Klark Teknik KT-2A

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I added this photo so that you could see where I had to set the 2A-KT to match the behavior and gain of the LA2A.

It’s a significant difference.
That's a lot of output gain. I have found the KT2A to be prone to produce clipping-like distortion earlier than most of my gear. Thinking about this some more, I do think they might actually have pulled gain-staging-shenanigans as in their EQ...
That's a lot of output gain. I have found the KT2A to be prone to produce clipping-like distortion earlier than most of my gear.
I never turned it up higher than that so it never achieved any clipping - at least nothing audible or visible. I’m sure that once I start to use this on a regular basis, I will get to know it far more intimately.
That was one of the reasons why I bought the 2A-KT, I want to experiment with DIY T4b cells. I've had the needed components lying around for years, I'm curious to see what the differences are.
Any news on the DIY T4b cells? I compared the stock one and the IGS. IGS sounds smoother and for my ears nicer on slower stuff. The Stock sounds good on percussive stuff. Probably slightly different attack release times.
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The Klark EQP has 2x10k in series followed by 1k load before the input transformer ,
the unit is specced to accept levels upto +21dbu ,
Don't have this unit, nor the original it is based on. So easy to ignore me.

Apart from gain, the attack and release times (crest factors?) look slightly different on all three.

So somewhat difficult to compare, I'd think. Cos what works on bass on one might not work on vocals. And while the other is good on one vocalist, it might be less good on another or even on drums. Whereas the third is good on drums, but only when played fast. Otherwise the first might be better ? Don't think there's a fixed timing setting that works on everything. I'd be interested in program material, but then again, the original it's based on isn't cherished for that, AFAIK.

Anyway, either the stock unit is a magic one-trick pony, and it does that trick fantastically, or it works well on many differently enough materials to be satisfying -- no matter it's cheap as a unit. Trying Kenetec cells sounds legitimate to get closer to the original. I do believe a lot of testing and experience went into those replacement cells.

For now, however, personally, I'd be more interested in S/N, sweep, THD and IMD measurements.

The Party Pooper ;)