Nice build Davo, and thanks for the wiring diagram.
Well, I had a bit of time this morning to mess around with it, new shorter and shielded wire, and it´s all the same.
I noticed the meter was wired wrong, changed it and works bad, so it could be a way to follow, maybe all the meter switch is bad wired. The Needle go backwards in GR Mode, and no output measured, also, when it "worked" (wired theorycally bad) I noticed that in 4:1 ratio, at mid Threshold positions the needle goes up with the level, no compression at all, and the needle looks like measuring output.... crazy for me
The Ic2 gets a bit hot with 2:1 Ratio, but not burning or smelling, I´ll buy one new this afternoon, maybe it´s damaged...
And, one (maybe) silly question... I just installed one vactrol, relating to the pdf by lunytune, is it ok or totally wrong?
Your meter states that it is a VU meter with rectification, so that shouldn't be the issue. What level are you sending your audio in at? Are you using a test tone from a DAW?
Well, right now I´m feeding it with an ipod, waiting for medium functionallity before bringing it t the studio for making formal test.
Gain reduction. Have you adjusted the ratio trimmer? Also, have you setup your VU meter tracking? The 2:1 ratio should bring on massive GR. I would double check how you have connected the poles on your ratio switch. On a 2 x 6 lorlin, pin 7 is not connected to anything in 2:1 IIRC.
I adjust it to get the needle in zero with no audio, but as soon as I move the ratio switch it goes to -10 (in lower ratios), and when the audio is passing, it goes to +3 and then it goes down from there.
I don't have the schematic in front of me, but the VU meter is strapped across the output for measuring the output level. If it's not showing level, than it is not connected properly, the meter measurement is outside the usable range, or the meter is not actually rectified in which case the datasheet is a big fat liar.
Well, I´ll look deeply at the schematics today, but more I check the schematics, more I think it´s ok.
I can hear clearly how the volume goes up whith 2:1 ratio, just the opposite of expected... great!
This was a hard weekend for me, and now I´m a bit dicouraged with this, so I think I wil wait a few days before going back to it, for refresh my mind a bit, I got some other projects ready for work on them, maybe it´s time to start them....
Ideas, suggestions?
And, lot of thanks for your time, guys. I´m pleased.