iomegaman said:
Trump is going scorched-earth to defend himself.
we are seeing two different movies based on our expectations.
another perspective is that there are other investigations of the "investigation" going on that should finish soon and people are trying to get ahead of that by discrediting those in DOJ. (Maybe get Barr to recuse himself).
No one did not see this coming except maybe the folks who have been part of circumventing the law.
see what coming? The impeachment? This was declared bad politics by Nancy Pelosi only weeks ago and she is still correct (IMO), but apparently the social media winds are blowing harder left these days, taking this out of her hands. They still haven't called for an impeachment vote in the house, just rebranded the sundry house committee investigations, so a change without a difference.
A little reminder from history...60 people were indicted during Watergate, 48 were convicted, and 40 went to prison.
There were actual crimes committed by Nixon's bumbling crew of burglars. There was also an actual crime committed by President Clinton to that intern inside the oval office, but he got impeached for lying to investigators, not for what he did with her.
Let that sink in...from within the three piece suit wearing political class we got 48 convictions, which in turn lead to 40 wearing orange jumpsuits...
apples and orange jumpsuits. I would love to see many people in the swamp get hard time for their law breaking, but that very rarely happens to swamp dwellers, unlikely this time either.
40..and the President himself only avoided prison because of a full pardon from Ford...for trying to get dirt on his political opponents...
President Nixon resigned from office because they caught him red handed. President Ford did the right thing (IMO) to move the country toward a better place. (I only wish President Nixon resigned before he drafted my butt into the army).
History might not repeat itself but it does play some of the same songs on occasion.
I am inclined to think we are writing some new (different) history this time around, and we are only in about the 3rd or 4th inning of this particular ball game. I wish we were further along but this will get dragged out perhaps beyond 2020.
We tend to think that every new crisis is the biggest we've ever faced...its just the wheels on the bus going round and round...
That is just the hyperbolic media. I have been saying all along that we as a nation have faced far worse crisis (how about a civil war?). That said this is the most divisive politics I have personally lived through. Partisan politics has spilled over into almost every aspect of our daily life. Media and politicians have to gin up ever greater controversy to get attention and remain relevant. I know I am weary from this. I expect many others are too.
On top of that we are talking about two completely different "crisis". :
I remain optimistic about our government surviving this time too... Our founders crafted a pretty robust system, but it can be ugly to see the sausage being made.