Multi-Pole In-Line Connectors?

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2004

Is there such a thing as a 'slim line' multi-pole in-line connector (rectangular,10-20 pins), as opposed to an in-line connector that mates exclusively with a chassis-mount or PCB-mount connector?

I have seen - on vintage equipment - in-line connectors akin to D-sub connectors. However, they were plastic, so didn't have the weight of a d-sub. Something like this (i.e. lightweight) would be ideal.

This is for the purpose of signal distribution in a mixer (will keep to Faston for pwr and GND). Currently a lot of KK connectors are used for each PCB. However, if the mixer needs servicing, it's a total PITA to disconnect every KK. The whole thing is line-level / low impedance, so I don't think there should be x-talk issues if I consolidate the KKs into looms + multi-pole connectors.

Thanks in advance.

BTW - for example, something like a hard-drive connector (the Molex type), but with more pins, gold plating and better / ruggedness reliability over in / out cycles would be ideal. 
Molex or similar PCB headers with push on connectors are pretty widely used in mixers. Insulation displacement ribbon cable makes pretty convenient mixer buses.  You can interleave grounds between sensitive buses.


The mixer currently has a bunch of Molex KK connectors on separate PCBs that enable other PCB assemblies (an 'assembly' being a bunch of PCBs on one frame) to interface. I'm hoping to lose the KKs by hard-wiring to the PCBs, creating a 'loom' which attaches to an inline multi-pole connector. This connector will then have a reciprocal inline connector, with its loom going to the other 'frame' section of the mixer. The idea is to consolidate a bunch of Molex into one inline connector, which will hopefully also be more rugged. If the mixer needs servicing I only have to disconnect a couple of inline connectors, instead of going around the houses popping off Molexs.

The only suitable inline connector I've found so far today goes up to 7 pins, which would mean 4 or 5 between each frame. It's better than loads of Molex and - crucially - tougher, but not ideal.
