Unless your console channel aux modules have been modified, they have no active electronics, just routing buttons. The paddle mute on the channels are after the last buffer on the 2038, so muting every channel will most likely eliminate them as the issue. Is the noise on both sides? If so, that would be a head scratcher. There is a 990 summing amp, then the insert send and fader which returns to another 990 driving an output transformer. If it were in that first buffer, a bad 990 or surrounding component, it would probably be on one side. If it's only pre insert, that probably rules out a leaky supply filter cap on that card. (In my desk they are on the same card). My 2 mix summing/output is the leftmost module in 'the penthouse' of the center section. Sometimes it's as simple as a reseat because ground or B+ is struggling fo current through a bad connection. Every A-range is different and has been bastardized by random techs multiple times over the years. I have lots of drawings at the shop.