CBE pinout printed on every transistor on PCB, except BC441.
Check BA340 point by point, maybe there's wrong resistor, reversed polarity diode,
or BC441 swaped with BC461. Check every transistor with multimeter on "diode" range.
This way you can know btw if the transistor's pinout correct (ebc or bce).
There's parts for using JE990 type opamp, with suffix "J". They printed on back side of PCB
and not installed with BA340.
Transistors from Farnell (sorry, Mouser is problem in Israel
BA340 works fine on quescient current 6-15 mA without heatsinks.
Connecting BA340 with wires... Dunno. I suppose it will not oscillate with 50-60 mm wires, but why not
take the standard pins from IC socket and solder it to PCB.... Take IC socket and cutter, cut plastic...done.