thanks for asking! I'm still in the race. Little bit stressy at the moment.
thanks for asking! I'm still in the race. Little bit stressy at the moment.
I personally only understood the word "BOM" =) So, all this means, you have to explain what you are trying to ask more clearly, because so far none of us can't understand what you mean, and therefore we are unable to help.Wich resistors are the "effect" one's... R23 and R41...?
In the BOM it's just R23 - 300 OHM / R41 - 1K2... ?
Which version of BOM are you using? The only thing I've noticed is that the 120R resistor on LIM_THR (Elma board) is missing in EVERY BOM out there... So, make sure you order that one, otherwise you're gonna be missing a position =)in the BOM it seems that I should use other values..
OKT3: Carnhill 9056 - people have reported it's working beautifully in the 33609...
There is a thought in the back of my mind that I'm not measuring stuff correctly... =) Apply sine that reads 0.775VAC at T2 PRI+ (measured to T2 GND). Then measure voltages with my VAC meter everywhere in reference to T2/T1/T3 GND and convert to dBu with something like this - http://www.sengpielaudio.com/calculator-db-volt.htm. Since I don't have any special tools I have to do it the long way: measure AC voltage, convert to dBu, etc... Bypass IN, everything else OUT (unless trying to calibrate LIM or COMP)... So in other words, when I read out dB ratios, it's always + to GND or - to GND anywhere, not both...
))UPDATE: Just took T1 out of the board, measured +5.4dB with pri/sec in series... When feeding -31dBu sine into it standalone I read around -25.5dBu on secondary... So all is good with the traffo... What else would cause it to drop an additional 6dB within itself when in the circuit??
Primary: pin2 to PRI+, pin3 to pin4 (CT), pin5 to PRI-, pin6 to GND
Secondary: pin7 to SEC+, pin8 to pin9 (CT), pin10 to SEC-, pin11 unused
how do you measure attack/release times/slopes with the scope?
That's strange...please more info.PS: Also, I'm getting a weird behavior when I switch the bypass OUT - the stereo image severely shifts (one channel louder than the other)... It wasn't that way when I was calibrating... hmm...
- R31 is 560R in the schematic but is labeled 680R on the board (see a couple of pages ago I mentioned it). This seems to be the resistor responsible for attack time. Correct me if I'm wrong though, but swapping it for 560R is going to make the attack FASTER?
- Limiter is where things start sounding really bad. The issue seems to be with the attack set to FAST. When it is at fast position everything sounds really distorted (horrible) especially in the low end. This seem to gradually disappear with increasing limiter recovery time. It is really pronounced and heavily distorted at 50 and 100ms settings, but starts to go away gradually at 200ms and up.
- with the attack switched to SLOW things sound somewhat grainy only at 50ms. The original 33609 I had over the weekend seemed to behave similarly in this scenario. When recovery switched to 100ms and up things sound smoother (normal).
I've checked R28 & R30 responsible for the attack selection on the limiter, they are both dead on 1k6 as specified. C14 is good too.
Clues/ideas? =)
:grin:UPD: Just swapped 6k8 for 24k on one of the channels - grainy stuff went away noticeably!!! Although I can still hear it it sounds more like the original 33609 in this aspect... Now I need to figure out the limiter section...
The unit is passing audio, but I'm having trouble with the metering during the diode bridge calibration (section 4).
I can get the outputs adjusted properly by:
* assigning a 0dB 1kHz sin wave to the input,
* setting the CV voltage to 3 volts,
* setting the master bypass to the 'in' position
* attaching an alligator clip from the +CV in on the PS board to the link pin on the main board, right next to BC184
* tweaking RV2 to get -8dB at the output
* then readjusting R6 on PS board to get -20dB at output
No matter what, though, the meter becomes pinned as soon as I attach the alligator clip.
I thought that the meter needed a 3K6 resistor (which it probably does, right?) which I added, but no change.
Any ideas?
Ladies and Gentlemen!
You see what happens!!!!! BTW, why, WHY Pat Metheny Secret Story(I think I passed point one on Igor's list. Put the right record on your turntable )
does not exists on vinyl?????? Ahhhhh....
All test proc is OK?My neve works.
:guinness: :sam: :guinness: :sam:
UPDATE: Ok, here is how the calibration goes:
When I calibrate RV5 to get -16dBu at the output with comp THD set to -20, then at THD set to 0 the output reads -1.2dBu...
When I calibrate RV5 to get -1dBu at the output with comp THD set to -2, then at THD set to 0 the output reads -0.2dBu... With the same RV5 position when I switch THD to -20, the output reads -14.14dBu... Would this be considered within normal behavior? Should I calibrate both boards like this? This seems to be the closest of both worlds (I mean a relatively okay balance between opposite THD settings)...
Depending on ratio.
Yes, this can be sometimes freaky point. BC441's have different beta's
etc. I prefer to adjust threshold by putting it to 0 and feeding 0db when it just starts to compress, than same with -20.
There is no way to accommodate every setting of the calibration to match the figures that are specified in the procedure...
Just get as close as possible. If compressor seems to have too high ratio
put 441's with lower beta. and vise versa.
Yes. See tolerances. In your case, adjust +4 for +3.7...this will compensate the drift.4.2
Applying +16.3dBu to the input. RV4 calibrates fine for +4dBu output at +4 THD. However the output level starts gradually drifting as I increase THD and by the time it's at +13 the output is 0.5dB off (reads +12.5dBu). Would this be normal?
Yes. You charging the cap' with less current (slower attack), so, nuffAlso, when I switch attack from FAST to SLOW, the +4dBu output increases by +0.14dB - is this okay or should the level stay unaffected?
Yap, answeredAnd then questions from my previous posts remain relevant:
- R31 is 560R in the schematic but is labeled 680R on the board (see a couple of pages ago I mentioned it). This seems to be the resistor responsible for attack time. Correct me if I'm wrong though, but swapping it for 560R is going to make the attack FASTER?
I think I'm very close to have solved all of the issues with my unit
Thank you, I think there'll be some people who will ask same questions and....using "search" will find the answers
Good luck!
BTW, why, WHY Pat Metheny Secret Story
does not exists on vinyl?????? Ahhhhh....
I copy-pasted everything from original old schemo.
And yes, 560r/680r, or 6k8/24k issues.
No, I meant the difference beetween schematics, right one isI didn't entirely get that... Those are the compressor section issues, I don't think they relate to the limiter section... I don't know what the next step should be to get rid of the limiter distortion/graininess...
Hey guys can someone please help me with my transformer problem...
I have here 2 x LO2567, 2 x LI 10468 and 2 x LI 10368
is it possible to
1.) use the 10368 instead of the 31267 for interstage
With some riscue. 1173 used in +8 db connection.2.) use the LO2567 instead of the L1173 for output?
Does it make sense, I mean would you recommend this, or should I better buy the right ones?
AND, how to connect them all?