often painfully biased. One network interrupted a presidential press opportunity the other day to have one of their opinion people declare he was lying, then returned to the presser.  :eek:

and unfortunately we can't throw them "ALL" in jail... once people rise above a certain level in government (in either party) they not only get out of jail (free), but get paid retirement instead of doing hard time when caught (that list is pretty long and each side has their own list).

iomegaman said:
If you are paying attention to what has come out regarding the current impeachment inquiry and the DOJ and State should be very concerned...
I am concerned about a lot more than that...
Barr and Pompeo have been hard at work to discredit the source of the Mueller report...they are engaged (even travelling abroad which is very unusual for the AG to be focused on rather than domestic law issues) in gathering evidence from nations, seeking help to debunk the idea that the CIA and FBI BOTH deemed credible that Russia meddled in the 2016 elections...
The mueller report is ancient history... the DOJ inspector general is investigating some of the shenanigans surrounding it. That report is due soon.
The two biggest things that stand out to me about this:

1. Yes Trump is a blowhard, but more than anything else he is a narcissist...why would he authorise/support/comply with requests from government departments pursuing a path that removes the Mueller report source, when said report has been used to clear him of wrong doing? What level of Kompromat exists that would force him to debase his own reputation and for what?

Think it through...he has used the fact that the Mueller report exonerated him as a major talking point and now his DOJ is travelling the world to defang the SOURCE of the Mueller report...what is that about?
perhaps actual interference into the 2016 election
Well it's point #2...

2.  The fact that the FBI and CIA BOTH validated that Russia interfered in the 2016 election...and most of that was the SOURCE of the Mueller investigation...why remove this as the source, why ask foreign governments to help get this issue rebuked?


Bill Browder discovered Putins Achilles heel a long time ago, (Red Notice is an exceptional book)...sanctions...

Putin is in trouble...but he is a liar...the economic situation in his  fiat mafia government has run out of resources...he needs more resources because he and his Oligarchs have sucked the Russian economy dry, so he has invaded Ukraine, Crimea all of this is for THIER resources...he got kicked out of the G8 for it...and the Magnitsky Act have made it illegal to do business with his cronies...
there are street protests in Russia right now, but the reported shooting of a street protester in Hong Kong, is more newsworthy today (big Chinese anniversary celebration today  ) .

[edit] I heard a report that the shooting was accidental... HK Policeman was pointing a loaded gun at point blank range and another protestor struck his arm with a stick/pipe causing the gun to fire. The shooting accidental or not, caused violence to escalate which is out of character for Hong Kong. Not a good development for peaceful resolution.  [/edit]

Russia's wealth comes from exporting natural resources so our expanded exports of LNG have to be threatening Russia's bottom line.
US sanctions have hit them HARD...his mafia buddies are putting pressure on him to have their monies released (properties etc), but the new sanctions imposed are the result of them meddling in the 2016 election...

Putin is shaking down Trump with Kompromat and Barr and Pompeo are doing everything they can to get the SOURCE of the sanctions changed...

This is treason level bullsh*t.
agreed a lot of BS flying around in all directions (that's politics).... 
The State dept. and the DOJ have been weaponized for Trumps personal issues, this is incredibly dangerous for nations like the Ukraine...
The intelligence community are in this up to their necks since well before President Trump's election.  I suspect they are also getting nervous about the DOJ IG's report.

The swamp is likely getting uncomfortably warm.  8)

JohnRoberts said:
Twitter can't afford the economic hit to do that, but at least one of the candidates asked for that recently (no doubt grasping for oxygen).  ::) That said twitter gives President Trump a direct line of communication bypassing media that is often painfully biased. One network interrupted a presidential press opportunity the other day to have one of their opinion people declare he was lying, then returned to the presser.  :eek:

and unfortunately we can't throw them "ALL" in jail... once people rise above a certain level in government (in either party) they not only get out of jail (free), but get paid retirement instead of doing hard time when caught (that list is pretty long and each side has their own list).


Painful bias amounts to showing trump himself. The whole lot is rotten, to the core. It's sad, and pathetic and WRONG.
Pompeo has asked HR if he can punish state department employees who comply with legal congressional subpoenas...

Just for reminder Congress has a CONSTITUTIONAL POWER to investigate...there is no legal basis for obstructing a congressional subpoena...

And just for reference 40 of the WH/Watergate team were indicted or sent to jail...

It's almost never the crime its always the coverup.

If you think that Russia did not interfere in the 2016 election and Trump did not help in that (and now is beholden to them) there is no common sense or ground where we can dialogue...

I get that there has always been a swamp, hell Trump didn't drain it he has appointed more lobbyist to political positions than the last two administrations combined, but there are still decent people who work for our government...

People who think Adam Schiff or Mueller are on some sort of vendetta or take have no basis in reality, thats straign=ht up Jim Jones level kool-aid.

I can't believe trump's nonsense.... Does he really count on people being THAT stupid? A reporter asks him one question when he's sitting with Finland...and off he goes for about 1/2hr. On and on and on...making slanderous, defaming accusations to try and deflect from what he did. Same old garbage...schiff did this and that...he's an idiot...fake news....biden did this and that....yawn.

Who is this charlatan and WHO put him in office?

The news reports exactly what he says...then he says it's fake. Is this guy for real?
desol said:
I can't believe trump's nonsense.... Does he really count on people being THAT stupid?
What's really amazing is just how effective his nonsense is. It speaks to the power / importance of social media and twitter and media messaging. Most people are just going about their business and not really evaluating every little piece of information. So with some concerted effort it becomes possible to make the impossible possible. It's quite astounding really. It shouldn't happen. But it does in this case because of the inaction of Republicans and I would argue that Fox News is actually the origin of it all since that's where the average person gets their news. Fox News is the most watched cable news station by a good margin.
It’s both sides that think we’re all stupid and they are absolutely right! We’ve allowed ourselves to be indoctrinated so much on one side or the other, that it’s really all about the party instead of ourselves and fellow Americans; the real reason for endless gridlock. It’s all setup exactly that way so that if you don’t play, you WILL be out the game, you WILL be voted out, by us indoctrinated Americans!

There are and have been many with their heart in the right place but decided they have to/ had to play the game. Unfortunately, there may have to be many, many heart-in-the-right-place sacrificial lambs (not all that deeply-indoctrinated young ones) on both sides, whom we fall in love with while we see them truly trying to change the system from within, for us to finally wake up out of our spells!

People like to say that at least Trump is shacking-up the system, which is definitely a good thing. I full-heartedly disagree. You don’t put someone battling mental illness in that position! And his heart is NOT in the right place!  As a result, Trump is nothing more than a party’s bet that worked, but then went bad. But the game continues... Next!
Recording Engineer said:
It’s both sides that think we’re all stupid and they are absolutely right! We’ve allowed ourselves to be indoctrinated so much on one side or the other, that it’s really all about the party instead of ourselves and fellow Americans; the real reason for endless gridlock. It’s all setup exactly that way so that if you don’t play, you WILL be out the game, you WILL be voted out, by us indoctrinated Americans!

There are and have been many with their heart in the right place but decided they have to/ had to play the game. Unfortunately, there may have to be many, many heart-in-the-right-place sacrificial lambs (not all that deeply-indoctrinated young ones) on both sides, whom we fall in love with while we see them truly trying to change the system from within, for us to finally wake up out of our spells!

People like to say that at least Trump is shacking-up the system, which is definitely a good thing. I full-heartedly disagree. You don’t put someone battling mental illness in that position! And his heart is NOT in the right place!  As a result, Trump is nothing more than a party’s bet that worked, but then went bad. But the game continues... Next!

indoctrinated much?
Nah... I see myself as being WAY too companionate to both sides, to the point of being too indecisive. Some probably interpret as soft. Everyone else around me seem so to see everything in black and white. I just can’t! Life might be easier if I did.
The swamp will never drain when political goals are to make it rain.  It takes a swamp rat that knows to wrestle crocs n gaters, toothy maws of legal clauses, survive the come-up to the marshy edge,  Mr. Smith's castle and the well-oiled drawbridge. The fee to cross is a seven-figure income. Also honey-tongued words, a romance with rostrums.  The swamp is politics, is the swamp, is politics.

PS, Deep fakes will soon be indistinguishable from real fakes.
You know--  the ones that use light, sound and the enemy, phase-locked to your favorite ideology, got us turnt like a fork in spaghetti. Where's the middle memetic ground? Poisoned by its own sound. Glad handing like-fests or the moral outrage reach-around.

(fake but funny)

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