When i recorded the demos of a band a few weeks ago, i had to admit: I need more space in my basement studio ! So i decided that my console needs a new home.
It's a Peavey AMR 2400 36 channel 24 busses Splitconsole with 48 Monitorchannels (In mixdown max. 84 channels). 4 Band fullparametric eq, 4 effect and 4 aux sends in every channel. In the monitorchannels you find each 2 aux and effectsends. This console was designed by Peavey as an answer to SSL, but i think, there was the wrong name on it for success. The preamps sound similar ty my DIY SSLs and the eqs are unspectacular workhorses.
From DIY point of view this console is ideal: Everythink is build discret with standard easy to get parts. Ther are a lot of modding possibilities. For spare parts i bought an 800 console without frame some years ago. So you get channelstrips, monitor channels en masse and a second psu and second mastersection.
The have already recappt 36 input channels and the master section. The capacitors for the rest are included (Panasonic FC). Also included is the stand with two 19 " Racks, 6 Patchbays (Samson S-Patch Plus) and tons of high quality multicore (MTI -german broadcast quality). Of cource i have the schematics.
I think of 1300 Euro for the complete package or make an offer. If you want only the console without stands and Multicore, the price will be 900 Euro. I am also looking for preamps and mics, so maybe we can trade.
The console is located near Gütersloh, Germany and has a width of 2,40 m. If you want more infos, please ask me or inspect the console in my studio.
Here are some more pictures: