Recommend some good outboard to build?

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Aug 25, 2015
Hi everyone,  -  kinda new here, although maybe some know me from gs/mw, and thought it might be a better post in here, didnt want to make loads of threads in different places, this seems to be the best 'general' board...

I have a friend who is good at diy, and he's  moving into doing it professionally. I know he can work with tubes and has built a lot of things.

My only diy outboard I own is an ssl4000 comp which I love, and im after as many cool things that I can get my hands on. Particularly anything with great character, gnarly drive, musical sound, and thick weight.

I make electronic music, from drum & bass to electronica, techno, acid, ambient, everything really. - my sound is nearly there, but still not quite - ive got surgical EQ on the mixer so that part is good, I need musical and excitement..

Theres loads and loads of questions I want to ask about possible things to build

thanks for any help,  :)

rasseru said:
cool thing
great character
gnarly drive
musical sound
thick weight.
need musical and excitement..

For your needs I recommend you the 1176 compressor, Revision A or Revision D
To be honest all revision are good

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