dogma said:
Sheez I didn't think asking to assist the designer, manufacturer in trying to source a cheap off the shelf psu - I was tring to help the community as well as help igor.
In this case (and many others), the designer/manufacturer has decided to give purchasers the freedom of choosing their own PSU. This is done for a few reasons, some of which are:
- Cost-- in purchasing the product (especially one with as low of a current draw as this one), you won't also be paying for a PSU you may not need. Which brings me to the next reason, which is...
- Necessity (or lack thereof)-- if you don't need a power supply, it's probably because you already have a ±24V power supply sitting around with 80 mA to spare. And you may have built/bought this PSU based on a strong...
- Preference-- As evidenced earlier in this thread, some people have some strongly held opinions regarding the operating principle of the power supply itself (i.e. linear vs. switch-mode).
dogma said:
I'm very green, don't know the rules or etiquette, obviously I've "offended" some by my noobishness. I'm still going to post on here if I find anything relevant.
The reason why some feathers were ruffled is mainly due to the fact that on information-oriented forums such as this, it is considered bad etiquette to ask questions which can easily be answered by Google-ing. Otherwise, the forum would be choked with threads full of questions that were answered in previous threads.
In this case, the designer/manufacturer had already provided the "exact specs" (i.e. "what to search for") on the product's web page. Taking this info and putting it into Google would have provided many options for ±24V power supplies, from sites like Rod Elliott's which will provide you with a schematic and a complete breakdown of the operational theory behind the circuit, to discussions on this very forum from members in the same position as you are but when the forum was much younger and the question had yet to be asked a million times, to sites selling ready-made PSUs which would put some of the prices you've been seeing into better perspective.
We all have to start somewhere, and I've certainly run across some of my old questions on this forum that seem pretty obvious to me now but which I could not have resolved on my own due to some key fragment of missing knowledge. But in all those cases, I pretty thoroughly searched for the answers on this site and the web as a whole. When you get stumped, we're here for you, but we don't want to hold your hand. For example, if you had done some searching based on the designer/manufacturer's specs, but you weren't finding many affordable audio-appropriate PSUs at 80 mA, it would not have been considered uncouth to ask for further suggestions after outlining your efforts (at that point someone might recommend dropping the current spec from your search terms, as most PSUs have way more than that already, and too much current capacity will not hurt the equipment being powered).
So please, keep posting, but use the search bar first!
dogma said:
There are ,any people for whom this rack would be perfect - including me as I need a couple more channels.
While the need for this eludes me, I think the need is evidenced by the fact that no one has brought up this price-per-module issue before (or asked something like, "Why would anyone want this?").