so happy that a few of you chimed in about this. after spending a couple of hours on it, I felt like I was beginning to lose perspective.
Thanks for doing this comparison!
I have to admit that the differences were more subtle than I had been expecting.
I think the most significant positive change definitely came from adding the T4B B Oto attenuator & replacing the big yellow capacitor. I was not liking the attack or release speed of the stock opto attenuator at all.
That was one of the reasons why I bought the 2A-KT, I want to experiment with DIY T4b cells. I've had the needed components lying around for years, I'm curious to see what the differences are.
I noticed the least change from swapping out the EL 84.
That doesn't surprise me, because in the end the EL84 (or the original 6AQ5/EL90) only drives the fluorescent panel and therefore has no direct influence on the signal chain. The fluorescent panel will cancel out any differences in the tube before it, I think.
I got this one for 180€, trip to the lake and came back with the 2a-kt....
will also do the capacitor mods and I already have a IGS opto cell to switch.
Lucky you, congratulations!

180 was the best price at kleinanzeigen for a long time. I paid 220€.
I already have a IGS opto cell to switch.
I can't wait to see what you think of this change!
The Elephant in the room is the power supply, which injects HF garbage into the signal path. I plan to adress this with a mod.
Is it proven or an assumption? I've just finished a project with a switching power supply and it's relatively easy to combat the artifacts. I'll take a closer look when I'm back home.
Also, the trafos and gain staging might not be so great after all. There's a rundown of the Behringer KT Pultec "clone" at that shows them cutting corners (changing the gain structure in order to use weaker/cheaper trafos). Something similar might be the case wrt to their LA-2A clone as well.
I'm not sure whether all the findings about the Pultec Clone can be transferred to the 2A-KT. For me, this is the weakest device in the Klark Teknik Clone series. The Opto Compressor has a nice sound signature to my ears even without compression (the transformers can't be that bad), but I can't say anything about gain staging yet.
I certainly noticed that the gain structure was quite different than our stock LA2A.
I had to crank the gain knob much higher as well as the peak reduction knob to match; so they did not spend much focus in creating similar gain structure.
Ok, I see. I've also heard some people say that the original would have "too much gain" if they integrated it into a digital setup. But I have no experience with that...
That being said, I’m still pretty happy with my $500 compressor.
In the 90s, we would have sold our mothers for a device like this.
I’ve done some blind tests here in the studio with clients and honestly, nobody was able to discern a justifiable difference (between price points) and if they could hear a difference, they guessed it wrong every time.